Thanks kindly for the comments and the suggestion. I will consider that when I re-edit for printing.
As for the metering, I must admit I have become fond of the results I get with those settings and I try not to vary it too much (if it ain't broke...). I have learned that, on a sunny day, with the ISO set to 400, I can use 1/1600 to 1/2500 shutter speeds and get good results, depending on whether the subject is light or dark. I use partial metering to meter the subject and then I just ignore the meter as it jumps around all over the place. Again, I shoot full manual so that I can choose the aperture and then change the shutter speed to get the right exposure.
Hope this answers your question. Have you decided on the TC yet?
Excellent bokeh and clarity on this one and it makes for a really lovely shot! The only thing I might suggest here is that the perfect white circle just above the tip of his black beak might be better cloned out. It seems to be on the same focal plane as the bird itself due to its sharpness . . . and hence, seems a TAD distracting. Just my thoughts, of course.
1/2000 sec at F/5.6 - worked wonders here on that water but I'm curious how you metered the light on this one. The exposure is wonderful!