{K:17951} 11/25/2008
Thx Chris
{K:17951} 11/25/2008
many thx Abolfazl!
{K:17951} 11/25/2008
Many thx Paulo! :)
{K:17951} 11/25/2008
je photoshopirano..dodan je canvas filter..i htjela sam da sve bude kao platno.. hvala na komentaru
diptanshu roy
{K:1059} 3/18/2008
thanks for your comment... you have some very nice work too... like this one a lot. its beautiful.
Sasha Pechanac
{K:-7} 12/24/2007
fotoshoppppppiranoooooooooooo trebala si oznachit svoje tijelo sa magnetic tool i onda invert i stavit filter na invertiranu pozadinu tj. na plahtu od frotira :)
Paulo Roberto Franco Andrade
{K:6} 11/3/2007
Sensual, nice texture, excellent composition!
{K:17951} 10/9/2007
Many thanks WF glad you like it..
love your flowers!!
stay beautiful!!
Abolfazl Erfani
{K:7431} 10/6/2007
Effective filter; clear idea; great crop and composition in here; Best regards: Waiting forever 7+
{K:17951} 7/25/2007
Grazias Marcelo!! :)
Marcelo Berraz
{K:12906} 7/25/2007
Quι gran foto Maja!!; de una sensualidad y carαcter muy definidos. 7/7. Felicitaciones.M.
Cristina D
{K:8080} 7/24/2007
Very expressive, you have refined taste, I can read sensuality from your photos. Oh, again thank you so much for letting me know that u like my portofolio with portraits.
{K:17951} 7/24/2007
Thx Avi..the studio was my livingroom..
{K:70138} 7/23/2007
Oh what an excellent studio shot Maja !!!!... Bravo !!
cheers !
{K:17951} 7/20/2007
Many thanks M!! glad you like it!
M Nourbakhsh
{K:1198} 7/19/2007
wow! what a nice shot!
{K:17951} 7/16/2007
Thx Anne!!
{K:17951} 7/16/2007
Thank you very much Gustavo!!
{K:17951} 7/16/2007
Many thanks dear Mohamed!!
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 7/13/2007
Excellent .
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 7/13/2007
Muy hermosa y sensual. Muy bueno tu trabajo!
Mohamed Badawy
{K:11828} 7/13/2007
+++ JUST GREAT WORK +++ great lighting,, great colors,, great position,, great effect,, well done Maja , 7+++++++++++++++ .
{K:17951} 7/13/2007
Thank you dear Lucas!!
Lucas L
{K:12145} 7/13/2007
great style !!! beautiful work.
Marinko Saric
{K:878} 7/13/2007
huh, jedan od nacina je da selektiras tijelo a onda select invers i filter se biti primjenjen na sve osim tijela a i filter malo smanji. mislim da ti je ovo najednostavnije,nadam se da sam pomogao,pozdrav.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 7/13/2007
You're welcome again, dear Maja!:)
{K:17951} 7/13/2007
well thank you again my dear Shirley..
{K:17951} 7/13/2007
Thank you my dear Francisco!! hugs
{K:17951} 7/13/2007
Thank you so much Ahmed!
{K:17951} 7/13/2007
Najljepa hvala Nenad!!
{K:17951} 7/13/2007
Many thanks Sandip!! :)
{K:17951} 7/13/2007
Dear Ian,
would you be so kind and take the time to explain to me how to do that..
{K:17951} 7/13/2007
dragi Marinko..sugerirali su mi da upotrijebiom filter texture na posteljinu a da tijelo bude bez efekta..moe mi molim te objasniti kako da to izvedem??.. unaprijed hvala
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 7/13/2007
Very nice again, dear Maja!:)
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 7/13/2007
So intimate and sensual...
Great texture. Well done dear Maja!!!
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 7/13/2007
Beautiful....a very nice image! Regards, Ahmed
Nenad Karadjinovic
{K:-114} 7/12/2007
Izuzetna fotografija! Ovo nije kurtoazna ocena vec iskreno misljenje!
Sandip Aine
{K:5008} 7/12/2007
Excellent composition ... my congratulations ... superb work ..
Best Regards,
Marinko Saric
{K:878} 7/12/2007
draga Maja, eto opet fotke koju bi netko na zineu iskritizirao :-) ali ovo si ti i tvoj nacin izrazavanja a to jako cjenim.volio bih ovo vidjeti bez filtera.Ako zelis vidjeti dosta mojih fotki to mozes na www.photo.net/photos/Marinko kao i moj zivotopis na onovu kojeg si dajem za pravo nekoga hvaliti ili kritizirati
{K:17951} 7/12/2007
well..you can only guess how beautiful she is..keep you wondering.. thank you for your words..always appreciated!!
{K:17951} 7/12/2007
Thank you my dear Fabrice..
{K:17951} 7/12/2007
Many thanks John!!
{K:17951} 7/12/2007
thank you Ian for you kind comment and sugestion.. stay beautiful
{K:17951} 7/12/2007
Thank you very much dear Magnus!!
Leo Rιgnier Я£
{K:67696} 7/12/2007
My GOD, what a sensual picture!!! Beautiful legs and feet!! But.. her face??
{K:61359} 7/12/2007
I'm agree with Ian.. or perhaps applied the texture only to the body or the background. I like the fact that, as Magnus wrote, you cropped the head. This is a nice composition Maja. Congrats
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 7/12/2007
great composition, nice texture
j esford
{K:13518} 7/12/2007
an interesting texture choice...(?)...beautifully composed with wonderful skin tones and great curves and shadows. great light -john
Ian Miller
{K:9190} 7/12/2007
Great shot and compostion, but not sure that the Canvas effect suits such soft skin and tones, but that's just me. Maybe if you masked the body a\nd just canvased the rest, just an idea. Great work all the same.
Magnus Beierlein
{K:853} 7/12/2007
I love the fact that you cropped the head, even if the model obviously is beautiful the structure also adds to the image just like in ΄"Smoke". excellent work as always.