Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 9/28/2006
ahhhh look how sweet. beautiful capture.
mohamed ahmed abd el rahim
{K:5753} 9/20/2006
great expression..great look..very sweet and cute girl..well takenbest regards mohamed ahmed
So Cal Photograhper
{K:18529} 9/20/2006
So sweet!
Adorable. I think the grainy look is great for this image. Great B & W tones.
{K:4458} 9/20/2006
What an expression! The grain works well here, nice work!
Wouter van Noort
{K:4369} 9/19/2006
A little sad, breakable expression - a reminder that we should protect and care for the children of this world. Also a beautiful picture with a nice balance and soft lighting.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 9/18/2006
What a great shot. You have captured the emotion wonderfully. She has fabulously expressive eyes. MAry
Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 9/18/2006
Thank you Joggie! Here is another version with no additional grain added. I was shooting at 800 iso in low light so there is definately grain!

Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 9/18/2006
Thank you Aniko for your wonderful comment! )
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 9/18/2006
Beautiful composition and a lovely natural pose. The eays says it all. The grain is attractiove but I would love to see this with no grain added and the fine skin tones I imagine this child has. Great work Jennifer. Joggie
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/18/2006
What a treasure! Such a moving photograph, beautifully presented.
Exceptionally well balanced composition. The lighting is fanatstic and the soft grain only enhances the innocent purity of this beautiful child!
Hearty congratulations on fine work!
Warm Wishes, Aniko :)