Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 6/22/2006
The B&W tones is a good choice!! Riny
James Cowhey
{K:374} 4/23/2006
Thanks for your comments. I had dodged some of the midtones and highlights but still did not get the contrast I was looking for. I will try another version along the lines you have mentioned. One other person mentioned the horizon line on the previous version.. JRC
Steve Aronoff
{K:18393} 4/23/2006
You have the makings of a fine photo here, James. The pattern of the ice is really interesting and there's a nice symmetry between the look of the lake and the sky. There are three things that I would do if this were my photo, which I realize it's not. For one, I would straighten the photo to make the horizon horizontal. The second thing I would do would be to increase the contrast and brightness. As it stands, the only way I know I'm not looking at a muddy lake bed is the title. To me it doesn't look particularly cold. I think a brighter more contrasty photo would enhance the feel of the light reflections on the ice surface, and white is a pretty cold "color" when you get right down to it. The third thing I would do, and this really is a matter of personal taste, is to crop off some of the top and the bottom. I've mocked up an example of what I would do. It certainly is a nice capture. Steve
The changes I would make. |
Sergio Cárdenas
{K:25028} 4/15/2006
I like it! Great composition with b&w tones. Beautiful moody sky and clouds 7/7 Regards
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 4/15/2006
Nice the way the sky mimics the ice patterns on the lake.I'd crop down and reduce the area of sky to give greater dominance to the ice patterns which are most attractive. Regards, Tony
Dino Lupani
{K:15142} 4/15/2006
Nice pattern, excellent bw and tones!! Regards
Zamfirr zeffer
{K:425} 4/15/2006
Very nice complimenting patterns James. Maybe just a little higher crop from the bottom to loose those branches. Just a nit pic as it's a beautiful image. Almost has an IR look.
Nicola Barbieri
{K:18000} 4/15/2006
Wow! Great picture. Beautiful capture. Ciao, Nicola