Mark Southcombe
{K:2910} 8/16/2009
Excellent b&w street shot.
Robert Höhne
{K:4290} 10/14/2007
that is fantastic Roger, unfortunately I could not make it on the night but will be going there in a fortnights time.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 10/13/2007
Hey Rob.. just thought I would let you know that we got your works in the MPA and you won a Highly Commended for this image .. which I think I said to you before was terrific .. so congratulations!! and we look forward to your continued presence
Robert Höhne
{K:4290} 7/5/2007
thanks Roger, I feel a lot of my earlier stuff was forced/contrived. I hope I am moving on, feeling more relaxed and not trying to meet anyones expectations.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/5/2007
no worries I have been scanning the Aust section of UF of late and asking folks if they wer interested to give us a yell ... I like your work and will spend some time checking out your PF but yeah a tad depressing and a bit lonley.. just the way I like it!!
Robert Höhne
{K:4290} 7/5/2007
thanks for the heads up on the comp, I'll definitely look into it this year and have just sent away the request.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 7/5/2007
excellent capture great feeling to it running to an unknown future great lighting... you should send an email to the Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre for the 2007 Photographic Award.. here is the add artscentre@muswellbrook.nsw.gov.au Bruce Tindale is the centre manager
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 3/11/2007
VERY WELL CAPTURED!!!! Congrats my friend, Leo