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taking flight
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Photographer  JASON LEE PARRY {Karma:34}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Children
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Nikon  10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye
Uploaded 2/4/2006 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 4363 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 69 Rating
/ 25 Ratings
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Country - United States   United States
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desperate desires







falling flowers

There are 69 Comments in 1 Pages
Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 6/6/2010
hehe.. crikey when we were kids we used to play this.. back in 1950something... we used to call it "Brides Dying" thanks for bringing back a memory


özcan duygum çeltikli özcan duygum çeltikli   {K:286} 12/16/2009
süper be..sehr gut..:)):)


ArTmiZ Sayad CHamani ArTmiZ Sayad CHamani   {K:2742} 12/16/2009
Very ,very nice & perfect shot.



Mohamed Badawy Mohamed Badawy   {K:11828} 12/31/2008


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 12/31/2008
Congratulations, ..
and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR , ..


Nadiya Zakeri   {K:99} 4/11/2008
very goood
I like fall and spring simpel when I was child
It`s full of energy0.
The first boy has specilaly innocence.
The picther has transparent and live colour.
I wish best


Dan s   {K:839} 4/11/2008
This is a great shot! Just wonder what he's thinking as he falls! hahaha


SRS SRS SRS SRS   {K:6731} 11/10/2006
This is just too cool! Brings back memories of my own childhood, & all the millions of times my sister & I were right there. Small, weightless & beaming with laughter. Love your work! MANY GREAT pictures!


Renato Haber Renato Haber   {K:7328} 8/29/2006
Hello Jason!

So we have something like a school for heroes. :)
And the funny that we can have the subtitle "TRY IT AT HOME!" hahaha
Lovely shot, a great idea!
Well done!

Best wishes,


- -   {K:2997} 8/29/2006
haha great capture! it has great energy in it


Anne Grindle   {K:842} 8/29/2006
What a great, fun picture. Congrats


özcan çeltikli özcan çeltikli   {K:3575} 8/28/2006
7 von mir..............;)


Engy Farahat Engy Farahat   {K:11591} 8/28/2006
Oh... funny & beautiful capture Jason.
excellent timing. wonderful colors & tones.
congratulations on the EC & SC & front page awards. really deserved


Khayala Eylazova Khayala Eylazova    {K:464} 8/28/2006
wow wow cool!


ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN   {K:16316} 7/29/2006
superb :)

well done


Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP) Luis  Steinberg (EFIAP)   {K:21250} 7/16/2006
But is not your best...LUIS


Fahd Siddiqui Fahd Siddiqui   {K:316} 7/16/2006
Okay, i like this very much, because i have done exactly i mean **EXACTLY** that as a kid

Nice timing Lee!


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 7/16/2006
Great picture Jason!! Congrats.


daniele tolu daniele tolu   {K:395} 7/16/2006
simpatica....nice shot


Freddie Sandström Freddie Sandström   {K:1444} 7/16/2006
very cool!


Hai Thanh   {K:1396} 7/16/2006
wow.. unique moment. great idea.
congratulation, Jason Lee Parry !


Alessandro Capelli Alessandro Capelli   {K:34805} 7/16/2006
Congratulations for this double deserved award! Great funny and sweet shot! Very well done!


abuT naruD   {K:2796} 7/16/2006
:) beautiful colors and photo!


John-Eric Lemieux John-Eric Lemieux   {K:3045} 7/16/2006

Wonderful capture you realy deserve them two awards I like your portofolio very provocative a lot a beautiful Ideas you have a sharp imagination very good work

John Eric


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174163} 7/16/2006
What great fun! Love everything about it.:)


Beth Callahan   {K:966} 7/16/2006
great yellow shirt and bedspread. the whole thing is weird and surreal. i really like it.


Melanie Reynolds Melanie Reynolds   {K:9096} 6/10/2006
This is awesome! Looks like a typical day with my kids. Love it!

The boy "taking flight" looks like he is defying gravity, like the Matrix or something. Very cool.


Jimmy  Piper Jimmy  Piper   {K:5742} 5/12/2006
not sure why, but first thing i did was smile...


Sidney Chan   {K:404} 5/10/2006
Hahaha Great fun! You have captured the right moment! Nice!!


Erik Neldner Erik Neldner   {K:10846} 4/20/2006
amaZing capture! love the energy here.


Mohammad Porooshani Mohammad Porooshani   {K:20765} 4/20/2006
I'm the next ;)
I know, I'm a little tall for that! but I want to do it!
it's a good image,
I like the roof's line and the colors and the inspiration of childhood!
Well done to you,
Best wishes,


Jessica Morsell Jessica Morsell   {K:165} 4/14/2006
Excellent shot! One for the decisive moment books, for sure. My only qualm is the clarity of the shot, but i you look at any of mine, I shouldn't really be talking about sharpness and clarity, either. Either way, this shot really pops, and stood out as a thumbnail among others because of its great impact. Nice work!


Nicole Marcisz Nicole Marcisz   {K:10268} 4/11/2006
FUN!!!! oh the life of a child....



zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 3/5/2006
very good


luisa vassallo luisa vassallo   {K:28230} 2/26/2006
fantastic photo!!!


Chopo Gomez Zoebisch   {K:67} 2/25/2006
Breathtaking! The use of the whitespace... jump into the vaccuum. And then the dare! One little one is daring the next to have the best splash... of course there is no water. Thanks!


Trish McCoy Trish McCoy   {K:15897} 2/20/2006
this is an amazine shot!!!


Ashok Chaudhary   {K:1728} 2/20/2006
Very interesting capture - I like the action and expressions. Congratulations


John Pitman   {K:8473} 2/16/2006
Well deserved award and good capture. John


J. Michael Soliz J. Michael Soliz   {K:1366} 2/15/2006
What a great photo! It captures that time of life where broken bones and dr bills weren't an issue...for the most part! hehe....


Sebastian Zachariah Sebastian Zachariah   {K:3382} 2/9/2006
Sweeeeeetttt!!! Congrats on the EC. Well done.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/6/2006
absolutely fantastic jason.. your perfect EC well deserevd it!
the timing is so impressive.. "a flight of angel" italian language! a great play from the child, also the effect of 10,5 mm is incredible!


Emma Thornton   {K:104} 2/5/2006
i really like this photo. it brings back fond memories.
But more for the, wether intentional or not, colour match.
Its perfect that the boy in the yellow jumper is falling on to the bed with the yellow quilt, and the spots of colour in the picture on the wall which seems to be watching on, this image is a curators dream. If this was in an exhibition a curator would say 'every visual element in this photograph was intentional' perfect image love it


halit ömer  camcı   {K:225} 2/5/2006
very nice photo. congratulations.

halit ömer camcı


Timothy Schirmer Timothy Schirmer   {K:7201} 2/5/2006
Amazing capture!


Ferran Rial   {K:6670} 2/5/2006
Great shot Jason, just in the right moment. Good shot and congrats for the award!



Stace Walker Stace Walker   {K:4175} 2/5/2006
oh congrats jason!

finally some recognition!


Steve Aronoff Steve Aronoff   {K:18393} 2/5/2006
A great concept that's beautifully executed. Well done! And congratulations!


Louise Vessey   {K:13862} 2/5/2006
This is fantastic, pure 'kids being kids'. I'd be curious to see it in black and white to further simplify it but it is great as is.


Janet B Janet B   {K:16139} 2/5/2006
So fun :)
Congratulations on the EC award...well deserved!!


arun vs   {K:405} 2/5/2006
great timing indeed..... cheers


Ruyman Rodriguez   {K:345} 2/5/2006
Gran momento en la vida e imaginación de estos niños.Buen disparo Jason. Felicidades por ese premio!


Nicolas Iordănescu Nicolas Iordănescu   {K:3193} 2/5/2006
Very Good Jason! 7+++ Congrats for EC!


Kiarang Alaei Kiarang Alaei   {K:49415} 2/5/2006
One of the most different shot between your photos Jason, but still in continue of your unusuaul looking to the characters and life. with the great use of room atmosphere and window light, although the wide lense (10.5mm) distracted the perspective of the faces. thanks for share.


Kareem Afifi Kareem Afifi   {K:5968} 2/5/2006
original moment
very well done


moataz k. elkateb   {K:4971} 2/5/2006
amazing shot Ilike it very much ..
well done Jason.7/7



sergio rotondo   {K:1690} 2/5/2006
molto bella


thomas M thomas M   {K:1007} 2/5/2006
an excellent capture...

congrats, tamas


Joel Aron Joel Aron   {K:14920} 2/5/2006
I love this! reminds me of Tina Barney. So perfect in every way. The color balance is so nice! The DOF, and clarity of the boy in yellow is stunning. You have a great style and enjoy your control with light very much!

congrast on EC! Very well deserved!



Green Gemini   {K:3391} 2/5/2006
Congrats Mr. Parry on your EC award!
Love this capture. The color hues that you used are really lovely.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 2/5/2006
Congrats on this well deserved Editor's Choice award Jason!
The composition is quite original. The portrait on the wall to the left is a priceless addition to the image.


Dale Ann Cubbage   {K:9755} 2/5/2006
Wow, great capture!



Pat Fruen Pat Fruen   {K:12076} 2/5/2006
This one just grabs me...I like everything about it. The art on the wall, the bare mattress, the expressions...congratulations on the well deserved editor's choice award.


Marilyn Nagy   {K:6008} 2/5/2006
Amazing capture. What fun! Marilyn


Diego Bullita Diego Bullita   {K:17017} 2/4/2006
hi Jason,
firm the dream of all we old children


david vieira david vieira   {K:729} 2/4/2006
whos next...nice timing


Enas Moussa   {K:7470} 2/4/2006
lovely shot.. excellent timing to catch such a a fast move!
very well done


riza kayan riza kayan   {K:45} 2/4/2006
really nice. i'd like to see the children a bit more serious


Randee Armstrong Randee Armstrong   {K:-820} 2/4/2006
Good timing, looks peter panish )




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