Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 4/6/2007
Well done pano, Jordin! I like the way you've anchored it on each end with the larger structures. Dave.
Jordin Brown
{K:183} 2/21/2007
thanks Mike,
I have a couple others from the same trip I'll post
- Jordin
Mike Adams
{K:7180} 2/20/2007
This is very good. Nice detail throughout the image gives the viewer plenty to look at. Look forward to seeing more panormaics from you!
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 2/17/2007
great panorama...very fine work!!!
lg, winfried
Jordin Brown
{K:183} 2/17/2007
Thanks for the comments! I would definately appreciate any constructive criticism as I am a novice photographer looking to learn more.
- Jordin
Joe Brown
{K:23213} 2/17/2007
Great panorama Jordin, interesting approach with points of interest at each end. Forces you eye from one end to the other. The arched clouds or vapour trails are another nice feature. Even in full size panoramic view it is too small to be able to really appreciate the detail captured. Beautiful scene, very nicely captured.
Have a great day, Joe
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 2/17/2007
more of wonderful panorama & cropping. H.A