Evina Schmidova
{K:2034} 5/14/2004
Bellissimo!! ***
Dr@gon's Baby
{K:1011} 9/8/2003
Good capture...nice work
Erzebet M
{K:1277} 9/4/2003
For some reason this makes me sad. She looks sad or tired. Wonderful shot. I dont think it would work in black and white, I think the color gives it a great mood to it.
MEmar ME
{K:12566} 9/3/2003
Hi Cristiano: Just a word...Superb. My best congratulations for this great choice, you desreved this honour because your work are excellent. A smile.
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 9/3/2003
Hello Christiano! Congratulations with this Editor's Choice today. A well deserved honour! I like the composition here and the lightning is beautiful. I wonder if the old woman is sleeping or is she looking at something beneath her feet? My best regards, Diana.
Tony Vianello
{K:169} 9/3/2003
Poetry in image ! Congratulations my friend !
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 9/3/2003
Congratulations on being chosen as Editor's Choice, Cristiano. Great picture. I love the colours and the softness of the tones. Regards, Chris.
Cristiano Corte
{K:10836} 9/3/2003
Thank you all for the many appreciations for this image. The old lady would have never supposed to be so observed all around the world... :-)
Adelino Barreto
{K:12661} 9/3/2003
Gosto da foto com boa composiçlão mas com luz demasiado dura.Contudo, parabens.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 9/3/2003
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 9/3/2003
Não conhecia esta. Excelente quadro!!!
Bart Kudowic
{K:37} 9/3/2003
Cudowne jest !!
Giuseppe Di Pierro
{K:5911} 9/3/2003
ciao cristiano... :) avevo gi@ commentato a suo tempo la foto... ma sono contento che anche gli editor abbiano avuto buon gusto.
un saluto giuseppe
Diamantino Mendes
{K:12959} 9/3/2003
WOW Wonderful composition and strong. Congrats Cristiano. Regards!
altur .
{K:6087} 9/3/2003
Wonderful work! I like everything about this photo. Congrats, Alex
Andrea Ranalli
{K:485} 9/3/2003
Good lighting
Dan Bachmann
{K:931} 9/3/2003
Stunning. So expressive. There have been better days, but not better photos :)
peta jones
{K:12615} 9/3/2003
Congrats, this is a wonderful emotive capture. Excellent work Cristiano.
Bill Hogan
{K:192} 9/3/2003
Great photo...and the PS work enhanced it very nicely.
{K:2994} 9/3/2003
{K:30945} 9/3/2003
Great shoot on the old lady. great PS effects. PErfect photograph full of emotion. great job. well done. Bravo!
Maurilio Ultramari
{K:8200} 9/3/2003
Cobngratulations. Very beautiful shot.
Ordilei Caldeira
{K:2545} 9/3/2003
Muito bom trabalho Cristiano. Parabéns!
{K:16195} 9/3/2003
Congrats!!!! I believe that you reserve it. Regards, Hayri.
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 9/3/2003
This is an extremely well executed image...the framing is right on and the lighting is perfect...Well seen and a great job on the capture.....
Mirna Viola
{K:794} 7/8/2003
La signora l'ho vista anch'io nello stesso momento dello scatto. Ma adesso la posso osservare meglio, più approfonditamente. Grazie!
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 6/25/2003
Roger Cotgreave
{K:15892} 6/25/2003
well done...a magical quality...regards roger
Nino Brancatelli
{K:347} 6/25/2003
Bello il soggetto e la realizzazione. Mi sarebbe piciuta vederla in B&W. Ciao, Nino
Anyki .
{K:1381} 6/11/2003
Nice unreal colors! Powerful shot !! I give you the highest rating 7/7
Regards,Ann! Plz,have a look at my photos!
Face Shield
{K:496} 5/30/2003
I always come back to this... must be my favorite..
Daniela Caneschi
{K:906} 5/29/2003
Bella ed intensa, impreziosita dall'effetto
CJ Kitts
{K:1607} 5/24/2003
Bárbara Masu
{K:1256} 5/24/2003
It's just great! Congrats!
cecilia tovini
{K:29423} 5/23/2003
E' stata scelta giustamente. Per conto mio è un'opera d'arte. Ciao Cecilia
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 5/21/2003
A wonderful image, very moving, with terrific, magical light quality, and a hand-colored feel to it... Real and compassionate and very effectice due to your excellent rendering technique. Outstanding work.
Jerry Simms
{K:14} 5/20/2003
Evocative..The tones at the add to the impact
Berenice Kauffmann Abud (AFIAP/2004)
{K:3147} 5/18/2003
Magnificent work! Wonderful!!! Congrats!
Ayse Telci
{K:4168} 5/16/2003
bellissima foto ..complimenti...
Stefano Libardo
{K:10} 5/14/2003
Mi ricorda alcune zone di Venezia, poco battute dai turisti, in cui è restata la tradizione di sedersi all'aperto.
Jon Pankhurst
{K:577} 5/12/2003
I actually came to your portfolio through another shot, I was so impressed with that one, then I saw this and have been staring at it for ages, beautiful... The effect that you have given this, was it done in adobe? Regards Jon
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 5/8/2003
Great shot and great post-processing
Mustafa KIZIL
{K:2591} 5/7/2003
good work!
Luis Costa - Lucaz
{K:9205} 5/2/2003
Very nice work, regards!
Günter Koth
{K:13841} 5/2/2003
Outstanding work with great expression, Cristiano.
Bart Aldrich
{K:7614} 4/30/2003
Really wonderful effect. Almost looks like a hand-colored photo.
ileana barigelletti
{K:3571} 4/30/2003
Sublime! davvero un capolavoro fatto fotografia! mi piace ogni cosa dell'immagine, potrei scrivere un testo e non riuscirei a dire tutto ciò che la tua foto riesce ad evocare in me! complimenti! sei stato grande! Ileana.
andrea elli
{K:1945} 4/30/2003
splendido ritratto, comunica molta tristezza e solitudine, e pensieri.
Guelfo Ajello
{K:7519} 4/29/2003
Effettivamente è una di quelle che fanno il botto ! Meritato tutto quello che hai ottenuto.
Erik Artaz
{K:247} 4/28/2003
Grande Cristiano...bella la luce e la composizione! Complimenti ( come al solito)
Giorgio Dose
{K:1266} 4/28/2003
Stupenda immagine, anche gli oggetti di contorno sono ripresi al punto giusto! Penso sarebbe molto bella anche in B&W
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 4/28/2003
Some times I need to say something and I say Cristiano, you are one of the five best photographers for my taste, not only because of the great photos but also because of a great personal style using effects to makes great presentations. Here I must agree with the editor's choice, a great subject image and this effect makes great contrast at the colours. Thanks for giving us your work to watch it!
Paolo Dell'Aquila
{K:5046} 4/28/2003
Strepitosa!!! Bellissimo l'effetto che hai dato dopo. Lo usa spesso anche Rui Palha e mi sembra che dia risultati ottimi.
Maria Assunção
{K:2066} 4/28/2003
Excellent capture!
Jean Luc LERY
{K:4975} 4/28/2003
Only WONDERFUL.What a capture.Perfect light short Dof and attitude.The best of the day,certainly.Regards Jluc
Alberto Ferrero
{K:5762} 4/28/2003
Semplicemente grande.
Giuseppe Di Pierro
{K:5911} 4/28/2003
che ti posso dire cristiano... è bellissima
paola f. casali
{K:7301} 4/27/2003
E' una foto stupenda e a me farebbe impazzire in B&W!
Max Giorgi
{K:41} 4/27/2003
Flawless work, great shot. Absolutely.
Erkan Gokce
{K:1414} 4/27/2003
Beautiful colors. Excellent composition!! Great work!!!
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 4/27/2003
absolutely fantastic work Cristiano, very appealing image, the toning, lighting and grain/texture add tremendously to a great composition. Congrats!
Alex Uchôa
{K:18547} 4/27/2003
Gorgeous shot. The lower angle choosen to the shot help to crate a pleasing composition and is in perfect harmony with the subject in the scene. Excelent work.
Ingrid Mathews
{K:7277} 4/27/2003
Congrats on a well deserved EC. Doesn't get much better than this!
zosia zija
{K:11106} 4/27/2003
very nice.
marco biancardi
{K:10582} 4/27/2003
Cristinao, sei grande, you are on my favourites' list !
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 4/27/2003
Splendida cattura,Criss!!Luce perfetta e soggetto super expressivo! Ciao Marco.
luca corte
{K:60} 4/27/2003
Very good job. You should try to shoot this kind of subjects more often. Ciao
Carole Bradford
{K:10715} 4/27/2003
This is wonderful, Cristiano! Bravo!
Bambi Gubanis
{K:105} 4/27/2003
Oh well... it's a very nice capture, very professional. And, believe it or not, she looks exactly like my grandmother, impressive !
Lorenzo Lessi
{K:6589} 4/27/2003
Che dire? espressione e composizione perfette!!!
Peter Ounjai
{K:1309} 4/27/2003
very nicely done :)
Enrico R. T.
{K:88} 4/27/2003
Ma come fai a realizzare immagini così uniche? Complimenti, un'altra immagine (a mio parere) perfetta. Ciao!
Ken McDonald
{K:4343} 4/27/2003
Excellent environmental portrait...... Love it...
Sarah Moustafa
{K:4456} 4/27/2003
good timing for shooting, nice colors, diserves to be Top 100.
Rospetto E.P.77
{K:42} 4/27/2003
Excellent image, caught the right moment.
Olaf Herrig
{K:904} 4/27/2003
excellent photo
Massimo Ghini
{K:2311} 4/27/2003
Eccellente scatto ! Bella luce ed ottimi toni di colore.Ciao.
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 4/27/2003
Ottimo lavoro, Cristiano. Non tanto per l'aspetto tecnico (in fondo una foto cosi' non dovrebbe necessitare di ritocchi con PS...) ma per l'espressione del soggetto, la sua posa ed il contesto che incornicia il soggetto. A presto. MM.
Katia & Gemma Rossetti
{K:78} 4/27/2003
From portraits to landscapes, your mind and your eyes work to make people falling in love...
Christian Payne
{K:1398} 4/27/2003
I like the shot even though the dodging and burning seems a little obvious. I don't think it takes anything away from a great picture that would look good both colour and B&W.
Jordi Serra
{K:3818} 4/27/2003
Trabajo de gran expresión y emotividad, personalmente me gusta así, pero es posible que en B&N resultara también muy acertado :-) saludos, Js.
T Glow
{K:14955} 4/27/2003
Impressive the quality of your works, in your style, a great display of the power of a picture well accomplished. Expressive theme and technically excellent. regards,T.
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 4/27/2003
Excellent capture.
pippo giuseppe
{K:16421} 4/27/2003
Marco Brivio
{K:14339} 4/27/2003
Che dire ? Complimentissimi !!!
Jeod Sigma
{K:80} 4/27/2003
Oh my friend ! Change the subject, but your style remains unique...
Roland Le Gall
{K:7018} 4/27/2003
Excellent...Wonderful light, perfectly composed,nice pastel colours, the good moment...
Dijital Boy
{K:104} 4/27/2003
Another incredible one from you...
rino sirio
{K:8012} 4/27/2003
Bel taglio prospettico e notevole la resa dei particolari ,,,ciao
Mr. Zwobot
{K:337} 4/27/2003
Ja, 'ne alte Frau in Istrien, sehr originell, es gibt auch sehr schöne Farben!
{K:16195} 4/27/2003
Great capture,perfect message photo.Congrats!.
Alex Belfi
{K:3344} 4/27/2003
MI fa molto piacere vedere questi risultati, bravo CriQo! ...
Anna Pagnacco
{K:7448} 4/27/2003
Interesting capture...I agree about a B/W choice.Anna
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 4/27/2003
Era qualche giorno che aspettavo questo momento!!! Sei sempre incredibile!!! Ciao Alberto
Kliton Ceku
{K:461} 4/27/2003
Excellent shot. The PS work is marvelous. The color and tones make for a great mood shot.
Dietmar Gebert
{K:327} 4/27/2003
Great shot, did you trie it in B&W?
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 4/27/2003
Linda captura, luz composicão e Cristiano, excelente trabalho
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 4/27/2003
Thats a EXCELLENT foto, great over all, I like it. Regards Kaj Nielsen