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Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/2/2009 2:20:11 AM

As ever Gary, I find your commentary of great value. You are an assiduous adviser indeed!

Best wishes,

        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/2/2009 2:17:46 AM

Thank you Tom! You have given me a lot to ponder. However, I understand you well, and you have made your point powerfully. I am most grateful that you took the time and trouble to comment.

Warm regards,

        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/2/2009 2:14:59 AM

Thanks Gary! Happy indeed to see you back. As you can see, just playing with things here...

Warm regards,

        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/2/2009 1:21:03 AM

I appreciate your comment Marcus, thank you. I'm also a big fan of horror films, especially from the "Hammer" stable!

Best wishes,

        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/2/2009 1:18:50 AM

Thanks Keith, apropos my earlier comment about "restraint", not here!

Thanks again,

        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Marcus Vianna  (K:4552)  
7/2/2009 1:15:36 AM

Sobresai o momento tenebroso e sombrio dos fins de tarde de inverno nos filmes de Drácula!
Bela imagem, boa composição!
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Keith Saint  (K:13784) Donor  
7/2/2009 1:13:31 AM

The treatment here gives this a look of a horror film
Great work
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Marcus Vianna  (K:4552)  
7/2/2009 1:11:18 AM

Aspécto sombrio, ton sur ton.
Exelente imagem!
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/2/2009 12:55:29 AM

Thanks Keith. A welcome comment coming from you. Sometimes I show restraint!


        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Keith Saint  (K:13784) Donor  
7/2/2009 12:24:22 AM

Nice exposure and love the detail
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/1/2009 10:25:22 PM

My thanks to you Domenico!


        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Tom Ravisé  (K:5082) Donor  
7/1/2009 8:31:27 PM

"I recognize him. The man totaly on the left, he is my daughter's ripper!"
That's my first impression. To be in front of police theck up people. (scuse my sente but i don't know how to say it, but i tried).
Great atmosphere for the subject. It's create perfectly the tones for a picture like that. Particularly, the effect for a big ISO. I don't know how to explain it in english. The choice for B/W is really judiciou.
Great job.
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Billy Bloggs  (K:51043) Donor  
7/1/2009 4:56:20 PM

Outstanding, and looks like you've photographed in difficult circumstances. The two on the left would make a great image on their own.
Regards, Gary
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Billy Bloggs  (K:51043) Donor  
7/1/2009 4:44:21 PM

The smooth red box against the rough grey stone is a nice comparison, especially with the strong contrast. Pity the cars in the way, one of my pet hates when photographing old buildings.
Regards, Gary
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Billy Bloggs  (K:51043) Donor  
7/1/2009 3:22:00 PM

Wow, that's subtle, and the granite stone of northern Spain certainly stands out too
Regards, Gary
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Susie  Peek-Swint  (K:7303) Donor  
7/1/2009 10:04:10 AM

Great tones against that brilliant pop of red Anthony .. I love this shot.. I think it would also be great to shoot those windows against the light from the inside out .. it looks like etched glass which I love!
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Susie  Peek-Swint  (K:7303) Donor  
7/1/2009 9:59:47 AM

A haunting street-life image Anthony .. it is so difficult to just walk by without doing something to help.. before now we have offered a hot meal rather than cash ~ this poor soul doesn't look like he's in a fit state to get up and spend it anyway :(
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor  
7/1/2009 7:11:31 AM

very nicely captured with good perspective and tones,
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/1/2009 3:00:28 AM

Warmest thanks indeed Rashed! It's a real pleasure to receive praise from someone like you, whose art and technique I have much to learn from, and which I greatly admire.

Are you still busy in Thailand?

Regards as ever,

        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/1/2009 2:44:32 AM

Thanks so much Marcio. I like this one myself because I didn't have to fiddle with it much!

As ever,

        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/1/2009 2:43:01 AM

Thank you very much Marcus. My vague understanding of Portuguese is enough to say "thanks again" :)


        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor  
7/1/2009 2:32:17 AM

I love UF simply because it's great to share opinions, and it makes us better photographers. I am grateful for your comment Don, as always.

Warmest regards,

        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Don mecano  (K:141)  
7/1/2009 2:28:46 AM

Mmmm, I think I liked the original better. The glow and darkening of the sorroundings gives it a more ethereal feeling, however, I think the original image has enough impact to stand on its own. Then again it is just my personal preference. Keep them coming!
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Marcus Vianna  (K:4552)  
7/1/2009 2:01:02 AM

Consigo captar a história do ambiente, parece estar gravada nas pedras das paredes.
Belo trabalho
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Marcio Janousek  (K:32538) Donor  
7/1/2009 1:54:38 AM

Wonderful lights and tones..great picture!!
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Don mecano  (K:141)  
6/30/2009 10:08:27 PM

Loved the resonance of the arrow and the acolyte. Great picture and good selective enhancements of the arrow. Again, a great picture from you. Keep them coming.
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor  
6/30/2009 4:00:15 PM

very fine colors,
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Rashed Abdulla  (K:4136)  
6/30/2009 9:03:32 AM

You do deserve the awards my friend, wonderful job been made here which I have enjoyed viewing , please except my best regards.

        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Domenico Franco  (K:1381)  
6/30/2009 8:53:08 AM

Very well composed, my friend.
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

Critique By: Domenico Franco  (K:1381)  
6/30/2009 8:50:53 AM

Another great shot and another well-deserved award.
        Photo By: Anthony Lound  (K:6661) Donor

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