Johancharles Boers
{K:4370} 2/17/2006
Thank-you for your feed back, I'm glad that you enjoyed the photos..I really enjoyed your photo titled "p u r p l e + I R"...I'm looking forward to seeing more of your photos.
Best Wishes, Chuck
Bobby Mun
{K:3709} 2/16/2006
Hi Chuck, firstly thanks for your comments on my picture :>
Visited your portfolio and I really love your arm series. It's EXCELLENT!
I like this picture effect captured using "Night Owl". Good work!
Cheers! Bobby
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 2/2/2006
Chuck, thank you for your answer. Would it be possible to describe the old system as well as new system from the point size, shape. I have NO idea what you are talking about. Is it a another camera, does it work with battery, etc??? Also I would like to know if ordinary people like myself are able to buy such a system or it is made for military people. Also I like to know if you rats or small creatures with that equipment or not? Thanks
Johancharles Boers
{K:4370} 1/31/2006
Thanks for all your feed back and comments. I'm not sure if you know it or not, but the Canadian Military has a Combat Camera unit as well. Here is their website... http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/common/combatcamera/index.htm ....I thought you might like checking out some of their images as well.
AKA - Johancharles
Johancharles Boers
{K:4370} 1/31/2006
It isn't a green filter, it is a night vision device called "Night Owl" that mounts on the front of my camera and allows me to take photos with little to no light source. This is one of the older systems we no longer use. We currently have a new system that is full frame, unlike the older system that has the circle effect, and is a little bit better.
AKA - Johancharles
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 1/31/2006
Why did you use a green filter?
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/31/2006
A very unique shot here, Chuck! You're really capturing the flavour of these operations. Dave.