Critique By:
Ashley Hays (K:2100)
9/4/2005 7:23:08 PM
I really like the contrast in this one!
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
jude . (K:14625)
9/3/2005 11:44:32 AM
*nods* ...brake dancing with the camera again...clearly, I'm going to have to try that one...
Terrific feeling to this image, Jackie...loved it on blogdrive; still loving it now.
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Mark Julian (K:36866)
9/3/2005 5:21:05 AM
That's an interesting shot especially considering it's you - I like it. Watch the knees, you bend the wrong way too much and your gonna mess em up...Dr. Mark
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Mark Julian (K:36866)
9/3/2005 5:17:02 AM
That's not bad, never even tried something like this. I always like your titles, very clever....
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
genious anonimous (K:-45)
9/2/2005 6:43:23 PM
i know u were experimenting, but to be sincere i dont like it much, u can do much more than this. but its just my opinion =P anyways, do u haf msn? i put mine on my profile, i dont type it here cause i dont want it to appear in google.
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Jacqui (K:1283)
9/2/2005 6:12:27 PM
yes I did shoot this standing up, I just planted my feet firmly and bent down, shot it and looked at the screen to see if it came out right.
Im 5'3"..!
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
genious anonimous (K:-45)
8/31/2005 8:36:56 PM
did you shot this standing up??? you must have some short legs! :P nice picture anyways, im agree with jude about "funky way of seeing things", you have your own personal style.
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
jude . (K:14625)
8/31/2005 9:46:12 AM
And a fine pair they are, Jackie...I'm grinning picturing the position you must've been in to take this shot. I can almost hear the elderly couple passing by, shaking their heads, sucking their teeth and murmuring: "...and she was such a nice child..."
Re the foto, it's 'vintage Jackie'...as I've said before, you've got a wonderful, funky way of seeing things, and it transmits to your fotos. Along with the unique perspective, I like your use of negative space, and the way the image leads the eye from the bottom right up, through and out the image.
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Jacqui (K:1283)
8/31/2005 9:04:16 AM
I actually thought I had already posted this picture. haha.
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Ashley Hays (K:2100)
8/30/2005 8:29:09 AM
Wow! This one is /really/ great! Where have you been hiding it?!
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Mark Julian (K:36866)
8/30/2005 5:55:05 AM
...Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday, who could hang a name on you? When you change with every new day, still I'm gonna miss you.... Chain restuarants stealing song titles....tisk , tisk .....Interesting shot here, Mark
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Mark Julian (K:36866)
8/30/2005 5:47:07 AM
I have to disagree with Kevin, it looks like 1,575 windows to me. Fantastic Composition Jackie, VERY Professional !!! (I'm really impressed - VERY good eye !!)
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
genious anonimous (K:-45)
8/29/2005 5:36:29 PM
Pretty interesting, can't say much about it, just that i liked it. My respect for you, u always try to upload a pic almost everyday, you have vocation. and yes i used photoshop for the pic. cheers
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
genious anonimous (K:-45)
8/29/2005 5:16:32 PM
The perspective is well balanced, it makes you feel like an ant, and i think the exposition is good, so overall is a good picture. and i did a little search and its the John Hancock Tower and it is 240.7 m tall,but.. im sorry, i couldn't find how many windows it has =P
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Kevin Collier (K:19076)
8/29/2005 3:25:56 PM
....looks like a thousand all right - good color and perspective - K
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
jude . (K:14625)
8/29/2005 10:06:23 AM
*nod* Yep...I'm still loving this one, Jackie. *big smile; thumbs up*
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
8/28/2005 3:21:11 PM
Muy buen abstracto. Felicitaciones!
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
aimee felstead (K:514)
8/28/2005 2:50:02 PM
Nice effect - I like the ruby tuesday bit. Composition could be imrpoved.
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
John Strazza (K:11535)
8/26/2005 6:51:49 PM
great image ..
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Ashley Hays (K:2100)
8/26/2005 2:46:45 PM
Huh. Not quite sure what to make of this one. I like the contrast of old and new (camera and old bakery).
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Ashley Hays (K:2100)
8/26/2005 9:01:58 AM
Oh, I like this one. The sun on the side of the house is perfect.
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
jane plain (K:359)
8/25/2005 11:25:03 AM
i can't explain how beautiful the colors are here. and i love the angel. it's almost like your not sure where your focus should be. on the house or on the sun? i choose the house! and i love it. keep it up jackie
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Mark Julian (K:36866)
8/25/2005 1:50:04 AM
Dear Jackie, I like the shot but I'm DYING to see the lyrics....how about posting them or taking a shot of them? I like to see what people come up with..Mark
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Chris Nichols (K:7068)
8/24/2005 1:05:03 PM
Nice! Great idea with perfect tone! Great job, Jackie!
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
jude . (K:14625)
8/24/2005 9:32:12 AM
Well-composed shot...I especially like the angle and tones. Very nice candid capture, Jackie.
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Naomi Weidner (K:6636)
8/24/2005 9:25:25 AM
Great idea! Your images consistently show a different perspective. Thanks for your comment on my image "Reflections and Leaves." -- Naomi
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Ashley Hays (K:2100)
8/24/2005 8:36:27 AM
Yay! I love this photo! I like how you got all the element in the photo (the sheet of paper, the guitar, her face). Very very good.
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Mark Julian (K:36866)
8/24/2005 1:09:09 AM
Good composition......
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Mark Julian (K:36866)
8/24/2005 1:06:12 AM
Yeah, I used to do shots like this when I was a young turk. You'll be happy to have 'em when you get older....
Photo By: Jacqui
Critique By:
Mark Julian (K:36866)
8/24/2005 1:02:05 AM
I would have liked to see the shoes TOTALLY centered (so crop a bit off the left IMO) but besides that it's a good shot. I think the title comes from a line in "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani.........
Photo By: Jacqui