Featured Critiques by Photographer
Critique By:
Colin Cartwright (K:15699)
10/20/2005 8:31:07 AM
Hello, Marie. Sorry, I didn't realise. DOF, means Depth Of Field. In other words how far your focus is, when you are choosing an aperture, (measured in 'f' stops). For example, if you have a large aperture, say 2.8, there is lots of light getting into the lens. This produces a shallow focus, so that only a small area of your subject is in focus. This is good for blurring back and foregrounds, so you emphasize the subject.
If you choose a small aperture, say f8, then the 'pinhole' effect will make all of your picture in focus. This is good in landscapes.
Sorry that wasn't very concise, but to conclude - low number f stops, (F4 or lower)have a shallow focus, and large number f stops, (f8+) keeps everything sharp!
Hope that helps, Marie
Regards Colin
Photo By: Marie Hopkins
Critique By:
Colin Cartwright (K:15699)
8/28/2005 3:59:51 PM
Nice perspective on this, much photographed castle, Marky. Great cloud shadowing on the upper castle. The only problem is, you've over-saturated the green lawn. For me, it's overpowering, and distracts my attention from the excellent, overall image.
The sky and castle are superbly detailed. You've given the impression of a huge sky, and it's really effective as a vertical wide-angle.
Stunning marra!
Photo By: Mark Evans