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 By: zosia zija  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer zosia zija  zosia zija {Karma:11106}
Project N/A Camera Model hasselblad fcw
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 80 mm 2.8
Uploaded 6/3/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 13294 Shutter
Favorites 49  Aperture f/0
Critiques 175 Rating
/ 105 Ratings
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About ... there are stories, which are untold...
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dream time




There are 175 Comments in 1 Pages
Maja Š Maja Š   {K:17951} 7/10/2007
perfect shot..masterwork!!
stay beautiful


Claudio Mejias Claudio Mejias   {K:4278} 6/10/2006


whoiswho t whoiswho t   {K:10700} 11/27/2005


Kuba Kaminski Kuba Kaminski   {K:53} 5/31/2005
swietne, coz mowic;)


MUJAHID AWAIS   {K:1703} 4/9/2005
Very Good Creatve Image. Beautiful monochrome work.


esat YILMAZ   {K:83} 3/21/2005
nice contrast...7/7


David Hofmann   {K:22223} 1/21/2005
excelent work. It tells a story!


Gaja Snover   {K:4462} 12/13/2004
Wow! This is gorgeous. I am definitely adding it to my favorites! The lighting is fantastic. It's such a beautiful and interesting photo. Thanks for your comments on my images.


Kristyna Mojescikova   {K:555} 12/9/2004
Perfect work! I love it much!


Joannès Ceyrat   {K:877} 10/22/2004
I did not knew it before ! Just beautiful and strong !


Andrea Falqui Andrea Falqui   {K:5787} 9/18/2004
One of the best images I could see...


James Bambery   {K:13421} 9/10/2004
I love it Zosia, wonderful photo.

Jim Bambery


Ameet Mallapur   {K:1575} 6/24/2004
those clouds, his face, the vein on his hand thats holding his jacket, and that tree!!!!
Simply Fantastic!!!!!


Bea Friedli   {K:10189} 6/10/2004
bravo ! excellent


James Lee James Lee   {K:4790} 6/10/2004
Surreal. Love the sky. Works superbly in mono.


trish reda   {K:82} 5/3/2004
perfect as usual


luis pereira luis pereira   {K:26013} 4/30/2004
When I look at your work 2 things come to my mind!!! Should I try to get better or just quit???


bahadir soylemez   {K:1009} 4/4/2004
very interesting image.


bahadir s.


Helmut Schadt Helmut Schadt   {K:780} 3/13/2004
a gem of your excellent work!
just came new here from and happy to find you here too. hope you will show more, but i understand it's a matter of time too.
kind regards, helmut


Richard Marriner   {K:6657} 3/7/2004
It's strange that I've overlooked this gem for a comment so far. The photo really has an uncommon beauty and emotional appeal. I printed it out (with a few others) to show my photography class the other day and they agreed - they also thought I took some great photos on my recent holiday in Poland! lol ;-))


nelson d'aires   {K:155} 2/16/2004
i remenber so well this photo! favorite


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 2/13/2004


elias leisring   {K:37} 2/12/2004
is this just the negative


Shellie Armitstead   {K:9} 1/18/2004
great photo.... wondering if I can have your permission to Paint it in the future ? thank you.


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 12/29/2003
Congratulations for editor's choice.
Happy New Year!


Ramiro    {K:136} 12/29/2003
Beautiful work, Zosia.
Many congratulations.


a Z a Z   {K:290} 12/29/2003
Fantastic !!!


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 12/29/2003
Congratulations being Editors Choice Zosia....Best regards Harry


Paolo Cardone Paolo Cardone   {K:1161} 12/29/2003
Very beautifull image and a good work in darkroom.
Happy new year, Zosia!


Chantal l Derrier   {K:34} 12/29/2003


marcin klepacki   {K:944} 12/29/2003
nonono :)


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 12/29/2003
thanks to all.
Ciprian: south ? eastrly poland :)


Witold Spisz   {K:1293} 12/29/2003
Zosia :) brawo. Lubie Twoje zdjêcia:)


Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 12/29/2003
This is a great photograph and makes me feel very nostalgic. Reminds me very much of my home town. Where was this taken?


Hanife Tunali   {K:487} 12/29/2003
woow!very good works zosia!cong..


osama esid   {K:-50} 12/29/2003


B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/29/2003
Bravoooooooooooooo!!! Bravo Zosia.


Stefano Angeli   {K:37} 12/12/2003
Simply perfect... awesome! Great job.


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 11/26/2003
let me join everyone else :) excellent photo.. love the lighting and contrast


Rob Holschbach Rob Holschbach   {K:2748} 11/26/2003
Very effect doding! Really complements the man!
Regards, Rob


Kam Broumand   {K:-82} 11/26/2003
WOW! amazing... great job....


S E   {K:101} 11/26/2003
***** :-)


Carlos Brando   {K:4637} 11/26/2003
excelente imagem. parabéns!


James van Bellen   {K:3} 11/26/2003
Masterwork, well done, excellent tone ranges!!!!!!
Bye James van Bellen


Brian T. Ach   {K:1742} 11/26/2003
My god look at that detail!


Jan Kruml   {K:379} 11/26/2003
Very well done.


Roberto    {K:30} 11/26/2003
Magic by zosia!


rami rami   {K:2201} 11/26/2003


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 11/26/2003
Great composition, lighting and tones. Wonderful expression on the man's face. The only small distraction are the electricity wires growing out of the man's right shoulder and head....Best regards Harry


Dan Samoila   {K:715} 11/26/2003
It's absolutely amazing what are you doing with simple subjects like this. All my respect and admiration!


Muzaffer KURTOGLU   {K:4149} 11/19/2003
Excelent shot, excelent frame. Detail and color balance very nice. Regards.


Uwe Noelke   {K:277} 11/15/2003
perfect light and moment. nice composition.


Luke Luther   {K:14693} 11/13/2003
Zosia...this may be the most perfect photo i have seen lately. you have already read the lauds and praises of better photographers, but i have to join the cacophony who admire that special light in this photo.


Can CETIN Can CETIN   {K:1989} 10/27/2003
Only; excelent...


sandy c. hopkins   {K:17107} 10/13/2003
makes me wish he was my grandpa..
i would take him home and take good care of him...

a little late for congrats...but congrats!!

you are truly gifted..


l.k    {K:32} 9/11/2003
OH,my english very very bad:)


l.k    {K:32} 9/10/2003
hello,you photo very good!
I from china,i can association with you?


Serkan Eris   {K:743} 9/1/2003
excellent work best photo i have seen at usefilm


Andreas Karlsson   {K:156} 8/31/2003
Noxious on my soul. I rise up. I?m reborn. Theres more fore me to learn now. More than ever before


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 8/29/2003
in my favorites.. strange???

sorry...but why the negative karma???


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 8/29/2003
excellent gift for the friends... excellent composition...
fantastic effects fantastic shot and fantastic subject.. very very "old-effects"!
great deep background in contrast for the light in the man!!!
compliments for the award.. To soon friend...


Lissa Hatcher   {K:3006} 8/19/2003
WOW WOW WOW again your tones blow me away .... This image is wonderful and will be on my favorits as of NOW >>>> Thanks for sharing


Javed Rassi Javed Rassi   {K:8223} 8/18/2003
Excellent photo, my all time favorite.


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 8/18/2003
wowwwwww this is the highest rating I have ever seen! well deserved too!!!


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 7/27/2003


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 7/27/2003
Excellent work. Congrats!
Regards, Hayri.


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 7/27/2003
Fantastic portrait, Zosia! Wonderful composition, definition and contrast. Just perfect! Regards ..... Lucas
PS: Congrats for the deserved "Editor's Choice".


Dan Bachmann   {K:931} 7/27/2003
Wonderful image! The slight smile holds it all in place. Good exposure on the sky which doesn't dictate the picture, though poetically says, "there is something behind me, something in the past" which incorporates your caption. Nice touch with the film negative number in the scan. I'll be looking forward to looking at more of your images for inspiration.


Ursula I Abresch   {K:6515} 7/27/2003
Wonderful picture, Zosia. Some day I hope to be able to take pictures like this one. Congratulations,



Detlef Nerstheimer   {K:74} 7/27/2003
great, very good work!


Wallace Rollins   {K:149} 7/27/2003
Powerful!! Leaves me speechless! Congratulations on the well-deserved Editor's Choice award.


Lisa Paully   {K:1735} 7/27/2003
amazing zosia!


Kaj Nielsen   {K:15279} 7/27/2003
Congratulations, Zosia. Wonderful foto, excellent compocition, excellent light and contrast in this beauty. Regards Kaj Nielsen


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 7/27/2003
editor's choice!!!!!!!


Clif Wright   {K:-213} 7/16/2003
My first look at your work and I have to say: WOW! Very nice. Rich, rich tones. I really like your portrait work. Keep up the fine work.


Roger Cotgreave   {K:15892} 7/15/2003


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 7/11/2003
wonderful, dramatic capture. Well seen and executed. Moody, mysterious blend of imagery.


Carla Pires   {K:10713} 7/10/2003
JUST.... EXCELLENT!!!!!......;)


Siddharth Siva   {K:3327} 7/6/2003
wonderful wonderful portrait!


John Hatziemmanouil   {K:40580} 7/6/2003
Simple stunning!


Deleted User   {K:4318} 7/5/2003


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 7/3/2003
thanks to all :)


Al Ungar   {K:4626} 7/2/2003
Really good!


Mattias Holgersson   {K:38} 6/28/2003
Absolutely brilliant! The man, the sky , the street, his hand, wonderful tones and light. Don't change anything! It's great!


Özgür Gökberi   {K:134} 6/27/2003


samson samson   {K:999} 6/24/2003
wow this sucks, haha this is one of the best pictures i've seen on this site by far, unbelievable(is that spelt right) oh well anyways this is veddy veddy good.


Christian Wettergren   {K:1333} 6/24/2003
I get a headache from this fabulous excellent picture. What to say? This image really baffles me and stumbles me. Top top quality, yet so naturally simple and relaxed.

I think I'd better be quiet?


Ulf Fågelhammar   {K:10975} 6/24/2003
A brilliant example of how to use shadows. Great photo.


nathan clarke   {K:772} 6/24/2003
incredible the lighting is great really highlights the character.Do you manipulate the light in anyway or is that as it was. Like it


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 6/18/2003


Susan Gardner   {K:3} 6/18/2003
so beautiful it's almost surrealistic


gianna piano   {K:15530} 6/17/2003
...tell us others, please.


Anders Blomqvist   {K:1887} 6/14/2003
It's a great pleasure to take part of your work, Zosia. The tonal range and the compositions are excellent, but more important, the pictures are communicating and are telling a story. The Old Man is such a good example of that. Excellent!


Zelda Zabrinsky Zelda Zabrinsky   {K:3036} 6/14/2003


jerome B   {K:465} 6/13/2003
I don't know what to say...juste all your work.


GP Merfeld   {K:14396} 6/10/2003
A masterpiece of visual poetry... Absolute perfection. What an inspiration to all of us.... Thank you Zosia, for showing us the way...;-))


pepita blu   {K:5935} 6/10/2003


Maurizio Massetti Maurizio Massetti   {K:30463} 6/9/2003
... there are stories, which are untold...
But here you told us a very long and sad story! Congrats. MM.


vicky ego   {K:1423} 6/9/2003


m.c. lopez   {K:14766} 6/8/2003
Great light, great sky, great old man (not so old) !!! At the top of your top !


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 6/8/2003
Jonathan... i have acrophobia ;)))


Nuccio Mangano   {K:1242} 6/7/2003
wonderful work!!!


Stefan Rohner   {K:4200} 6/7/2003


Evy Johansen   {K:667} 6/6/2003
Wow - wonderful image, Zosia! Congratulations!


Jonathan Kane   {K:10641} 6/6/2003
Zosia.... You have just achieved goddess status with me. I am building an altar to you in my backyard.


Mike Marcotte   {K:3948} 6/6/2003
Bert Dude puts it best. As far as I'm concerned, this is a good & pure photograph. We've all seen people like this & felt something one way or another.
What makew it more interesting is the light coming through in scattered areas. Warming some parts of the image & leaving the otheres cool. This photo had a good feel.


Ioan Ciobotaru   {K:196} 6/6/2003


Antonio Martins   {K:401} 6/6/2003
Impressionante trabalho com as tonalidades de cinza. Dramaticidade e ambientação perfeitas.


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 6/6/2003


Alan Mead   {K:2020} 6/6/2003
Professional 'au bout'!. But Oh those wires.
Alan Mead.


Kim Dodge   {K:109} 6/6/2003
Great shot, I especially love the lighting. Congrats


Irenka Daniluk Irenka Daniluk   {K:8011} 6/6/2003
Excellent picture. Simple and moving.


Michael Grace-Martin   {K:10183} 6/6/2003
Wonderful character capture! Apparently this is a scan, and the only thing I'd change about the scanned image presented here would be increasing the brightness and contrast a bit (e.g., see attached). Congrats on a fine shot..:)


Alpha Centauri   {K:754} 6/6/2003


Walter Iglesias   {K:533} 6/6/2003
nice shot, I kindly suggest it would be good to remove in PS the cable behind the gentelman head.
Best Regards,


Marco Brivio Marco Brivio   {K:14339} 6/6/2003
A fantastic B/W


ahmed lotfy   {K:1487} 6/6/2003
Very nice work, regards,ahmed.


João Magalhães João Magalhães   {K:2067} 6/6/2003
Definitely one of your best.


Bert Dude   {K:16} 6/6/2003
Forget the quality of the workmanship (BTW which is superb), and enjoy this photo for what photography is all about.. the emotions and feelings that an artist wants to convey... and this has it all... I can't help but feel this photograph when i look at it...


Przemyslaw Piwowar   {K:136} 6/6/2003
Doskonale... juz dawno stwierdzilem, ze do jedna z lepszych prac jakie kiedykolwiek widzialem. GRATULUJE po raz kolejny :)


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 6/6/2003
Superb!! Wonderful Black and White. So very well done. Such feeling. (bowing) Thank you for sharing your works.


lucio gelsi   {K:102} 6/6/2003
Hi , i was away for a little,
but no surprise on your side. every pics is always wonderfull !!!!


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 6/6/2003
Hey Zosia,I'm very happy to see this one as the Photo of the Day.My best regards,Hakan


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 6/6/2003
My jaw hit the keyboard when I saw this wonderful image. I don't know this man's story is, but the whole image smiles from the inside out.


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 6/6/2003
thank you for all comments.


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 6/6/2003
i love your heavy skyes!!


Steve Mark   {K:45} 6/6/2003
A True Lesson In Perfection!!


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 6/6/2003
Eccellente fotografia, ottimo lavoro!!!!


Felipe Rodríguez   {K:9200} 6/6/2003
This was one of my favorite pictures in phsig, and of course here.


ilan Amihai   {K:1835} 6/6/2003


Kerry Keays   {K:126} 6/6/2003
Menacing and engrossing...nice one.


Maria Raacke   {K:550} 6/6/2003
Impressing work,one of those photos that you like to look at again and again and feel.Not much more to add.Simply perfect.


enzo p   {K:3} 6/6/2003
Brava, molto brava Zosia. From your friends in Stockholm. Congratulations for the photo of the day award. Your are the best.
Enzo & Luca **


Mário Sousa   {K:16985} 6/6/2003


Tomasz Mazur   {K:595} 6/6/2003
takie ...spokojne
i takie ... polskie


William Ash   {K:443} 6/6/2003
Beautiful. Great range of tones. I'm glad you are not afraid of deep shadows. It's a pity about the car on the road.


lowell whipple girbes   {K:13151} 6/5/2003
excellent !!!!


Arthur Z   {K:5328} 6/4/2003
Zosia....can you mail me some of those wonderful clouds please??! :)) What a wonderful inner light your photographs have...and do your subjects know how you're immortalizing them?


Elin M   {K:842} 6/4/2003
Your works are just truly amazing!

You must never stop photografing!!!


João Figueiredo   {K:7674} 6/4/2003


John Doe   {K:155} 6/4/2003
Your portraits are outstanding. Very original and compelling. This is one of my favorites. Nice work!


Bernt Carlzon   {K:554} 6/4/2003
Zosia: Master photographer and master in the darkroom!
Amazing capture...


carlos marques   {K:1422} 6/4/2003
of course there are!


John Strazza   {K:11535} 6/4/2003


Franck Dormoy   {K:997} 6/4/2003
maybe one of your best photo... (the unspoken words)


Ali Jabbar   {K:519} 6/4/2003
great photo as your all photos


Val .   {K:4973} 6/4/2003


Peter Burda Peter Burda   {K:4807} 6/4/2003
I love clouds on your photos :-))


Look @   {K:2127} 6/3/2003
Do you see what happen following the suggestion of a dumb? **


j w   {K:12641} 6/3/2003
You continue to amaze and inspire me, Zosia!I agree, your trademark tones are fabulous, your eye's always perfect, and you just make magic!


Marc Robin   {K:3385} 6/3/2003
Absolutely amazing. Did you have to do much dodging and burning for this? it seems like it. Masterfully done.


Tomo Radovanovic   {K:12788} 6/3/2003


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 6/3/2003
Hi Zosia,once again you showed that you're truly a master photographer.This is an excellent shot.My best regards,Hakan


Nita M   {K:4986} 6/3/2003
Good work.


Paco Ferrer   {K:8586} 6/3/2003
Very Dramatic mood well suited to the subject.


Andreas Wolkerstorfer   {K:5090} 6/3/2003
this result is so perfect that it gets surreal - the best had to come here, too :)


Olivia Viveros   {K:1737} 6/3/2003
Such a dramatic scenery and character. Your photos depict better than real life stories, always with style and substance. Beautiful work...


Roland Le Gall   {K:7018} 6/3/2003
Fantastic...Very strong picture...I love your "about" too....


Giuseppe Sinopoli   {K:1342} 6/3/2003
Fantastic job, like it very much. Strong !!!


Roberto Beccia   {K:993} 6/3/2003
Excellent shot


Tiro Leander   {K:19060} 6/3/2003
wow, brilliant!.. a strong picture!!


Marek Krol   {K:9791} 6/3/2003
Piekne. Jedyny moj zal o tym zdjeciu to wmiare 'nowoczesny' polonez (wiem karoseria z 70ych) w tle, jakis duzy fiat by mniej wplywal na kompozycje. Aczkolwiek dodatek na drodze dobrze robi - daje jakis kontrast pomiedzy spokojem starszego pana, a predkoscia zycia ktorego juz nie zna.


Marcin Gorski   {K:12388} 6/3/2003
moj "Twoj" nr 1, pozwolisz, ze znow zawedruje do ulubionych :-) Pozdrawiam serdecznie


^j^ .   {K:8554} 6/3/2003
Talking about stories..... Hehehe...
I just commented on the sea and now comes the old man !!!


Daniele Zini   {K:325} 6/3/2003
Oh my god!.....


Luis    {K:1445} 6/3/2003
Sencillamente extraordinario trabajo. Grandísmo B&N con exactos tonos y óptima iluminación. Enhorabuena y un abrazo.


Luca Pellegrino   {K:180} 6/3/2003
Congrats! Great details, great b/w tones...


José Eduardo Cruz   {K:13180} 6/3/2003
Splendid work in b&w. Regards


paola f. casali   {K:7301} 6/3/2003
!!!!!! Fantastic!!!!!!!!!


jean E marre   {K:1577} 6/3/2003
"... there are stories, which are untold..."

i want to hear the untold story of this pic. fantastic photograph, no doubt about it. the lighting is nice, it's well composed. good job!


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 6/3/2003


Marília Ferraz   {K:-4756} 6/3/2003
Fantastic Zozia. I know your portfolio already and each picture is a masterwork. This one is no exception. What you do with the tone ranges is unique, almost a trademark.
- Why do you have a negative Karma?


Luis Costa - Lucaz   {K:9205} 6/3/2003
Very nice work, regards!


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 6/3/2003
Excellent shot b/w!!
Bye Alberto


Mike Owens   {K:11} 6/3/2003
Great Photo - well done




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