Clive Carter
{K:8603} 8/29/2008
Arturo, this is a nice portrait but it is lacking in contrast. Here is an adjusted copy, hope you like it.

Alfredo Piñeyro
{K:6609} 8/28/2008
Muy buen trabajo, aunque quizas deberías haber desenfocado un poco más el fondo (DOF). De todos modos el resultado es optimo Saludos AP
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 8/28/2008
she's so cute, real nice natural smile and lady, perfect job Arturo... even if the focus is not perfect.
Nacho Garcia
{K:57} 8/28/2008
le da un aire misterioso a la foto que esté tan desenfocada la modelo, que está bien. Pero seguramente con un mejor foco, habría salido más guapa aún. Saludos.
hdw Photography
{K:6630} 8/28/2008
Lovely pose and model Arturo...just that the focus point is in the grass behind her head , instead of being in her eyes....always focus on eyes.Best wishes Hilton
hdw Photography
{K:6630} 8/28/2008
Lovely pose and model Arturo...just that the focus point is in the grass behind her head , instead of being in her eyes....always focus on eyes.Best wishes Hilton