{K:13273} 3/29/2009
Nice harmony and colors, Congrats
{K:455} 9/14/2008
very nice,,
valeka vale
{K:306} 11/4/2006
Oh beautiful begonia! I have white, red and yellow. Such a nice flowers!
selin arkay
{K:27} 10/17/2006
great harmony between the flowers and the tulle curtain...good composition..beautiful!
Marian Man
{K:80636} 10/17/2006
what a lovely composition dear Giuseppe!!!!fine colors!!! love it!!!! allthe best Marian
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 10/10/2006
Un altro bel particolare della vita montana..bello scorcio sulla finestra con i fiori.. Mi piace molto l'idea e la realizzazione di questa tua serie.. A presto, Ale
{K:26787} 10/10/2006
Ciao Giuseppe! Well seen and taken ... the flowers on the curtain have a similar shape as the real [big] one. Very well composed!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/10/2006
So very lovely, dear Giuseppe!:)
Jacek M.
{K:2999} 10/8/2006
Beautiful and original captured flowers in window. Bravo!
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 10/8/2006
semplice minimale composizione molto piacevole una perfetta cartolina dai paesi alpini. ciao
Emanuele Capelli
{K:6110} 10/8/2006
Ciao Giuseppe! Interessantissimi questi tagli e prospettive! Bella! Complimenti!
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 10/8/2006
Giuseppe... Sweet and warm.... Cordialities:) Viola
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 10/8/2006
Hummm... qué placer lo que describes... me voy a los Alpes!!! Felicitaciones por esta bella composición Giuseppe, me encanta!
Eb Mueller
{K:24960} 10/8/2006
A little slice tells a lot about the whole! Well seen, Giuseppe! Eb
soul 21
{K:27572} 10/8/2006
bellissimi colori e composizione gennaro
Greg Sava
{K:11999} 10/7/2006
Giuseppe, Hi and welcome home! Thanks for your note and kind words. It is very good to hear from you and we are glad you enjoyed your trip and made good use of it photographically!. We had a guest the last few days, so I didn't have time to answer you right away. I've also run out of new shots, but maybe in the next few days I'll get to it again. My wife and I just took a look at your portfolio and the mountain series. Captivating, as always. You should be very pleased with the following you have. You bring joy to many people. Again, thanks for taking the time to view and comment on my stuff. Auguri, Greg
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 10/7/2006
I steal the orange one for me...LOL. Beautiful work Guiseppe, I especially like your words and the care that you took to learn about these people and to share their world with us, very nicely done...:) Lin
nooshin vafadar
{K:228} 10/7/2006
nooshin vafadar
{K:228} 10/7/2006