Lesley Silvia
{K:-66} 11/13/2003
Wow! I wouldn't have known what this was if you hadn't told me. Almost looks like penicilin (sp?) mold.
Karen Dove
{K:763} 6/10/2003
you make ordinary things so so beautiful you inspire me.
Terry Irwin
{K:979} 6/10/2003
I see the birth of the universe as the flow of water creates this fantastic tree trunk like image with its roots spreading out new life.
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 5/30/2003
Excellent bubble splash! Such great shot!!
Katie Ray
{K:1618} 5/14/2003
very cool and original!!!
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 5/14/2003
Excellent work, look beautiful......Regards Kaj Nielsen
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 5/14/2003
Very good!!!
Richard Moore
{K:486} 5/14/2003
Barry, Original way to see the mundane for more then it is. Nicely done
Rich M
Chris Mason
{K:238} 5/14/2003
What a great shot! Terrific originality and you captured the shot very nicely. Love the shot in B & W. Well done.
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 5/14/2003
Hi Barry: Lovely and artistic composition... My congratulatiosn for this good work. Best regards MEmar
Flavio Trindade
{K:1023} 5/14/2003
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 5/14/2003
Cool! Nice and interesting shot, creative! Very good in black and white, but I guess it would work really good even with a slight blue toning too!
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 5/14/2003
che strana! Bella perň! Io forse non avrei rinunciato al colore ma vedo che la tua scelta di bianco e nero ha portato comunque a buoni risultati.
Juan Sánchez
{K:5441} 5/14/2003
Splendid composition and well done
lidian neeleman
{K:6700} 5/14/2003
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 5/14/2003
only now I see what a great catch you got! water frozen in motion and streaming upwards in inverted bubbles and spurts :) a classic which still will make history :)
Vitor Azinheira
{K:2338} 5/14/2003
Well done,great shot,congrats.