mosti Farahat
{K:696} 9/9/2006
well done, very impressive i think if you can crop the small gap at right it would be better
Mihai Ragea
{K:762} 2/9/2006
simpli wonderful !
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 2/9/2006
Sorry, I heve no words...
Filippo Giorgio
{K:2158} 2/2/2006
Be ll ii ss ima...Paolo...
deniz cesmeci
{K:5726} 2/2/2006
interesting image fine contrast congrs.
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 2/2/2006
simply perfect! excellent composition! G.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 2/1/2006
grazie Claudia sai sempre cogliere al meglio le immagini, insomma si vede che sei un artist :) a presto
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 2/1/2006
Bellissima questa composizione, astratta sì, ma umanamente astratta, vista la presenza delle figure umane... Mi piace questo spiare tra i pieni e i vuoti e vedere che i vuoti poi non sono così vuoti. Bellisismo bianco e nero.
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 2/1/2006
Bellissima. un'inquadratura veramente preziosa. Complimenti.
Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 2/1/2006
looks great, like very much this point of view very attractive composition. congrats Paolo.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/31/2006
Hi Paolo,
your friend's series is really strong... The great silhouettes and the rounded "window" make this image a great one... This should definitely get an award, my friend.
bravo for the concept.
1301307 60
{K:44058} 1/31/2006
Very nice lines and silhouette... you really have an eye for this finds.., Very good light, the texture on the frames is visible giving the image depth. another fine Corradinis work!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/31/2006
Ciao Paolo - i can see it´s original and i have done similar things before and know it works... I just mean it´s cool with them captured inside the pattern work of a fence..
Janet B
{K:16139} 1/31/2006
Unique view that only you can create. I love the perspective on a slight angle and that the edges of the decorations are still visible. Creative :)
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/31/2006
..thank you..but it's an original work only bw conversion here. ciao! PAOLO
vito lentini
{K:13130} 1/31/2006
ottimo taglio congrt ciao vito++++++++++++++++++++
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 1/31/2006
What an unusual image! It is perfect for this project... silhouettes and abstracts. It looks as if the two friends are part of a celestial jigsaw puzzle! Very creative.
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 1/31/2006
Wooow! Dear friend, that's a very nice silhouette with two human figure. Very, very beauty ornament, love the well composed abstraction. Well captured & seen! Great one dear Paolo! Congrats! :)
Ciao! Robert
Nigel Watts.
{K:5243} 1/31/2006
Wonderful silhouette Looks like a very nice sculpture to Great photograph Nigel
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/30/2006
Perfect capture of them there IN your pattern work. Excellent Paolo!
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 1/30/2006
I really like the pattern in the structure and it also provides a great frame for you two subject. Great work! :)
Roberto Okamura
{K:22851} 1/30/2006
Excellent silhouette Paolo! Beautiful composition! Congrats! Roberto.
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 1/30/2006
Wow... great composition dear friend Paolo. joão
Luca Luca®
{K:2429} 1/30/2006
ottimo equilibrio di pieni e vuoti e belle curve
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 1/30/2006
From the thumbnail I couldn't really make out what it was. I am glad I opened it. Superb image!
Susan Hernandez
{K:6487} 1/30/2006
You have a creative eye, nice silhouettes with good composition, excellent work as always Paolo
Thank you for the comment on Warm Afternoon, have a wonderful day :)
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 1/30/2006
Great composition & framing , well done Paolo .
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 1/30/2006
thank you i really appreciate your words :) Paolo
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 1/30/2006
Awesome positive/negative space and view of the silhouettes, great composition with form, superb image, Paolo!
Steve Aronoff
{K:18393} 1/30/2006
Interesting abstract, Paolo. I like how the intricacy of the design parallels the intricacy of the relationships of friends. Steve
Jonathan Boarini
{K:1895} 1/30/2006
PERFECT composition here. EXCELLENT shot. Jonathan.
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 1/30/2006
Love the negative space in this! Beautiful capture, and wonderful contrast and DOF!
well done!
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 1/30/2006
Pailo, interesting point of view through this ornamental form. Very attractive composition, Cheers, n.j
Luciana Gama
{K:1518} 1/30/2006
Fantastic capture. Great compo.