Knut Hoftun Knudsen
{K:526} 5/4/2003
try some more contrasts!
Amy Smith
{K:0} 3/6/2003
Thank you all for the compliments and the ideas! This is actually a picture of my sis in law and brother. I took two of this pose, this one and one that is not cropped in so much whith his whole head showing, but this one seemed more intimate to me. I really appreciate all of your tips, I will take all I can get!!
BTW- he DEFINANTLY needs a shave!!! I don't know what he was thinking!!! I had a hard enough time trying to get them to wear plain black clothes that day!!! They think I am crazy!!! They are usually JCPenney type of family picture people!!! (no offense but I think you all know what I mean :)
Mike Scott
{K:1817} 3/5/2003
Sorry I was brief at first - I usually like something about a photo to comment at all. I love the composition. The woman (you?) has a beautiful profile. I like the way this stands out against his black shirt. I also like the small white triangle between her nose and his cheek - perfectly placed and just enough to show the lashes of her right eye.
I'm a little uncomfortable with him. While her closed eyes, expression and placement of her head against his seem to convey a sense of closeness, devotion and love for him, it doesn't feel like he's giving her the same attention. He's looking into the camera - at me as the viewer. Along with the suggestion of his head tilted toward her as mentioned above, I'd also like to see a version where he too has his eyes closed or where he's looking at her...
He needs a shave too. ; )
{K:2731} 3/5/2003
I agree, needs contrast and light adjustment, still a well taken portrait, nicley composed, the only thing I would change is the crop, i think it's to tight on your mates head.
Lisa Howeler
{K:3706} 3/5/2003
I personally like the composition of this photo. It might even be neater if his head was tipped down toward her -- but you get what you get sometimes. I really like the overall feeling of this photo -- regardless of how good or bad the photo scanned.
Sandra Engman
{K:1231} 3/5/2003
Amy, The style and composition are very good. See the difference between what Mike posted and what you posted. The skin tone is warmer on his and not so white. easy to fix in PS. Slight burn in (darken) the right top of his forhead. Also there are some white specks on his shirt to remove. To smooth out the look as you said you might try a slight blur in photoshop. Also taking the image with a soft focus filter attched would help. You have a good eye for composition. Just work on fine tuning the print.
Amy Smith
{K:0} 3/5/2003
oops forgot to check the box! here it is
Amy Smith
{K:0} 3/5/2003
Thank you for your input Mike. The orignal photo that I converted to b/w does have a little more contrast than this. This one I actually played around with even more using the cloning tool to remove facial blemishes and such as well as making it more gray on purpose!! Bad choice I guess!!! I just thought it looked "smoother" this way! This is what it looked like when I just simply took away all of the color. I shot these on color film and had them processed b/w, so those prints look even a little different yet. What do you think about the composition?
Mike Scott
{K:1817} 3/5/2003
Looks washed out - too gray and not enough black & white. You need to do some work with the Adjustments>Levels tool - even Autolevels might do the trick.