Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/12/2006
Good for him! You're only as old as you feel.:)
{K:330} 10/12/2006
I use my brothers philosophy, he just purchased a new Canon Ds Mark ll last week. He told me it time for a up grade, he is 82.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/11/2006
Hey...you're young!!!;)
{K:330} 10/11/2006
Yip, 67 going on 39.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/11/2006
Well, I'm 60...older than that...not that it's any of my business.;)
{K:330} 10/11/2006
How old; let just say on my last birthday I had to get a fire permit before lighting the candles.
Our club allows for creativity, its just that they want it done with a camera and not a computer. Nature photogrphers seem to be the most vocal about SP. Me, I'm more middle of the road. Later Gerry
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/10/2006
Whoa, Gerry...how old are you?;) Fortunately, our camera club allows all kinds of creativity.
{K:330} 10/9/2006
In our camera club we can only do about four things in PS. Crop,Dodge,Burn and Saturate. It's about the basic things you could do in the darkroom. You can use them all if you like, but then your subject falls into Photo Art category. The debate will continue as film shooter come to grips that digital is hear to stay and film is a thing of the pass. When I started shooting it was 4x5 and 2 1/4, I just knew those 35mm film camera were not going to make it. 50 years later I was right. Gerry
Paulo Sézio de Carvalho
{K:2273} 10/7/2006
Perfeita paisagem, sem retoques, trazendo a brisa para dentro da cena. Parabéns Gerry.
Casey Lannette
{K:673} 10/6/2006
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/6/2006
Yes, you can see into the shadows. I would have layered a light and a dark version to get detail in both shadows and highlights.;)
{K:330} 10/6/2006
Shirley, I appreciate you invaluable insight and comments. The colors are very vivid on the island and by keeping to the higher key side of the spectrum, the shadowy areas are open so that you can see into them. Gerry
{K:330} 10/6/2006
Thanks Toshi, I appreciate West Coast comments. Gerry
{K:330} 10/6/2006
I appreciate your interest and comments. Gerry
{K:330} 10/6/2006
Marcos, thanks for kind words I'm glad you liked it. Gerry
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 10/6/2006
Very dramatic with beautiful sky and reflections. However, seems a bit on the 'hot' side.
{K:11924} 10/6/2006
Beautiful reflection Gerry, an impressive and bold landscape capture. Great work.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 10/6/2006
very interesting landscape shot Gerry....I like it! The contrast colors and details are really outstanding. Great composition!
Paul E Brumit
Marcos Degrossoli
{K:230} 10/6/2006
No words! What a great mirror you get! What a great Sky!! Congratulations!!