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Image Title:  sweetness
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 By: beppe battello  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer beppe battello  beppe battello {Karma:242}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon 40d
Categories Weddings
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 70-200 f/4
Uploaded 6/20/2009 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 405 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 9 Rating
/ 1 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Italy   Italy
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There are 9 Comments in 1 Pages
Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 7/13/2009
Now I understand...Light Room has many interesting features. It does give the couple a luminous quality. I assume they were a good bit darker before you used it, because of the backlight coming through her veil. Excellent technique.

Cheers, Leora


beppe battello beppe battello   {K:242} 7/13/2009
....absolutely all with light room ;)


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 7/13/2009
Thank you, Beppe, for that lovely explanation. I dont know if you are talking about darkroom techniques or lighting techniques, but I am sure of the last 3 words, "your friend Beppe". It all sounds nice in Italian.


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 7/13/2009
Thank you, Beppe, for that lovely explanation. I dont know if you are talking about darkroom techniques or lighting techniques, but I am sure of the last 3 words, "your friend Beppe". It all sounds nice in Italian.


beppe battello beppe battello   {K:242} 7/12/2009
per farti dispetto ti scrivo in italiano così togli un pò di ruggine d questo linguaggio. ;)
..esatto, è stato fatto un doppio lavoro, il primo sulla vignettatura così da concentrare lo sguardo sulla coppia, il secondo è un lavoro sull'esposizione della coppia stessa per avere una luce a spot che può sembrare come luce flash ma, come già dicevo, non è stato utilizzato
tuo amico beppe


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 7/11/2009
Hi Beppe, thanks for the explanation in English. My Italian is very rusty. In fact when I was in Italy, I got on quite well with my Spanish.

So, I am glad you like the presentation, but I am not clear on p.w. Does that mean you used something like PhotoShop to give a spotlight effect on the couple or burn in the vignette? That would explain why light did not spill into the background area.

Your friend, Leora


beppe battello beppe battello   {K:242} 7/11/2009
thank you Leora :) i like your version with the approached couple. it's good your job of cut and opening of shadows, a valid alternative photo.
only a precise statement, in this photo flash has not been used but was simply a reconstruction in p.w.


Leora Long Leora Long   {K:11135} 7/11/2009
Dear, Beppe. Welcome to usefilm.

Congratulations on this quite original photo - a sweet. intimate moment I have just rated 7.

I can suggest a few changes I might make to soften the effect of the flash and to reposition the couple.

I played with opening the heavy shadows from the vignetting of the flash and with cropping to remove some of the darkened structure that was distracting to me while bringing the couple a little closer and off of center.

Maybe it is better to show you the result. I hope this is helpful.

Best regards, Leora


rory rory rory rory   {K:1840} 6/21/2009
Bella foto Beppe. Bello il bianco e nero e il momento che hai fermato. Ciao.. Rory




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