Cool! Now which moviecover does this remind me of? I can't remember.. Looks sort of alienish, with even more light, you could have made the arms, legs and head even thinner, thus making it even more standard-old-hollywood-invasion-from-mars-scifi-movie-alien-like. (if you see what I mean..) I'm a little curious about how you made this backlightning. But I think it would be better to make the picture outside, instead of inside your house(?). Perhaps with a forest in the far background, and with a little hint of a mothership(you only need a $99999999 budget), behind the glow, and of course this excellent take-me-to-your-leader pose..!
Interresting. Reminds me of a sci-fi movie cover. eliminate the door stop at the bottom. Tighter crop to the right to get rid of the white and blend and smudge more of the glowing white. just a little fine tuning. I like the overall feel.