Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 6/4/2009
Yo la hubiera titulado "la torre de babel"...;-)
Un abrazo!
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 6/3/2009
I like the persective and the clouds.. nice work
Milena G
{K:1098} 6/2/2009
wow...vwry moody one ...well composed and taken...nice mono work.. Milena
Ania Blazejewska
{K:23981} 5/29/2009
excellent in b&w, great misty mood!
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 5/28/2009
Like the angle so much Regards, Gary
M. Bi
{K:3646} 5/28/2009
Awesome shot! Regards
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 5/28/2009
An interesting perspective.
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 5/28/2009
Marvelous evocative shot.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 5/28/2009
You do have a twisted view of the world...but in a good way!
Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 5/28/2009
Another nice shot here, I now think I know why I like the flag one so much. in this shot everything is one the same plane of angle. The flag one of course has the flag breaking that up. I think this shot has too much leading my eye straight out of the shot, makes me miss the shot. The flag one I find my eye gets caught in the shot so I can explore the shot more. I hope you understand what I am saying
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 5/27/2009
wow i love thid perspective from Boston!!! cool city
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 5/27/2009
fine shot, Saad.
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 5/27/2009
Subtle B/W toning and dynamic although not altogether original composition.I hope you managed to recover your photos from the failed disk.I had a similar experience once and now copy eveything onto a couple of external hard drives.I managed to recover almost all of the material.I do hope you have too! Un abrazo, Tony
Supriyo R. Sarkar
{K:7582} 5/27/2009
Interesting perspective. spectacular shot dear.