Chris Wenzel
{K:1165} 1/17/2005
Dina, Thanks for the compliment, but no I've never had any work published. So far photography is just a serious hobby of mine. Maybe someday...
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 1/17/2005
wow- glad to be directed to your portfolio.... nice work here.... have you been published?
no longer a member
{K:10557} 1/17/2005
Simply breathtaking! Terrific composition!
神 風
{K:10665} 2/16/2004
It is truly quite interesting here how the 'Author of the Image' has made a comment almost longer than all the other 14 comments combined ... isn't it?
On with the critique:
1. The image is quite clearly divided into thirds with the lower trio being the most dominant because of the quite well exposition duration of the Velvia type film used. Quite commendable indeed with the soothing grayish/blue tones illuminated quite nicely!
2. However ... and there always is one ... isn't there? The main atrraction of this artistic piece of work is the lighthouse and it's half man-made structure it occupies which is for sure in need of at least a bit more clarity imo. But ... here's the good concerning the upper trio: The photographer did indeed patiently wait for the rotating light to shine cleary in his direction. Bravo on this simple diagnosis but not yet mentioned at all ... just supposed I guess ... except for one hint that it should be shining outward across the sky by Scott and seconded by Raymond but I don't know clearly what part.
3. The horizon is 180 .. that's good also compared to half the site!
4. Thanks for being wide awake at this time of morning to capture and share this very descent and wonderful work with all of us and now it's time for the rating: Are you sitting down Chris? I hope so because I am only going to give you (as I have) straight fives which is on the 'highest' end of the three goods and I am NOT even going to ask you if you are happy about that ... okay?
Best of Regards!
P.S. What is Hakan's portrait doing here as an attachment ... some sort of an illustration? Just kidding of course!
metoni .
{K:24727} 9/11/2003
bravo chris,
fantastic photo
sahin s
{K:1872} 8/20/2003
good work,sahin
Terry Graham
{K:616} 5/1/2003
Beautiful shot, well composed and nicely exposed. Thanks for your previous comments on one of my photos.
Hakan Cem Isiklar
{K:2704} 4/29/2003
Wonderful.... :)

gianna piano
{K:15530} 4/29/2003
Paolo Cardone
{K:1161} 4/29/2003
Alberto Agnoletti
{K:12811} 4/29/2003
Very nice shot!!
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 3/22/2003
Fantastic shot!Good exposure and nice tone. Bye Marco.
Chris Wenzel
{K:1165} 2/27/2003
Thank you all for the comments. When I woke up that day, I was disappointed by the overcast sky and almost went back to bed. Instead I decided to go take a few shots anyway, thinking I might get a few dark, moody photos. The color breaking through at sunrise was a nice surprise, as was the rain holding off just long enough for me to return to my hotel, perhaps my reward for making the effort.
Scott P, you are right, the lighthouse is definitely soft, but I think this is due to the poor scan. I seem to be having this trouble with all of my scans even though the slides appear quite sharp. Might it is time for a new scanner.
Ray, actually there was no PS work (besides a slight crop), just a long exposure (about 10 seconds). As Steven pointed out, cool things can be done with Velvia and extended exposures in low light. I did use an ND grad filter to keep the sky from being overexposed.
{K:2731} 2/26/2003
Excellent capture, and PS work.
Steven B. Poitinger
{K:1757} 2/26/2003
Nice reward (for all of us) for getting up so early. I just love what can be done with Velvia and extended exposures in the wee hours of low light.
Andrew Lahanas
{K:7062} 2/26/2003
The three toned layers of clouds look spectacular. The foreground is great, the BG with the lighthouse is wonderful. I love the colours, and the way the sky changes colour to the foreground in a gradual way. It is a great effort and a photo to be proud of. Well done.
Joe Smith
{K:352} 2/26/2003
very nice...great job on making your horizon level on that really rocky surface. I too think this would make a great wall hanging.
Raymond Andringa
{K:963} 2/26/2003
Colors and composition are all very, very nice. Just an overall lovely picture. I also second what Scott said. Keep it up.
Scott Poupard
{K:179} 2/26/2003
This is gorgeous! Really nice shot. I can't tell if it is my monitor or the photo, but is the lighthouse a little bit soft? Also, the only thing that would have made this better is if you could see the light-beam from the lighthouse shining across the sky. I really like this, though. It would make a great wall hanging.