Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 9/16/2006
Thank you so much Graham....i'll take time to see your portfolio next monday...Going to walk in the swiss mountains...
Graham Jones
{K:2186} 9/16/2006
The hat - perfect! great tones Claude. Sorry for the lack of critique - your work only provides inspiration to improve. regards, Graham
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 5/29/2006
Un chaleureux merci pour tes commentaires Joao...
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 5/29/2006
Excelent photograph and so well composed dear Claude Tenot !! regards jo
Aykaan K
{K:13601} 5/7/2006
ahh oui... toujours aussi agréable et émotif de me trouver devant tes images.... beauté remplie d'émotions.... félicitations...
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 5/4/2006
Merci pour ton précieux commentaire Luke
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 5/3/2006
what fabulous tones you achieve with the film. your composition of course is your signature with the wonderful rapport with the model. excellent portrait. Luke
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 5/2/2006
Punto di vista inusuale, espressione eccellente della modella (bellissima...). Molto belli i toni bianco-nero.
Benigno Bobby
{K:-1679} 4/19/2006
nice concept
orwa juve
{K:6059} 4/18/2006
molto calma, molto sensuale, mi piace tanto il DOF , bravo. omar
Alfons Rial
{K:7600} 4/12/2006
¡Qué bonita foto, Claude! Me gusta.
Omar Rifaat
{K:10141} 4/9/2006
salut Claude, j'aime bien la sensualite naturalle ici. C'est comme elle est rentree apres une journee fatiguant. omar
Randee Armstrong
{K:-820} 4/7/2006
Again, another fabulous portrait. All of your portraits have so much beauty in them. I love that. You give beautiful a whole new meaning )
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 4/7/2006
Grand merci pour ta visite Elsa
Elsa Mota Gomes
{K:1565} 4/6/2006
beautiful image, strong imagery out of your camera
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 4/5/2006
Sammy.... Un chaleureux merci pour tes deux derniers messages...j'apprécie beaucoup tes visites sur mon portfolio.....you always give me sincere comments....You are a "real" UF friend...
Claude Tenot
{K:9960} 4/5/2006
Merci..merci beaucoup pour ton message David
david henderson
{K:16659} 4/5/2006
Claude....as soon as I saw this I knew who the photographer is, feeling a bit starved of the sort of work I really like and you have come to the party!....an elegant, romantic portrait with feeling and grace, beautifully exposed shot,so good, thanks. david.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 4/4/2006
The hat is a very nice touch, but above all I like the pose and expression you chose for your model, so soft and sensual, this is a thing I always envy you ;) Excellent tones and lighting too, definitely a very good portrait. Salut, Max
{K:1665} 4/4/2006
Nice. I like it.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/4/2006
Perfect pose and setting. very well done!
pan g.
{K:16899} 4/4/2006
Moody work, i like the pose and the tones. You've done a great work!
Larissa Nazarova
{K:12118} 4/4/2006
Excellent emotional portrait! Hat is finishing composition or may be started. Expression of model moody, sexy, light touch of dream. My regards, LArissa
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 4/4/2006
Wooooooowwwwwwwwww Mom cher ami Claude!!!! La phote est supèrbe!!!! Comme les autres.... Leo
sammy -
{K:4108} 4/3/2006
You nailed the contrast. Beautiful detail/form in the highlights and shadows.
At first the hat being connected to the chair leg bothered me a bit, but now I like it that way.
Fabiola Barrientos
{K:8169} 4/3/2006
Hello Claude, really I wonder you! Beautiful moment, tones and model.:-)
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 4/3/2006
très sensuel, magnifique modèle, sa pose langoureuse, j'aime la chute des cheveux et le chapeau au sol, l'éclairage est parfait, tout en douceur. Je reconnais bien là le maître que tu es. Fantastique Claude, tu nous montres toujours la beauté à son état pur.