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Casey IV
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Image Title:  Casey IV
Favorites: 1 
 By: Paul Lara  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Paul Lara  Paul Lara {Karma:88111}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Canon EOS 20D
Categories People
From The Field
Film Format
Portfolio Portrait
Lens Canon 17-85 USM IS lens @ (effective) 116mm
Uploaded 6/7/2006 Film / Memory Type Digital ISO 200
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 989 Shutter 1/30
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 33 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Cibolo
State -  TEXAS
Country - United States   United States
About Another shot of Casey during our shoot at an old farmhouse. I like how this angle reveals her long neck and strong jawline.
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There are 33 Comments in 1 Pages
Kanishka Dasgupta   {K:2026} 11/8/2006
Nice expression.
Perfect use of light.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/18/2006
Please check out my factory session; I'd love to hear a female photographer's perspective on them.


Tamara L   {K:1387} 6/18/2006
I ve missed this's great!


Vincent K. Tylor Vincent K. Tylor   {K:7863} 6/14/2006
I've looked at the entire series and would have to give this one the blue ribbon, with your first "Casey" image a close second. Excellent country setting! The tones also really make this stand out to me. Her facial expression as well as her hair gently framing her face give this a little extra feminine, cute mood, making this one a really special catch!


Rona K **   {K:2375} 6/10/2006
LOL I hear ya. Well my soon to be ex husband was getting on the site and printing my images off and giving them to his lawyer to use against me in the divorce claiming I am doing pornography now, so I thought if I had no name it would stop and it hasnt so I just dont give a damn anymore. LOL So it is back on!
hugs, Rona


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/10/2006
Well, by 'intimidating' I meant...
...what am I supposed to call you?
I didn't quite know if you were in some witness protection program, and whether or not I was even allowed to utter your name.


Rona K **   {K:2375} 6/10/2006
I can see why it would be impersonal but I dont understand the intimidating part of it. I am going to change since you brought it up though. I guess you have put me in my place so to speak.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/10/2006
I hope you realize how impersonal and even intimidating your screen 'name' has become?


Rona K **   {K:2375} 6/10/2006
I really, really like this. Great model but I love the black and white. Very nice composition.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/9/2006
The thing that surprised me most, Spencer is that out of the 30 photos I'd submitted for the contest, I personally would have NOT chosen that as the best of the bunch.


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/9/2006
It was a shot of the Emily Morgan Hotel, across the street from the Alamo. I shot it with my 4MP Kodak DX6490 (my first foray into digital, and I loved it). Here it is:


Spencer E. Spencer E.   {K:4032} 6/9/2006
This is a very nice portrait! I like the youthful look on her face--the "I have the world figured out" look. :)

What was your winning photography for the 20D? I'd love to see it!


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/8/2006
Ok, so Casey and Melanie are stand-out (and quite beautiful) exceptions to the rule. ;)


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 6/8/2006
They weren't growing 15 year-olds like this when I was a teenager!!

Sorry, I forgot you can't see what I am talking about when I reply! LOL


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/8/2006
...made 'which' comment, Melanie?


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 6/8/2006
Some middle aged guy made that exact comment to my MOM (of all people) when I was 15.... ROFL!


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 6/8/2006
This is very pretty, especially in B&W. It gives it a very classic look. The softening is nice too.

This is a great portrait regardless, but there is something about that dress that just isn't flattering, it just doesn't do her justice (I can tell from the other photos).

Doesn't matter, you made it work! LOL


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 6/8/2006
Pretty girl and nice pose. Good use of softness and highkey highlights that give a rather angelic



Eligiusz Langner  (ennio)    {K:3006} 6/8/2006
nice portrait


Luke Luther   {K:14693} 6/8/2006
Youth in contrast to the faded wood. Her soft lines and shape in contrast to the angular building and her complexity in contrast to the simplicity of the form around her. It helps that she is stunningly attractive.


Rob Graziano Rob Graziano   {K:6678} 6/8/2006
Great tones on this & I find myself liking the same things you do about this; and you're so right...they didn't build like that back in the day; I would have guessed 19 or 20 easily! :)


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 6/8/2006

I don't follow sports in the least... LMAO ... I would never pay for a ticket to make some “Bozo” rich by any means...

I think it's funny at the coffee pot on Monday mornings, to listen to the armchair athletes tout their comment’s on something they, themselves could never do...

I'm more of a do it kind of guy, not a talking head... I'd rather play "Soft Ball" than watch "Major League" any day...

The only reason I shoot, this kind of thing is, because it's fast...



Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/7/2006
Dirk is an unstoppable FORCE.
My only regret with their eventual victory is that Mark Cuban may be a zillionaire, but he's still a trash-talkin' punk.


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 6/7/2006

Whats not to like Dawg? How about those Mav's?



Kambiz K Kambiz K   {K:37420} 6/7/2006
lovely tones and nice composition


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 6/7/2006
i like it.. very cool and very good paul..
best regards


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/7/2006
Sal, the link won't work...was that pointing to the EF-S 10-20mm you've got?

I've narrowed it down to either that or the Tamron 11mm. Hopefully I'll have payment from my magazine shoot arriving soon!


Mark Julian Mark Julian   {K:36866} 6/7/2006
....long neck and strong jawline...yes, yes, I see all that Paul...not a shabby model at all my man, is she looking for "assistant work" out west? Very attractive and a very nice've topped yourself lad, love this one, everythings just right. 15? we can "fix" that........everything's "fixable"......


Lubi Star Lubi Star   {K:3903} 6/7/2006
lovely intimate portrait of a beauty... well done...


Salvatore Rossignolo   {K:13559} 6/7/2006
She's a real American beauty, and B&W serves this shot well. I really like the way you've juxtaposed the old dry weather-worn wood with her youthful soft femeninity.
PS Look: and not astronomically expensive either, I'd have gone with a fisheye only I see it as a novelty lens and wouldn't have gotten as much use out of it. I'm glad I picked this lens.


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 6/7/2006
!!!...must be all of the chemicals we live with increasing the growth hormones! ;>


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 6/7/2006
would you believe....15?

They weren't growing 15 year-olds like this when I was a teenager!!


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 6/7/2006
This one rocks,Paul!...and just what is her age if you can reveal?...i'm guessing 18...
love the setting,her dress and the tone..only prob i have is her right eye throws the expression a tad...soft and smooth skintone
good work,Paul!




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