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 By: Fatemeh Rahimi  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Fatemeh Rahimi  Fatemeh Rahimi {Karma:13523}
Project #1 Abstracts Camera Model Canon, digital IXUS 55
Categories Abstracts
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 5.0 MP CCD
Uploaded 4/23/2006 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1569 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 136 Rating
/ 16 Ratings
Location City -  Tehran
State - 
Country - Iran   Iran
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Winter has gone!

The Fall

Vain Effort!

Are you there?

Keeping Back!

Park 2


and life is going on...

At the dawn!

The time...

There are 136 Comments in 1 Pages
Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 9/19/2006
dear Fancy!
thanks for your encouraging words!


Fancy Photographer   {K:183} 9/2/2006


Fancy Photographer   {K:183} 9/2/2006
a beautiful idea with thoughtful title. you symbolic mnd is fantastic. presentation is BW and panoramic is just great


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 8/30/2006
dear Yashar!
thanks for your attention!


Yashar M. G.   {K:601} 8/29/2006
A perfect panorama picture with a thoughtful title! 7+


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 8/16/2006
dear Billy!
thanks for your attention!


Billy Houck   {K:2725} 8/15/2006
wonderful visualization of an idea.


Aram Gharib Aram Gharib   {K:4656} 6/9/2006
Very nice idea and creative composition. Bravo!


RahiL G.   {K:362} 6/6/2006
hey.. I liked the way u projected the idea :-)


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/28/2006
dear Ucmorlale!
thanks for your nice comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/28/2006
dear Saad!
thanks for your nice comment!


Faika Berat  Pehlivan Faika Berat  Pehlivan   {K:2160} 5/26/2006
magnificent abstract my dear, congratulation.


Saad Jasim Saad Jasim   {K:305} 5/21/2006
Excellent photo,



Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/20/2006
thanks a lot Mohsen for your nice regards and kind words


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/20/2006
I am grateful for your nice and lovely comment dear Sanjeev


Mohsen Bayramnejad Mohsen Bayramnejad   {K:21377} 5/19/2006
WoW!...This is really great in creativity!...FANTASTIC photographic work!


sanjeev jain   {K:8763} 5/15/2006
well i do not think their is any requirement of agreement or disagreement.i simply feel we have been given a moment and we can use it as a steping stone to move further but because we have learned to choose so one thinks he can agree or disagree whereas as i see things happening around me i cannot decide i am participating in them secondly how can we decide the future so the talks of agreement and disagreement are not their it is mind that do so and not onces body it may want to experiecne the two it may want to break the rotuine but mind has its own habbits and live according to yesterday and decorates its future future is not in our hand we can float in space time like floating on the river it will decide and we will live but that decision is not taken by our mind it is like jumping and in jump one simply surrenders but beautiful composition i smiled looking at it and said wow...good shot


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/15/2006
dear Gregory!
thanks for your nice words!


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 5/14/2006
Shockingly creative, bravo, well done.


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/13/2006
dear Paolo!
thanks for your nice comment!


Paolo Corradini Paolo Corradini   {K:59552} 5/13/2006
so creative and unsual..i've lost it (i was on holidays )
great great image! exellent



Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/8/2006
dear Winfried!
thanks for your lovely words!


Gorilla  K Gorilla  K   {K:17526} 5/8/2006
great cut and creative work,Fatemeh!!!



Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/7/2006
dear Mohammad!
thanks for your attention!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/7/2006
dear Craig!
thanks for visiting!


Mohammad Al-Mumen Mohammad Al-Mumen   {K:164} 5/7/2006
Ammazing shot Fatimah....

very creative...


Craig Hanson   {K:7836} 5/7/2006
Fabulous foot panorama!!!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/6/2006
I appreciate your lovely regard and visiting my collection-art dear Andree!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/6/2006
thank you nasim for your nice word


andree lerat andree lerat   {K:17476} 5/6/2006
Very clever title. Love the composition. Strong visual impact. :)


Nasim N   {K:153} 5/6/2006
You have creative and impressive mind. It is very nice composing.


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/3/2006
dear Shaimaa!
thanks for your nice comment!


Shaimaa ElWassimy Shaimaa ElWassimy   {K:1988} 5/2/2006
Great idea Fatemeh :)Very creative


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/2/2006
dear Marian!
thanks for your nice comment!


Marian Man Marian Man   {K:80636} 5/2/2006
:) very creative shot dear Fatemeh!!!!!!
fine tones and lighting!!!! excellent b/w shot!!! bravo!!!!!
love the title too!!!!!
my very best regards


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/2/2006
dear Maxime!
i'm so grateful for your lovely comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/2/2006
dear Marcus!
i appreciate your nice words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 5/2/2006
dear Chaman!
thank you again for your encouraging words!


Omnia Mamdouh Omnia Mamdouh   {K:5107} 5/1/2006
Dear Fatemeh, i just want check on you,r u ok?it has been a long time didn't hear from you & didn't see a new pics to u .Hope you r doing well dear.


m , m ,   {K:15872} 4/30/2006
Nice thought, nice shot and huge attentions! Your creative mind composes strange images! It is wonderful and successful!
Best wishes: Maxime


Marcus Möller   {K:443} 4/30/2006
A nice panoramic shot! Symbolic and thoughtful again dear Fatemeh! Nice creation!


Chaman Sina   {K:722} 4/30/2006
I forgot to say this is really one of my favorite image dear Fatemeh! 7++++


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
I am grateful Adam for your nice regard!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
I appreciate iman your nice regard and encouragement!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
Just show my appreciation roberto for your kind expressions


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
I am grateful Gaute for your kind comment and encouraging words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
I am grateful Gaute for your kind comment and encouraging words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
Just show my appreciation to you Engy for your kind expressions


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
I am grateful Jose for your nice regard!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
I appreciate Ace your nice regard!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
Thank you Chaman for your lovely words


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
thank you Per for your nice word


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
I am grateful Selami for your kind comment and encouraging words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
I appreciate Danny your nice regard !


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
I am grateful for your lovely comment and encouraging words dear friend!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/29/2006
Dear Vanessa! I am grateful for your nice expressions and regard!


Adam Den   {K:798} 4/29/2006
That is really beautiful photo-art! Well done!


Iman M. Nezami Iman M. Nezami   {K:3276} 4/27/2006
wow i like it. i am proud of my self too having the same nationality with such a great photographer like you.
i like your works


roberto canepa   {K:7382} 4/27/2006
lovely shot, Fatemeh!
it's funny: i had in my mind a similar title for this pc....



Gaute Bruvik Gaute Bruvik   {K:1156} 4/26/2006
Once again you did very good, Fatemeh. You continue to deliver great detailed shots from everyday life.

Very well done


Engy Farahat Engy Farahat   {K:11591} 4/26/2006
Amazing concept dear Fatemeh! It's very creative.
I really like the cropping. and excellent low angle. excellent work 7+++



Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 4/26/2006
very creative. marvelous tones. cong. 7


Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 4/26/2006
another creative work from you! lovely B&W with a message :)
good work

wish you all the best


Chaman Sina   {K:722} 4/25/2006
It is an attractive B&W art! Wonderful angle and shot! How do get the ideas dear? Just wondering!


Per Dybro Per Dybro   {K:632} 4/25/2006
It is really wonderful! Perfect thought and creation!


selami Torun   {K:9397} 4/25/2006
very interesting image and very greative composition !!
great tones... nice captured.. Bravo Fatemeh :)))
my best regards,


Danny Brannigan   {K:19523} 4/25/2006
This image looks six feet long. Excellent Fatemeh


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 4/25/2006
Great conept fatemeh .well thought out.nessa


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/25/2006
dear Wael!
i'm grateful for your encouraging words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/25/2006
dear Hugo!
i'm so thankful for your nice comment and wise suggestion! thank you dear!


WAEL HAMDAN WAEL HAMDAN   {K:7476} 4/25/2006
Fantastic idea very well done 7/7


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 4/25/2006
Hi Fatemeh, Very cool idea, quite funny, and very well captured. The low PoV is excellent. I only think the lines between the tiles are a wee bit distracting, and an even surface would IMO increase the impact of this shot even more... Come to think of it, maybe if they were standing on a mirror, and also using the reflection of the feet could create an additional element. Just a thought...




Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/25/2006
dear Steve!
thanks for sharing your idea!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/25/2006
dear Sara!
thanks for visiting!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/25/2006
dear Riny!
thanks for your encouraging comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/25/2006
dear Pan!
thanks for your lovely words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/25/2006
dear Roger!
thanks for your attention and nice guidance!


pan g. pan g.   {K:16899} 4/25/2006
And you have found a great way to express your objection, well done, beautifull work!


Romy Fabian Garmaz   {K:17105} 4/25/2006
woooooooooooow. fantastic job.
great idea... 7++++


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 4/24/2006
Hi, Fatemah! Did you know that when you post a panorama (where the width is at least twice the height, like this one), you can post a much bigger image? The file still has to be the same size, only up to 400k, but you could have made this, say, 1200 pixels wide, to show a lot more detail. Usefilm will automatically create the smaller image to show everyone in the normal way, and you can click to see the bigger image. By the way, I think the message is very strong, and most originally presented, in this photo!


sara sue   {K:2117} 4/24/2006
creative composition u've got here..


Steve Aronoff Steve Aronoff   {K:18393} 4/24/2006
Super shot, Fatemeh! In just the feet you've shown how children (I presume the middle feet are those of a child) always act. Terrific composition and tones.
Well done!!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/24/2006
dear Maxime!
i appreciate your nice words and suggestion! thank you my dear!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/24/2006
dear Ray!
i appreciate your nice words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/24/2006
dear Ray!
i appreciate your nice words!


m , m ,   {K:15872} 4/24/2006
Oh sorry! I forget to mention something about the categories of this picture! It would be nice if you put the image also in panoramic! Just a suggestion!
Best regards: Maxime


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/24/2006
dear Riny!
thanks for your nice comment!


m , m ,   {K:15872} 4/24/2006
Yes dear Fatemeh! Back to your own fashion! Perfect! Absolute astonishing image! A lovely and thoughtful definition! The picture has nice tone with fine and attractive lightness! Well done, excellent idea and perfect composing!
Best wishes: Maxime


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 4/24/2006
An excellent creative idea my dear Fatemeh with a brilliant title. I love the beautiful mono tones to your composition, the ground level perspective and the in-camera crop...Wonderful work,,,well done you. My very best wishes....Ray


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 4/24/2006
Very nice point of vieuw,amazing title! Riny


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/24/2006
dear Ashly!
thanks for your attention!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/24/2006
dear Amir!
thanks for your nice comment!


Amir Mohammadi Amir Mohammadi   {K:4258} 4/23/2006
the subject of this photo is strange for me.
the idea is unique. excellent and good luck in your work and life.


Ash     {K:9427} 4/23/2006
Very cool concept! I like the depth that is added by the reflections in the tiles. Nice work.


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Hind!
thanks for your lovely words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Leonardo!
thanks for your nice words!


Hind S. Al-Hashimy Hind S. Al-Hashimy   {K:2851} 4/23/2006
Hehehe.. beautiful idea ) .. khayli qashanq ;o).. all the best dear sis )


Leo Régnier  Я£ Leo Régnier  Я£   {K:67696} 4/23/2006
Very interesting my friend Fatemeh!!!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Joao!
thanks for your nice comment!


João F * Photography João F * Photography   {K:41945} 4/23/2006
Well done my dear Fatemeh great idea and so well excecute composition.Congratulations !!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Laura!
thanks for your attention!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Omnia!
i appreciate your nice comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Mary!
thanks for your lovely words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Rashed!
thanks for your nice comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Annemette!
i'm so thankful for sharing your idea!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Diego!
i'm thankful for your nice comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Sarah!
thanks for your nice comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Elisa!
thanks for your lovely words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Laphael!
thanks for your nice comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Monika!
i'm thankful for your nice words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Bit!
i appreciate your nice comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Partha!
thanks for your nice comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Jeanette!
thanks for visiting!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Maurizio!
thanks for your comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Debasish!
thanks for your nice words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Shirely!
thanks for your nice comment!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear Mohammad!
thanks for your nice words!


Fatemeh Rahimi Fatemeh Rahimi   {K:13523} 4/23/2006
dear 1301307 60!
i'm so thankful for your lovely comment!


Laura Spell Laura Spell   {K:24080} 4/23/2006
Ha ha, This one makes me chuckle. The center pair of feet are definitely NOT in agreement! Good tones and lighting.


Omnia Mamdouh Omnia Mamdouh   {K:5107} 4/23/2006
Wow,very creative composition Fatemeh, i really like it.Well done


Mary Slade   {K:40338} 4/23/2006
Brilliant idea and title Fatemeh! Great to see fresh vision. Love the reflection of the toes.


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 4/23/2006
very interesting image, i like a lot the arrangement which been made here.
The details, contrast and tone are all perfect.
All of the best Sister


Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen   {K:55244} 4/23/2006
Haha, great title, Fatemeh!! There´s something stubborn, proud, but also courageous about your image. It takes a lot of strength to go against the masses and think differently instead og following them without thought and with blindfolds on. Well done!
All the best,


Diego Bullita Diego Bullita   {K:17017} 4/23/2006
hi Fatemeh,
beautiful idea and realization for this photo W/B,


Sarah G   {K:231} 4/23/2006
Creative composing! Gorgeous picture! Nice soft lightness and contrasts!


NN  NN     {K:26787} 4/23/2006
It´s good that you use your own brain :-) Very original - and good/efficient - way of demonstrating disagreement! Only wish the full pano size was bigger ...


laphael wang   {K:2318} 4/23/2006
A well done concept photography!




Monika R   {K:258} 4/23/2006
Impressive and creative! Love all your exclusive idea! Thoughtful dear!


Bit Ohava Bit Ohava    {K:620} 4/23/2006
Oh it is very nice abstract! You did a very nice job! A very well harmony between soft lightness and tone! Well, nice idea, nice job


Partha Pal Partha Pal   {K:11619} 4/23/2006
Its so creative.Tells a lot of story.


Maurizio Massetti Maurizio Massetti   {K:30463} 4/23/2006
Very nice idea.


Debasish Ghosh Debasish Ghosh   {K:5526} 4/23/2006
Excellent idea and representation my freind.
Tones and details are great.
Superb abstract.


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 4/23/2006
Cool and cute ;))



1301307 60 1301307 60   {K:44058} 4/23/2006
I agree that you don't agree.. agree? Fatemeh, you really make me think when I look at your photos. I wonder how your subjects agreed to the photo, did they agree? I must agree that this is another concept that you've come up and delivered successfully..
nice one! : )


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 4/23/2006
Very creative work.
I love it,
Nice crop ;) !


Shirley Grove Shirley Grove   {K:5514} 4/23/2006
Lovely shot - brought a smile to my face!!
Well captured Fatemah.




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