John-Eric Lemieux
{K:3045} 11/8/2006
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 11/7/2006
What happened here J-E? I know you have better than this in your arsenal (IMO)! To my eye . . . and I would imagine to yours too . . . the image seems flat and lacks tonal range. It needed some contrast through midtone work and light level adjustments to my eye. Perhaps I'm missing something?
My policy is to say something nice anytime I have nothing nice to say so people refrain from detesting me . . . so . . . uhhhhh . . . well . . . lemmee see here . . . OH! Cool font for that signature and look how it stands out! You can clearly see the signature (which is probably not such a great idea on this shot . . . ) Arrrrgh! There it is again! Ok . . . uhhhhh . . . lemmee see again . . .
Got it! Great choice of camera equipment! Like the lens too. * Here * - Have a beverage (or two or three)!! LoL! :)
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~:)
PS: I'll refrain from rating this shot since we're friends! LoL!
Beverage or two or three |
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174142} 11/7/2006
You're welcome, John-Eric:)
John-Eric Lemieux
{K:3045} 11/7/2006
Thank you so much Shirley
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174142} 11/7/2006
Very cute, John-Eric!:)
John-Eric Lemieux
{K:3045} 11/6/2006
I am glad you like that this cat is for you!!!!! Thank's
Julia Adamski
{K:9} 11/6/2006
PERFECT!! I love the b&w.
John-Eric Lemieux
{K:3045} 11/6/2006
Thank you so much Ale
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 11/6/2006
Oooh, very nice shot John! Beautiful capture of this kitty! Ciao, Ale