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Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/22/2007 4:23:24 PM

Hi Shirley,

Thanks so much for visiting my portfolio. It's very encouraging to hear kind words from a photographer and artist of your caliber.

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/22/2007 4:19:28 PM


This is a great shot of the Harrier. Amazing detail and a stunning pose. How fortunate that you were able to get so close. These guys are just too shy up here.

        Photo By: Ken  Phenicie Jr.  (K:6273)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/22/2007 4:12:36 PM

Thanks, Ken! I love shooting with that lens. It is so bright and sharp.

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/22/2007 4:11:17 PM

Thanks so much for your kind comments, Guido. I am glad you enjoy my pictures.

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/22/2007 4:10:00 PM

Thanks for the kind words, Bill. Conditions were a bit tricky, but it was an overcast day, so I didn't have to deal with shadows at least. I enjoyed your recent deer pictures.

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/13/2007 5:54:04 AM


I agree with Dave. The background is so typical of what you see when observing Harriers. It looks very natural. I haven't been able to get close enough to one to get such an amazing shot. When I see them, they are hundreds of yards deep into farm fields with a ditch, fence, and no trespassing sign between it and me.

Well done, my friend.

        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/8/2007 12:20:24 AM


Thanks for the kind words. I have lots of pictures like that too. ;^)

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/5/2007 3:54:03 AM

Ah yes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. To me, they are evolutionary wonders. ;^)

Thanks for stopping by, Guy.

Cheers, Todd
        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/3/2007 4:46:04 AM


Very cool shot! Is the intensity due in any part to the fires you have been enduring on the west coast?

        Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain  (K:101119) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
11/3/2007 4:42:05 AM


That is just AWESOME! Great timing, my friend. Great symetry in the composition as well. Excellent!

        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
10/31/2007 10:35:55 PM

Thanks Dave! I can see you're all set for the little ghouls tonight. I posted a halloween pic too. Hope you enjoy it!

        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
10/31/2007 10:27:22 PM

Hi Mary,

My deepest congratulations to you and your ever-growing, lovely family. Take care. Hope to see you soon.

        Photo By: Mary Brown  (K:71879) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
10/31/2007 10:25:26 PM


This is an extrodinary photo! All the technical aspects are to your usual high standards, but the story this picture tells is wonderful. The adult still in mid-air, the babies eagerly awaiting, then scrambling to be the first in line. Excellent, my friend!

        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
10/23/2007 3:36:41 PM


Unusual meal for a Heron. Nicely captured, great DOF. Have you considered a tighter crop, perhaps portrait? I don't find that the piece of body adds much of interest to the picture. There is, however, excellent detail in the head and vole.

Well done.


BTW, what ISO are you shooting? I'm guessing 400 by the shutter and aperture.

Stunning hawk-in-flight shots you have posted too, my friend.
        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
10/22/2007 3:33:18 AM


Yep. Just got back yesterday. Had a blast.

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
10/21/2007 9:24:17 PM

Hi Doyle,

Wish I had one! You are absolutely right. The bottom of the pond would have looked great in detail. Still, I like it for the reflection.


P.S. Just got back from Cape Breton. Stay tuned for pics.
        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/27/2007 7:50:18 PM


I have noticed that. There are many species of Kingfisher, an interesting bird with many different plumages. I have many pictures of the back-end of these guys as they fly away. Very difficult to approach. I sat still for a long time waiting for this guy to get close. I really love this lens with the 1.4 and the 1.6 chip-factor on the 20D. It is a bit of a brick, but it is useable hand-held. I have acheived reasonable results at 1/60th of a second. However, my right arm is now 2" longer than my left. ;^)

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/26/2007 5:43:46 PM


Spectacular image! You must have been wearing your vole-scented cologne. ;^)

        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/24/2007 11:47:36 PM


Georgeous shot! LOVE the pose! Well captured.

        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/24/2007 3:59:12 AM

Hi Marcus,

Nice to hear from you again. I like going to Shirley's Bay, especially in the morning. The light comes up behind me and it is a well sheltered bay with lots of activity.

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/24/2007 3:53:08 AM

Hi Mary,

I just made a noise like a fish. It got their attention. ;^)

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/19/2007 11:32:16 PM

Hi Art,

Nice capture of this young one. You did a great job with less-than-ideal lighting.

        Photo By: Arthur Kornienko  (K:9686)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/11/2007 12:01:35 AM


You are too kind, thank you. You know, I couldn't have had a better spot if I had a press pass for this event. Stay tuned for more to come...

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/10/2007 11:59:11 PM


Thanks kindly for the comments and the suggestion. I will consider that when I re-edit for printing.

As for the metering, I must admit I have become fond of the results I get with those settings and I try not to vary it too much (if it ain't broke...). I have learned that, on a sunny day, with the ISO set to 400, I can use 1/1600 to 1/2500 shutter speeds and get good results, depending on whether the subject is light or dark. I use partial metering to meter the subject and then I just ignore the meter as it jumps around all over the place. Again, I shoot full manual so that I can choose the aperture and then change the shutter speed to get the right exposure.

Hope this answers your question. Have you decided on the TC yet?

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/10/2007 11:50:22 PM


This guy was eating everything in sight. Maybe he ate the alligator too.

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/8/2007 7:58:22 AM


That's incredible. Minoo said it well. Breath-taking!


Added to favs.
        Photo By: Joggie van Staden  (K:41700)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/8/2007 5:09:28 AM


What shiny gold "thing"??

Todd ;^)
        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/4/2007 1:41:15 AM


I got them landing near my house on the evening of Sept 1 (Sat).

        Photo By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/2/2007 2:34:14 AM


Excellent wing-tip to wing-tip detail and focus! What an outstanding image! Going to my favs.

        Photo By: Yamil Saenz  (K:12434) Donor

Critique By: Todd Weeks  (K:7636)  
9/2/2007 2:32:40 AM


Very creepy! Great Halloween shot. ;^)

Excellent job under less than ideal conditions!

        Photo By: Rob Burgoyne  (K:-1207)

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