Fabio Negri
{K:258} 11/19/2006
Caro Luis grazie per il commento alla mia foto. Qui da te c'è da imparare, fai dei lavori straordinari, sul mio computer oltre al movimento arriva il ritmo, il calore e la musica. Ciao Fabio.
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 11/17/2006
Annemette thanks...for me is just how you said, is my IDEA fairy tales, dreamlike, mind fantasies...freedom like a seagull...Is photography or digital art... no problem...each spectator feels each image like a mirror...eacho one look by the owns fantasies and ilutions...That is the magic of the human mistery...Warm regads and cheers to you.- LUIS
Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen
{K:55244} 11/17/2006
I just have to say that you have a stunning portfolio with the most beautiful, expressive and fairy tale dreamylike photographs! A delight to view. Best wishes, Annemette
Aspasia Lukijanova
{K:888} 9/19/2006
A piece of art! Amazing! Congratulations!
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 9/12/2006
Stunning effects Superbly done! Emgy
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 9/4/2006
Dear Mary Sue FIRST...thanks for your visit at my portfolio.- And now we talk about this image or others like this...I agree with you about the impressionistic style of the image.- I love impressionist painters like DEGAS, those paints are like a watercolor, with transparences with an oil technique (Degas of cors).- When I do some capture always I feel passion in the time of the shot.- All the images are photographic taked.- I try to do them taking carefull the highligths and shadows detail.- Sometimes I use 35mm film with a pushed develope personally do by me (FUJI PRESS 800 to 3200 or TRIX 400 to 1600), the I scanned the negative and at least begin the HARD work at my personal computer.- But before I begin with an analogical criteria.- And the post procesing sometimes is so dramatic and always become other image.- That image is in my mind...sometimes i create my own stage with a collage technique with layers and I change te original shot.- In ballet it`s most difficult.- I don't worry about the bizarre discussion of analogical photo or DIGITAL ART, yes we call digital art.- I begin at 15 years now I've 57...much time and lot of experience.- We can do classic photography and also digital art.- What it cares is the creativity and the sensation that we cause in those who look at our images.- When we make a picture whom looks it is not indifferent it projects their own sensations and experiences as if the image was a mirror. - If you want to see more examples could visit my personal page at www.luis-steinberg.com.ar and you will see testimonial, documental photos, and also classic portraits trying to get for a style. - I love the movement, the blurring effect, the saturated colors as a way to provoke the spectator and to create a dialogue with the image. - The way doesn't interest, what counts is the image.- It's true that there is a debate on the PS edition and the small retouches, but for me Is't important because I arrive to the digital art after having worked in all the materials, studied composition. In the art there are not fixed or rigid rules.- MY BEST REGARDS AND WE KEEP IN TOUCH (sorry my english is very BAD....) LUIS
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/2/2006
highly artistic result. Love the movement.
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 9/2/2006
Luis, I have been drawn back to this image several times since you posted it. First off, let me say that I like it as a impressionistic work about dance. The figures look as they are floating and moving about with some grace. Especially with the central figure facing the viewer, there is a sense of celebration that is present and is easy to connect with.
From the standpoint of photography, I'm a bit confused about where the photograph leaves off and the post-processing begins. This is not a criticism of the work you did at all...I'm just trying to figure out for myself when the post processing supercedes the original image. I wrestle with this question all the time because I've shot a lot of images that tempt me with massive PS!
I think I like PS (or any form of post-processing) most when it is used in one of two ways: 1) when it is so subtle and skillfully executed that minor corrections are seamless and invisible from the original image, or 2) when it is so dramatic and obvious that the original photograph becomes another art form.
Anyway, enough of my philosophical blather! I should just say that I like what you did here. I'd love to hear your thoughts about post-processing.
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 9/2/2006
Mirá Gustavo son fotos tomadas con una Canon analógica y película FUJI PRESS 800 forzada a 3200 ASA...negativo escaneado.- Ahora es cierto que hay un terrible laburo de edición en PS como dicen los yanquis...le pongo blur de diversas layas y genero colores , all in my mind...puede ser... esta suerte de fusión que no deja de ser fotografía..es ahora llamado ARTE DIGITAL, mirá...pa mi se gual, como diría minguito.- Un abrazo.- LUIS
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 9/2/2006
Excelente, me gusta el tratamiento pictórico que le das a tus fotos, mmmm, más que fotos, son pinturas digitales...;-) 7/7!
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 9/1/2006
Thnaks Neven be sure we keep in touch.LUIS
Neven S.
{K:1642} 9/1/2006
wonderful work.. i like ur web also
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 8/31/2006
stunning.. another powerful image and with much movement !cheers roby
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 8/31/2006
Thanks Paolo, but I went to your portfolio before, and I saw excellente iamges.- Bravos for all.- LUIS
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 8/31/2006
Mi queridisimo amigo...solo un buen amigo como tu...es tan generoso con los elogios...te agradezco y como te lo adelantara infinidad de veces, lo que necesites the tips about PS me lo haces saber. Te mando un abrazo con el afecto de siempre.- LUIS
txules .
{K:62768} 8/31/2006
eres un genio, te lo había dicho?. Impresionante sentido de movimiento; un abrazo...jd
Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 8/31/2006
This is the best result! This type of scenes they are optimal to these your graphic jobs. Congratulartion!!! G.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 8/31/2006
Me encanta!!!!... luz, colores, movimiento... efecto s... una maravilla de imagen! Felicitaciones!
Ameed El-Ghoul
{K:42215} 8/31/2006
Great capture Luis and wonderful light play, I like the composition and the result allot, very well done, Regards,
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 8/31/2006
Excellent work. Congrats. Ez
Gail Solvang
{K:314} 8/31/2006
Very attractive show of motion and use of color. Great artwork!
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/30/2006
Thank you dearest...I look forward to hearing from you.:)
Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 8/30/2006
tHANKS MY dear your comments are more value for me, because you are one of the best...LUIS we keep in touch by email.-
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 8/30/2006
it like a paint so creative theatral shot! well done PAOLO
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 8/30/2006
Magnificent, Darling...one of your great works!:)
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 8/30/2006
Very great capture and with wonderful shutter effect and very pleasant to view, , wishing you all of the best my friend