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Florida cracker church, 1852
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Image Title:  Florida cracker church, 1852
Favorites: 6 
 By: Anson Moye  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer  Anson Moye {Karma:3480}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Fuji Finepix S9000
Categories Infrared
Film Format Digital JPEG Low
Portfolio Lens Fujinon EBC 28-300
Uploaded 1/21/2006 Film / Memory Type Sandisk 1Gb
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 2098 Shutter 5s
Favorites Aperture f/2.8
Critiques 38 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City -  Wacahoota
State -  FL
Country - United States   United States
About Wacahoota, FL, SW Gainesville, 89B filter, channel mixer PS
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There are 38 Comments in 1 Pages
Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 9/27/2010
well for mine I think its OK compositionally.. jus a beaut pictorial shot... to the sky TRHS however seems to bright sunny and whatever to suit the mood of the graveyard... I dunno just a feelin'


SaMiHa Jawad   {K:1447} 9/9/2009
Very nice


Tom Ravisé Tom Ravisé   {K:5082} 9/9/2009
it's a really deep picture.
We can easly feel the horrible side of it.
Dark colors gives it totally.
A so beautiful picture.
Nice shot


Dirk Noort Dirk Noort   {K:9683} 1/1/2009
So cool!


Mustafa Pracha   {K:333} 1/1/2009
Good composition. I like the tones of the image very much!


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 4/21/2008
Many American Civil War casualties in this old cemetary, Michele, which makes me sad. Please visit again. Regards. Anson


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 4/21/2008
Sometimes I feel as if my "magic" has done a disappearing act, Rick, but you have paid me a very fine compliment, and I appreciate it greatly. Regards. Anson


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 4/21/2008
It is actually a very welcoming place when the sun is out nice and bright, Roby, but thanks so much for commenting on one of my personal favorites. Anson


Michele Beccia Michele Beccia   {K:16550} 4/21/2008
wonderful mood!:)


Rick Smith Rick Smith   {K:5490} 4/20/2008
Just stunning IR shot...composition and your magic make this is superb shot


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 12/23/2007
wooww and also this one have so much mood, anson!


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 12/23/2007
This still is one of my favorite photos Bernardo. I am so pleased you like it too. Thanks for stopping and commenting. Anson


Bernardo González Bernardo González   {K:4655} 12/23/2007
Excellent. The composition and the tones are amazing. The place is outstanding too...You have created a scene...Oniric moody shot.


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 3/21/2007
So glad to read some thoughts on composition Kevin. Thanks for the critique.
This image is a glorious spooky drab colourfull thing with beautiful details Anson! Wish I could spot a compositional power point myself... hoping one day. The grass crackles beneath my feet and the sky is a painting.
Would ten steps left darkening the background of the tree and giving the sky more space have worked for your intensions and adressed Kevins critique? I guess it would have obscured the church.
Very deft post work.


Jimmy  Piper Jimmy  Piper   {K:5742} 6/18/2006
very good shot, great tones and mood.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 2/10/2006
wooww anson.. a marvelous mood, sad and magnific light work you have captured!
congrats also for the front page


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 2/9/2006
Linda: Thanks for being a convincing advocate about this picture. I learned early on about photos that one persons junk is another persons treasure. I haven't changed anything on this one, and the prints look great. This little church is on the National Registry and the congregation meets once a year on Jan. 1. Anson


Linda Mac Donald   {K:1892} 2/9/2006
I have read the coments on this photo and I disagree with any of the negativity. This is a perfect shot in my mind and I would not chane perfection. I love the look! I think the compostion is perfect. My eye goes directly to the church and then wanderd to the graveyard of parissioners. If you deside to change anything about this phot Keep the Original because you just may want it back again. A++++++++++++ for this one.


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 1/23/2006
Mel: Thanks for the comments on this one. I have enjoyed your portfolio much, especially "Taking Flight" with the 5AM shot of the bird in flight. A similar mood to what I tried to achieve here. This shot was taken at 2 PM though! Anson


Ms. Mel Brackstone Ms. Mel Brackstone   {K:5285} 1/23/2006
Wonderful shot, love the tones and colours.


louis Michael louis Michael   {K:4210} 1/22/2006
Beautiful. I like everything about this masterpiece.


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 1/22/2006
Patrick: Certainly happy to share any info I have with anyone on this forum, as long as it is legal to do so. Firstly,make sure camera WB is set in custom mode on green foliage, or in this case on the white church. I use PS CS2, although other versions ought to work. Set channel to red channel and gradually reduce red setting to around 80%. Go to blue channel and increase red slightly. This should give you a sepia like look. Go back to red channel and tweak a little. Anson


Patrick Elsass   {K:552} 1/22/2006
I really like the effect of your IR shots. They have a very interesting feel. Can you share your post processing method? Thanks, patrick


Ian V   {K:1730} 1/22/2006
Really like this one. in response to kevins comment; I'm not in disagreeance, however I acctually like what it does to your eye. Yes it does seem like there are two seperate images, in which the eye has a hard time trying to decipher the desired focal point. But i feel this montage of the two images creates a neat feel of its own. Really nice work Anson.


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 1/22/2006
hello welcome and with a magnific mode composition the perfect tones have created a fantastic and surealistic-mystical atmopshere!
just a choice of the staff for the Front page , very well deserved it!
best wishes


Earl Dotson   {K:952} 1/22/2006
Great Shot Anson, You placed the Church, graves stones, trees and clouds just right, And the color is awsome, All around you done a good job. Congrats on the Post.


Mary Brown   {K:71879} 1/22/2006
Tremendous mood. I loe it.


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 1/22/2006

Personally I wouldn't change a thing, IMHO... Your capture makes one wonder and ask questions, which is what we want...



Anson Moye   {K:3480} 1/22/2006
Martin: Thanks for the critque and nice comment. If I had to redo this image, I would reduce the highlights around the trunk of the tree to the left to make it less eye catching. Will do that before I make any print. Anson


Martin . Martin .   {K:24957} 1/22/2006

Very well seen indeed, but I do agree with Kevin somewhat. A change in the vantage point would solve everything. Just shoot this 25 feet over to the left and then the church would fit.

But then again, I wouldn't change a damn thing. I have been staring at this Masterpiece for 10 minutes and I will probably stare another 10.

Well done my friend,



brian underdown brian underdown   {K:-960} 1/21/2006
another excellent shot in infrared i think you certainly have mastered that technique and your choice of scenes are so good ,here you have turned a resting place into a dreamy atmospheric
place.that house (church) is perfectly placed which shows you have a great eye for composition.

well done once again.



Anson Moye   {K:3480} 1/21/2006
Hezer: Thanks for the comment and the edited image. For some reason the B/W image I brought up from the thumbnail was very contrasty. I will have to play with that one in PS. Thanks much for the alternate view. Anson


Anson Moye   {K:3480} 1/21/2006
Hezer: Thanks for the comment and the edited image. For some reason the B/W image I brought up from the thumbnail was very contrasty. I will have to play with that one in PS. Thanks much for the alternate view. Anson


Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 1/21/2006
this is absolute magic the composition i meant! give you ten thousand points for that. I think you the one who posted that image of 1942 with old car maybe :)

excellent work keep your style open its diffrent :) good to have your own style composition :)

best of luck


H H   {K:-67} 1/21/2006
I like your picture very much, so I wanted to see the same one from another perspective. I hope you will like it this way, too.
Great photo!


B&W version

Anson Moye   {K:3480} 1/21/2006
Kevin: Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. There was something I just couldn't pur my finger on about this one, and I think you hit it square on. Too many images for the frame.Anson


Tom Ross   {K:6453} 1/21/2006
Beautiful. I really like the tone, the clouds abd the diagonal lead into the church.


Kevin Lanthier Kevin Lanthier   {K:3477} 1/21/2006
Imageopolis Featured Photo Critique Wow, you've definately found a very cool look here and it benefits the style of all your images, they look great so far. 89B and channel mixer, eh? Hmmm... have to remember that.

On the topic of this one, specifically, though, I think it's the least effective of all your fascinating images so far because although the lines of the graves and your horizon all lead the the church, the center of the tree on the left is a bright spot right at a compositional power point and it pulls focus and leaves this feeling like two seperate images put together. My eye doesn't know where to go and it doesn't rest right. I think there's maybe too much subject too spaced apart for one frame here.




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