Mary Brown
{K:71879} 10/17/2006
It is so hard ot get this kind of shot with all the right exposures in different areas. I have never been able to, though I have tried a number of times. I think you have done superbly. The colours are wonderful and the feeling serene. MAry
{K:11924} 10/9/2006
Thanks for the tips Jinggoy. I currently don't use PS and use another image basic editor for my photos. I really need to upgrade my computer and start using PS though, especially for double exposures like you mentioned.
Jinggoy Montenejo
{K:7736} 10/9/2006
I think you nailed exposure on this. Excellent composition. For difficults scenes, I've tried doing double exposures and just overlay the two on PS. Try Nik filters also. It can replace buying a bunch of expensive ND grads and different filters.
{K:11924} 10/2/2006
Thanks so much Rina. The original was a bit underexposed as I didn't want to blow it out - so a little levels adjustment was done to the image. I'd like to get some filters in the future, but for now, PP will have to do :)
Caterina Berimballi
{K:27299} 10/2/2006
Now this is gorgeous. Wonderful palette and the sun is perfectamundo. Filters?
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 9/17/2006
Hi Toshi, I like the way the colour of the sun shows up in layers like that. Beautiful sky! Andre
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 9/16/2006
A perfect and emotive title for this one Toshi, very nice colors and composition, very beautiful and indeed peaceful too...well done...Linda
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 9/16/2006
perfect postacrd! well done a winner image PAOLO
Ibrahim Youssef
{K:5579} 9/16/2006
Grand changement de couleur mon ami, tres belle capture, ces dgres de cette couleur me plait beaucoup Amicalement Ibrahim :) :) Sorry
Ibrahim Youssef
{K:5579} 9/16/2006
Grand changement de couleur mon ami, tres belle capture, ces dgres de cette couleur me plait beaucoup:) Amicalement:) Ibrahim
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 9/16/2006
Nice mood & tones , well taken Toshi .