Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
10/22/2007 9:04:03 AM
I don't usally like pictures of kids but this one is just amazing! You truly cought his spirit in this photo. Good job!
Photo By: Ferdinand B.
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
10/1/2007 7:36:30 AM
Yeah I need to drop the contrast and burn the face just a little bit to make it a tad bit more even but other then that i'm pretty happy with it. Thanks for the comment by the way.
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
8/16/2007 11:13:22 AM
Wow...O_O that is quite a shot. The trees look like hands reaching towards the sky.
Photo By: Satori 77
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
8/16/2007 11:12:19 AM
You know usally I just pass by flower shots with out really thinking about them but this one I actually like. I think the reason why is because of the other flowers around it kind of like the one flower in the middle is wanting to become some thing more...or maybe im just over thinking it and really it is just a beautiful shot, either way good work.
Photo By: Satori 77
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
7/31/2007 9:03:36 PM
thank you very much.
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
7/31/2007 9:02:42 PM
Got to love the Hp-5. Thanks for the comment.
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
7/31/2007 9:00:13 PM
thank you very much. ^_^
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
7/31/2007 8:59:38 PM
Even if a digital camera could do this you would probably have to pay with your soul to own it haha. Thanks for the comment ^_^ long live film!
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
4/23/2007 8:16:14 AM
Haha...yeah I know I should have centerd it just a bit more...but when it comes to photo shop...I am really really bad with it I have yet to fall really far in to the digital world the most I know how to do is adjust the contrast and brightness and give it a border.
But thank you for the comment and I wish you luck with your tattoo.
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
3/29/2007 1:12:44 PM
i don't know much about abstracts but I love this shot. Looks kind of like the moon is sitting in a pond.
And by the way thank you for all your comments in the past sorry it took me so long to say that.
Photo By: Emgy Massidda
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
3/29/2007 12:55:47 PM
Thanks, I was really pround of this one because I did during a photography class and I printed and mounted it my self...also used it in my final portfolio and got a B. But yeah she had been one of my favorite subjects...a lot of personal meaning here for me as well as memories.
But yeah thanks again for the comment means a lot to me.
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
3/8/2007 6:56:18 AM
Thank you.
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
5/5/2006 10:28:56 AM
Haha oh yeah you are right...man I posted that really early in the morning and I did not even realize.
Well thank you for that hope to hear from you again.
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
5/4/2006 10:05:33 PM
What do you mean by wrong film type? (I am still learning...no classes just self tought so any input would be more then welcome)
Photo By: Christopher Zielsdorf
Critique By:
Christopher Zielsdorf (K:87)
7/15/2005 10:51:47 AM
Very morbid romantic....I like it alot.
Photo By: Brulim .