City - Glencoe State - HIGHLANDS / SCOTLAND Country - United Kingdom
Glencoe, Highlands, Scotland.
A Summer storm passes overhead, shafts of light punctuate the dapped cloud cover and paint the three sisters with mottled sunlight. For the briefest of moments the break in the clouds coincided with the waterfall lifting it out of the gloom and giving it pride of place within my composition. Despite my usual aversion to sunlit waterfalls I had to admit the light was terrific. I metered the frothing water as if it were sunlit snow and then exposed it to just hold detail. I think I got away with it as the other tonal areas fell nicely into place.
Pentax 67II, 55-100 zoom, polariser, soft 0.45ND grad, F22 at 1/4 sec. Metered from sunlit white frothy water as if snow then added 1 and 2/3 stop exposure compensation to just barely retain detail in the water.
this is a masterpiece from every aspect but most of all it show us that a good photographer dont need the digital manipulation that most of us do. great 7+++
Fantastic image. I like the composition, the nice details, and above all the beautiful light. Thanks for sharing the info about your approach. An example for us all.