Habib Ishmail
{K:2602} 5/29/2007
i luv this! hooray 2 u for trying something different. although quite a few of u would disagree with me, i could see a similar photo used in a magazine. the Canon Digital Rebel is also known as the 350D right?
paul lovichi
{K:569} 4/4/2007
yes you are attractive....and if you only like positive critiques don't read on. well framed, but out of focus. there is a mirror but virtually no reflection. and should the big bright distracting flower be cropped off? think so. nice and i like it but could be better.
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 3/9/2007
I like this one a lot too.Congratulations joão
Kareem Afifi
{K:5968} 2/15/2007
i like it awesome .. as usual keep it up
Petrit Ukëhajdaraj
{K:181} 2/15/2007
Awesome, everything looks perfect the scene is full,unique and the picture shows your personality. p.s You are talented, (please dont take it as a compliment). I'd suggest You to get a cheap SLR with a fast normal lens(like 50mmf/1.4)and shoot true b&w film, so your work will never feel 'simulated'. A picture like this would look breathtaking if we'd seen it printed on fiber based paper. Best wishes,keep working!
Shoot Mike
{K:3255} 2/14/2007
Always love your work.
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 2/14/2007
welcome back Naomi! this is your pure style self portrait with great ideas and unusual "location": the grain effect give it a taste of 70's magazine.. Good one Naomi!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 2/14/2007
Yeah, Naomi, I like your skill in mainpulating curves in such a tight space.
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 2/13/2007
Mmmmmm suggestive portrait I like it.LUIS
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 2/13/2007
Wonderful, as usual... Leo