kharmaduk k
{K:253} 11/7/2007
fantastic lighting and very good exposure. congrats.
alexander garcia castro
{K:7335} 6/9/2006
Exelente manejo de luz, me parece genial la manera en que se cuela la luz dejando una estela que marca su trayectoria.
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 6/6/2006
Beautiful lighting. Meaningful photo vs title.
Jordi Millas
{K:2898} 4/27/2006
Bonica imatge Ferran, les esperdenyes/sabates de l ´esquerra li donen molta profunditat, no cal dir la magnifica llum que té, felicitats una abraçada desde Valls. jordi Millàs
eugenio intini
{K:-75} 4/12/2006
uno scatto davvero immersivo....mi piace molto....ciao ciao
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 4/8/2006
Terrific shot. I like the lighting.Suparb work. Full of joy.
Ian Miller
{K:9190} 4/6/2006
A feast for the eyes, I found them darting all over this shot. I like the contrast of light and shades and the more personal aspect of it. Well done.
Ps, Thx for your comments.
Nelson Moore [Kes] -
{K:20241} 4/3/2006
Nice Nice
I like the sharp colorful shoes, balanced with colors on the opposite side.
Good lines leading into the shot. Friendship is portrayed well.
And - it could be a scene from "Blade Runner"!
{K:1806} 4/3/2006
You collect beautiful images of your surroundings of your city. I want to give you my thanks for your time in commenting my "Color Your World" image.
Keep it up!
Alfons Rial
{K:7600} 2/24/2006
Fantástica luz, Ferran. Una foto preciosa.
Jose Prieto
{K:671} 2/16/2006
Quina llum més maca. La màgia del món oriental! jose
Oui Lee
{K:3238} 2/12/2006
me gusta mucho el efecto de los rayos entrando en el pasadizo, pero la linea que queda más oscura le da un toque especial. y la visión de los niños con esa mirada al suelo que les aisla del entorno es genial.
John Nobody
{K:4914} 2/12/2006
Amazing light, i loved it. Cograts.
r u t h d r io
{K:4339} 2/11/2006
bonita imagen Ferran!la amistad encuadrada bajo esos haces de luz...tiene cierto aire a un fotograma de cine, me !gusta
sergio rotondo
{K:1690} 2/10/2006
molto bella
Aleix Oriol
{K:868} 2/10/2006
Muy buen efecto lumínico y escena costumbrista, felicidades!
josep alsina
{K:19880} 2/9/2006
Preciosa fotografía y muy bien lograda. El efecto del polvo iluminado te quedó fabuloso. Un abrazo de Josep
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 2/9/2006
amazing light here ..and friends are so nice. excellent Ferran! :)
Paolo Sciacca
{K:1351} 2/9/2006
gran bella luce, complimenti
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/9/2006
well well well... i remember a similar shot, with much shadows and light!!! have fine texture and mode, really well composed my friend! ...also have a nice work effect with the sunrays in the "fog"... roby
1301307 60
{K:44058} 2/9/2006
very nice capture and composition.. i like the lighting very much..., congrats!
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 2/9/2006
Very nice street photo and the light in it is wonderful.
arian mumxhiu
{K:960} 2/9/2006
great! Very nice photo. i like contrast and tones
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 2/9/2006
Very good! The mood is pleasant. Love the streams of light.
Fabiola Barrientos
{K:8169} 2/9/2006
Me encantan las fotos de la calle, esa luz que entra desde arriba quedó de cine. Fantastica!!!Mi 7+ para ti también.
Pietro Clarizia
{K:8241} 2/9/2006
hey there, really good light! i like contrast and tones!
Mihai Ragea
{K:762} 2/9/2006
Great light, and the composition is perfect ... regards, m
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 2/9/2006
Very nice & delicate moment. more contrast could be useful!
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 2/9/2006
Wonderful street capture with gorgeous light rays coming in. I also like the patterns on the floor.
Gonçalo Franco
{K:1773} 2/9/2006
great! journalism also!|