Zohre Sehat
{K:654} 8/23/2008
some thing remaind me about past... Excelent shat look like short story
fokstrot .
{K:6560} 1/1/2007
Another strong photo but make it texture on the top. I like composition and tones. Good one!
Grzegorz Markowski
{K:6537} 9/3/2006
fajoWSKIE - tego ptaka pośrodku może bym wyprosił:) - this midle bird maybe out ?:)
ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
{K:16316} 9/3/2006
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 6/30/2006
thank you, Jinggoy :)
Jinggoy Montenejo
{K:7736} 6/30/2006
Wow, this one goes into my favorites! Very nice processing! Composition of the boat and that lone gull is very good!
Joćo F * Photography
{K:41945} 6/24/2006
Great my friend Ennio !! jo
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 6/24/2006
thank you, james :)
Jimmy Piper
{K:5742} 6/24/2006
love the effect in your shots, work very well, lots of amazing photos like this one...
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 6/23/2006
wow beautiful image from the past.. :) cool style! PAOLO
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 6/23/2006
thank you, roberto :)
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 6/23/2006
hi sara this my own textures from made to this end pictures and skilful processing in PS :)
roberto canepa
{K:7382} 6/23/2006
ciao ennio, really passionate (intenso) this alone boat, light is magic and create a beautiful contrast with the dark boat! also crop is appropriate! great shot, great processing. roby p.s. congrats for the recent pod !!!
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 6/23/2006
Eternity, lost, memories, myth, and some thing's gone, some things belong to the past: these are what i find in this PIC!
sara ahmed
{K:560} 6/23/2006
hi ennio great work,but can you till me how did u do this old effect in your photo? sara
Lubi Star
{K:3903} 6/23/2006
your seascapes always manage to take my breath away with their unearthly beauty... very well done and congrats for PoD today too... well deserved... Lubi
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 6/23/2006
thank you, Danuta :)
Danuta B.
{K:426} 6/23/2006
Very unique, I Like you portfolio and style... very atmospheric