Abdelrahman Elwassimy
{K:3707} 3/12/2008
nice shot mr.galal:) the composition and pattern is great!
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 2/17/2008
__________@@@@@@@___________@@@@_ __________@@@@@@@@_________@@@@@@ ________@@@________@@_____@@______@@ ________@@___________@@__@@________@@ ________@@____________@@@__________@@ __________@@______________________@@ ____@@@@@@______@@@@@______________@@@ __@@@@@@@@@____@@@@@@@@__________@@@ __@@___________@@@@@@@@@@______________@@ _@@____________@@@@@@@@@@@______________@@ _@@_____________@@@@@@@@@@______________@@ _@@@_____________@@@@@@@@______________@@@ __@@@@_____________@@@@@_____________@@@@ ____@@@@@@_______________________@@@@@@ _________@@_____________________@@ ________@@__________@@@@________@@@ ________@@@_______@@___@@_______@@@ _________@@@_____@@______@@_____@@@ __________@@@@@@@_________@@@@@ ___________@@@@@___________@@@@ ___________________@ ____________________@ _____________________@ ______________________@ ______________________@____@@@ ______________@@@@__@__@_____@ _____________@_______@@@___@@ ________________@@@____@__@@ _______________________@ ______________________@ ____________________@ ____________________@ ___________________@@@___________Very nice photo.
Asim Roy
{K:10051} 2/17/2008
very nice composition, love, asim
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 2/15/2008
love the symbolism here and your excellent composition...
Marco Amanzio
{K:1905} 2/14/2008
Grande scatto, tutte le tue foto sono bellissime e apprezzate come dimostramo i tanti commenti positivi. Hai una grande capacitŕ nel comporre e catturare il momento. Complimenti Ciao,Marco
aida allam
{K:2265} 2/14/2008
Nice shot with very good reflections,well done.......Aida
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 2/14/2008
Absolutely great composition, love the perfect deal with shadow, simple but excellent shot. Well done my dear friend! 7/7
Cheers, Robert
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/13/2008
wonderful!!!! a lovely composition!!! fiine colors and lighting!!!!! very well done dear Galal!!! bravo!! all the best MArian
John Hatz
{K:156973} 2/13/2008
Impressive shot, these unbrellas looks like sobreros! Excellent! be well!
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 2/13/2008
Almost minimal. Great shot dear galal.
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 2/13/2008
beautiful composition my friend galal!! every beuatiful thing on that beach are nicely shot!! regards, arif
wafaa Abu El diaa
{K:1532} 2/13/2008
nice composition and shadow
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 2/13/2008
Excellent composition and perfect exposure for that bright beach scene, Galal! Great light and shadow play! Dave.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 2/13/2008
Quite a lovely capture.:)
Robert Kilgore
{K:2218} 2/13/2008
Good detail in both shadow and highlights. Very appealing image.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 2/12/2008
Elegante y agradable composición. Felicitaciones!
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 2/12/2008
Love the composition, colours, details, footsteps on the send ... deep blue ... so very inviting and intriguing image with so very special mood dear Mr.Galal !!!! Excellent !!! Warm hug and regards, Srna
Ivonne *
{K:8711} 2/12/2008
simple and very good work. Nice composition and colours.. Ivi
Andrzej Karwowski
{K:268} 2/12/2008
I like the simple composition and colours. Congrats! Andy
ali saffetoglu
{K:3463} 2/12/2008
nice capture... well done .. ali