City - Guanajuato State - GUANAJUATO Country - Mexico
Coming from a cloistered Church of England background, for me it's amazing to witness the liberty Roman Catholic pastors revel in, in countries like Mexico. As usual, a strong sense of colour. And whatever one's feelings about taste (and proud "nationalist" sentiments as expressed here) this church is full of the faithful every day, as are most churches in this nation. Can we all say the same?
The altarpiece here depicts "Our Lady of Guadalupe" - a highly-revered figure in Christian Latin America.
I wouldn't have been able to resist this scene either. A fantastical story surely needs a garish visual display to represent it, though this is surely one of the most garish I've ever seen. I remember going to Knock in Ireland though and seeing little plastic statues of Jesus for sale where you could open the back, pop in an AA battery and his halo would light up and flash. It doesn't come any kitscher than that! Regards, Gary