David Walker
{K:1148} 7/19/2006
Awesome, what else can I say?
with compliments,
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 6/12/2006
Hugo, I've been, again, taking a close look through your portfolio of stunning images! Mate, you are the collage king!!!!
Your collages are just wonderful! A pleasure to view! They make mine look quite basic. Oh, well, I'll just steal your ideas and work on mine! LOL LOL
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 6/4/2006
noun |əˌbjuːs| 1 the improper use of something : alcohol abuse | an abuse of public funds. • unjust or corrupt practice : protection against fraud and abuse | human rights abuses. 2 cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal : a black eye and other signs of physical abuse. • violent treatment involving sexual assault, esp. on a repeated basis : young people who have suffered sexual abuse. • insulting and offensive language : waving his fists and hurling abuse at the driver. ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from Latin abus- ‘misused,’ from the verb abuti, from ab- ‘away’ (i.e., ‘wrongly’ ) + uti ‘to use.’
{K:13082} 5/18/2006
I'm sorry Douglas....as you know I have had the dubious opportunity to read your comment a number of times....and yet I still am no wiser as to what you are trying to convey. Please clarify when you can...
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/18/2006
5 x a 3 is a 15!!!! Wow! Thanks Dougie! You're giving us too much praise! Didn't know you liked it that much! You know what? If you'd send me your address, I'll make you a print! Delightful comment! It was great to read it so many times!
神 風
{K:10665} 5/17/2006
P.S. Sorry about the multiple entries but I got an error warning about having to submit a comment with a one rating but the character amount stated 252 I believe so I just kept submitting until it went through ...
神 風
{K:10665} 5/17/2006
I justify my honesty my totally agreeing with Brian word for word and if a '1' is poor instead of << Average that is what I rated it, so the three of you who participated can share that rating which I guess gives you Dear Hugo a '.3' repetend three ...
神 風
{K:10665} 5/17/2006
I justify my honesty my totally agreeing with Brian word for word and if a '1' is poor instead of << Average that is what I rated it, so the three of you who participated can share that rating which I guess gives you Dear Hugo a '.3' repetend three ...
神 風
{K:10665} 5/17/2006
I justify my honesty my totally agreeing with Brian word for word and if a '1' is poor instead of << Average that is what I rated it, so the three of you who participated can share that rating which I guess gives you Dear Hugo a '.3' repetend three ...
神 風
{K:10665} 5/17/2006
I justify my honesty my totally agreeing with Brian word for word and if a '1' is poor instead of << Average that is what I rated it, so the three of you who participated can share that rating which I guess gives you Dear Hugo a '.3' repetend three ...
神 風
{K:10665} 5/17/2006
I justify my honesty my totally agreeing with Brian word for word and if a '1' is poor instead of << Average that is what I rated it, so the three of you who participated can share that rating which I guess gives you Dear Hugo a '.3' repetend three ...
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/14/2006
One other thing, if you're interested, I'll gladly undertake something similar with you - with your ingenious PS skills and the high standard of creative imagery, I think you'd set the benchmark, pulling the whole concept to a higher level.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 5/14/2006
Hi Brian,
You have a good point, the photo Mike, Manu and myself started out with was essentially a poor photo; nothing in focus, and frankly, I pressed the shutter by accident, because of a bump in the road, followed by a fierce breaking manouvre. Then the three of us set out to make the best of a crappy shot, and that's what you see here - Manu's interpretation, that is.
We'll undoubtedly try this again, and hopefully that time with a better photo.
I appreciate your honesty, nothing wrong with a negative comment, if it's justified, as yours is.
brian underdown
{K:-960} 5/14/2006
i like the concept of using different photographers images. however the end result is not the best in terms quality.its very hard to concentrate or look at the image without being puzzled by what it is.however much i look i dont see a subject that i can relate to.i think the idea really needs polishing with images that are of quality and better blending.sorry to be so negative ,i do like the idea but the result is poor by your standard of photography. brian..
pan g.
{K:16899} 5/2/2006
This is great too, they work wonderfully as a set, excellent work!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 4/30/2006
marvelous moo. simply gorgesous. cong. 7
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/27/2006
Hi Doyle, Guess I didn't read to carefully... It's as you initially thought, Riddle me this (http://www.usefilm.com/image/1094764.html) is Michaels, This one is Manu's and Death Rally ( http://www.usefilm.com/image/1094767.html) is mine...
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 4/27/2006
No - I got it, but phrased it poorly . . . Left = top = you? Right = bottom = Michael? (He gave it up by explaining the progression.) Just thought I'd be clear by leaving one comment versus three (choosing the middle). Having some second thoughts now - the middle (This one) has a Hugo feel to it!
Regards, Doyle I <-----
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/27/2006
HI Doyle,
Think you misinterpreted this one. This was made by only one of us, the others can be found in the other uploads:
http://www.usefilm.com/image/1094767.html http://www.usefilm.com/image/1094764.html
Don't worry, you weren't the only one who thought each of us had a part of this single upload...
Thanks for the feedback. Guess I didn't explain things properly, heh?
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 4/27/2006
Brilliant! I think these images work together in an outstanding way. More than they would apart from each other . . . in this case, the whole is worth more than the sum of the parts! Gotta guess! Is it Hugo on top, Michael on bottom and Manus centered? How about Hugo on bottom, Manus on top and Michael centered? (Second guess - disregard this guess if I was right before: This guess is to be used only in the event of an emergency; like "I was wrong"!)
Regards, Doyle I <-----
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/24/2006
Hi Manu,
I like how you managed to blend this in with your own style, the black frame shows it... Also, the toning, especially in the top right one bears your signature. I also like the underwater look of the large panoramic image, which also shows in the bottom one, only differently.
I think if you made the aspect of the top panoramic image equal to that of the bottom one, the result might've been just a wee bit stronger.
I think this one confused more people than the other two, as quite a few comments suggest that this one contains the work of all three of us; maybe I wasn't quite clear in my about text...:P. Still, I like the way people responded to it, a very educational excersise!
I'm looking forward to the next series...:)
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 4/24/2006
..yours team..is special!!!
a nice series-sequence and play on the light! all frame have a particular effect.. is very difficult the choice for "the best"..
mmmhhh.. i task.., i task... the number "2" and last.. the sepia mode have created a "sad" land..
cheers roby
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 4/23/2006
Another excellent idea - so often I have tried the different filters etc. with an image, just to start over again because I dont like a particular effect. Here a combination of those thoughts, obviously not in the same order as it flowed isnce the original was placed at position nr.3 or 4 (depending on the sequence path one pick). Great work - who-ever the author (Michael is my guess - solely because of the composite style). Joggie
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 4/23/2006
Of your three guesses one is true, Of our portfolios you should review, Since none of these photos will ring true. Now which was done by Hugo, me, and Manu?
Markus Scholz
{K:23722} 4/22/2006
Interesting concept, Hugo, although I find the second from the bottom too dark. But that's probably my personal taste. It would well stand alone though.
Regards, Markus
{K:13082} 4/22/2006
I'm loving this...
Fatemeh Rahimi
{K:13523} 4/22/2006
i prefetr the right one on the top! i like its tine!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 4/22/2006
OK, my favorite is 1) the upper one to the right cause it make me think of oldeer movies... more drama and dust. I like the tone and the fact that it´s darker then the upper left one. Then as number two i choose the one under, number two from right... cause to make it little darker adds also drama and the nore bold colours fit the drama, "heavier", "darker", more as a movie..... and so on. the on at the left of this described one is too bright in my taste for the PORPUSE! The two panorama crop at the bottom are non in my taste cause they are too much manipulated without layer...cause when an image is obviously manipulated AND there´s a layer visible i can like it, but like this without more action it gets just coloured and highly worked with curves ....
Just what my taste says.....
COOL idea what you three are doing!!!
Salvatore Rossignolo
{K:13559} 4/22/2006
Hugo I think Michael did the top 4, seems his style....You are responsible for the bottom and though I am unfamiliar with Manus work, his must be the middle shot. Right? Sal
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 4/22/2006
Great to see a collaboration guys. Hugos is the duotone top right yes? Only joking, it's outside his aesthetic zone. They work well together. The high key one on the left is sweet.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 4/22/2006
HI Hugo, Funny thing is the image that I was attracted to the most turns out to be the second from the top on the right. Now I scroll down and find out that it looks just like the original. Andre
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 4/21/2006
Excelent Hugo !! joão
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 4/21/2006
Ha, ha! Not one, but two panoramas from the same Lensbaby photo. I take my hat off to whoever thought of that! Really funny...
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/21/2006
ROFL! It's Mike who's the genius here! My mind is just way too messed up, remember I'm the one of us three with a lensbaby...:)
{K:13082} 4/21/2006
Well, frankly I'm speechless...wow...!
The way Hugo came up with so many ideas but couldn't decide on which ONE to put forward....is just ART..! Fantastic piece of work..?
Michael Kanemoto
{K:22115} 4/21/2006
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/21/2006
Here's the original file Manu, Michael Kanemoto and myself started with.
Original Lensbaby Photo |