{K:1593} 9/28/2006
Thank you Miguel I appreciate your comments. Antonio
Miguel Marques
{K:1374} 9/28/2006
Wondeful perspective... the eyes is guided along the street... very captive!!! Congratulations. Saluti
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 9/23/2006
António F well done my friend !! saludos jo
Bikas Das
{K:6544} 9/23/2006
beautiful street ... nicely captured ... bests,
Name Surname
{K:3712} 9/22/2006
Bellissimi i colori e la strada che piega un po' di qui e di la. Ma soprattutto quel che mi piace e' l'assenza totale di animali e persone. Forse l'ora della siesta...;-) Davide.
{K:1593} 9/22/2006
Welcome Nice to meet you. Thank you for comment on my picture Antonio
{K:1593} 9/22/2006
Grazie Luisa, i tuoi commenti sono sempre graditi Antonio
{K:1593} 9/22/2006
You are welcome Thank you for comment and suggestions. Antonio
mustafa Ozen
{K:40} 9/22/2006
nice shot,nice capture.. congrats. Nihat
Katie.Z .
{K:126} 9/22/2006
beautiful picture. i like it so much
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 9/22/2006
classico ma molto ben curato. buono il gioco della luce che si infila tra le case
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Fabulous lead in for the eye along the wonderfully textured winding street. The tones are magnificent!!!
If you don't mind my saying so, only one thing bothers me a little about this image, and it only my opinion. The sky is so white, and seems a somewhat out of place in relation to the rest of this wonderful scene!
Please do not be angry with me for taking the liberty of showing you what I mean with the crop. I believe the frame is very good on this, but have only taken it out to show you my feelings of the tighter crop.
I mean no offence. I truly love the image.
All the best! Aniko :)
