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Image Title:  PASSION
Favorites: 2 
 By: Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)  Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) {Karma:21250}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon D50
Categories Photoart
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio TANGO
Lens Nikon  70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
Uploaded 9/25/2006 Film / Memory Type Sandisk 1gb
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1164 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 24 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City -  Buenos Aires
State - 
Country - Argentina   Argentina
About One more of the serie at the World Tango Championship at Buenos Aires, pure passion a great couple; wonderblue light at left and detailed hard light
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Steinberg (EFIAP)




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There are 24 Comments in 1 Pages
Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 3/14/2007
Gracias Roberto, sos muy atento, seguramente las harás yo hace 40 años que hago fotogtrafía desde que tenía 15...tus las harás muchisimo mas rapido que yo -no lo dudo- recuerdo perfectamente tu foto del puente y las ví dejó impresionado...Seguimos en contacto.- LUIS


R T R T   {K:727} 3/14/2007
Excelente captura, felicidades, espero algun dia a hacer las capturas de imagenes como las suyas en verdad felicidades, excelente fotografias!


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 11/16/2006
Dear Ian...your words are better than the image.- Thanks for this one and about the others..even your technical comments are perfect...We keep in touch and thanks...Regards.=LUIS


X XX   {K:259} 11/15/2006
A good passionate capture. I like the tight crop and vertical panoramic style that brings you into the scene. I like how the highlights are burnt out, especially on the womans face, as this adds to the intensity of emotion in the image. Magnificent, the sort I wish I could take :)


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 11/3/2006



Ian Miller Ian Miller   {K:9190} 11/3/2006
What a great series of Tango shots you have here!
I bet they would look amazing in either Black n White or Sepia too. I'm quite envious, as I would have LOVED to have had a chance to shoot something like this. ;-)

Well Done.

Ps. Ty for your comments too.



orwa juve orwa juve   {K:6059} 10/7/2006
me gusta mucho, tiene todo..
ciao porteno


hakan ipekci   {K:218} 10/6/2006


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 10/4/2006
Dear Marija your humble opinion? No my dear...for me it's value, and I agree about the comment more space would be better...but...but... sincerly you look the space or her expression ? And the body...and the leg...It's pure passionate...don't you think so...and some else thanks for your big smile:)) I reply it:))) LUIS


Marija Ristic Marija Ristic   {K:4136} 10/2/2006
Breathtaking dear Luis!! wow...their expressions are marvellous. In my humble opinion, maybe a bit more space on the left would add the feeling of his movement towards her...or is my imagination going wild now, eheh? Beautiful, just beautiful, bravo Luis!
a big smile for you :))


Habib Ishmail Habib Ishmail   {K:2602} 10/2/2006
amazing work Luis.
dos de mi primos tienen ese nombre! (LUIS).
chau, novemos.


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 9/27/2006
Yes my friend I agree a lot of passion a great couple.- Regards. LUIS


Paul Royer   {K:1836} 9/27/2006
Luis... Passion is sure is! What a wonderful capture in a great moment.




Paulo Vinícius   {K:2657} 9/27/2006
good tones and well done composition


Ralf Denguth Ralf Denguth   {K:3353} 9/27/2006
Great passion and romance in your picture Luis! Amazing colors and details! Very well done! Cheers, Ralf


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 9/26/2006
buena también, no tanto como la primera pero de todas formas cautivadora, bien pegaditos están :)...jd


josep alsina josep alsina   {K:19880} 9/26/2006
Pasión y erotismo al máximo; composición, iluminación y color al límite. Eres un maestro! Un abrazo


John-Eric Lemieux John-Eric Lemieux   {K:3045} 9/26/2006
Luis your Tango photo are superbe like the idea great job


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 9/26/2006
Yes Paul I agree that was my feeling when I do this was a superbe the true all the Tango World Champioship was great, you know Paul i've 800 files one more beauty than the other, all in RAW see my friend I'm happy.- Sorry so much words.... thanks your are patiently.-LUIS


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 9/26/2006
This is an absolute extract of passion, dripping onto the stage. What intensity, Luis!!


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 9/26/2006
Bien Luís, intenso momento, excelente la luz, el encuadre y como siempre, esas hermosas bailarinas!...;-)
El tango es un baile para ver...;-)

Un abrazo!


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 9/26/2006
Of course I don't want you delete these wonderful images...I love them! Just SO passionate! You are welcome!:)


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 9/26/2006
My god...please If you want the image would be deleted...Thanks darling, for me is also wonder I love this couple...;) LUIS


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 9/26/2006
Hey're killing me with these!;)Just beautiful and perfect, dear Luis!




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