Chris Moore
{K:5591} 5/15/2002
Hi Steve, Just beautiful. (I know, I'm late for this discussion - catching up a bit).
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 4/29/2002
Shahryar, traditionally I have had 4 X 5 internegatives made from my transparencies, and then have had custom "C" prints made. In more recent times I've used high resolution drum scans and digital printing. I also make my own prints with an Epson 1280.
Shary Shary
{K:428} 4/26/2002
Steve, this is very beautiful like all other images you have created. I have a question and I hope you do not mind answering it. When you want to print your slides, what kind of print do you prefer: Cibachrome, or high quality inkjet printer (the ones used by professional photoshops)? I usually have my slides (6 x 4.5 cm medium format and 35 mm) printed on cibachrome paper. But they always become contrasty and darker than the slides. I am never happy with the prints although I like the slides. What is your suggestion? Thanks a lot.
Steve Kaufman
{K:2748} 1/29/2002
OK guys, now here is the rest of the story. There's a woman who lives on the Homer Spit who feeds eagles (fish scraps from the canneries) during the winter months. Up to 400 eagles will come in for food. It's actually ridiculously easy to photograph eagles; the problem can be too many eagles get in the way! This is morning light. Slight cropping with PS, but no alteration in any other way from original scan preformed by an LS-4000. Normally I do adjust levels a bit, but did not on this particular image.
Tom Landon
{K:92} 1/28/2002
Incredible. This is the level I hope we all strive for. I can only imagine how many exposures you made and the time you invested to get this one. Is this evening light ?
Y. Bear
{K:-46} 1/28/2002
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 1/28/2002
This looks almost like a painting. Was there any ps invloved? It's gorgeous!
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 1/28/2002
Beautiful! I only wish . . . .
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 1/28/2002