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Critiques From Brian Smistek

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Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
7/7/2006 10:39:04 PM

Hello Michele,

I love the textural opposites that this beautiful photo conveys. The color fidelity is excellent as is the choice of composition and cropping. Fine work! B)
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
7/7/2006 10:35:06 PM

Hi Michele ),

Thank you so much for the nice critique!!! I miss seeing you and your photos too. Please drop me a line.
        Photo By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
6/14/2006 1:03:06 AM

Hi Michele )
Thanks so much for getting back in touch! I don't know why, but I had a feeling that you'd be headed back out west. I'm happy to hear it and hope that your photos continue to bring a smile to my face. Your portfolio is developing well!
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/24/2005 4:18:00 PM

Control came little, by a small child who grows slowly to those who see him everyday, but to the long lost aunt, she sees him after a two year absence and says, "Oh my goodness he's getting so big"! So went the true balance of freedom that we once took for granted and enjoyed. Little by little, these freedoms are shrinking while the child grows and begins to issue the orders and the mandates...
        Photo By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/21/2005 6:38:25 PM

Hi Ashley,
I happen to like this photo for two reasons. !. It's well done. 2. You had the heart to do it for the sake of a friend! You're a class A person to act like you did. Congratulations for being a good soul! B"o)
        Photo By: Ashley Hays  (K:2100)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/20/2005 6:34:39 PM

Hello Yusef )

Spectacular sports image. Worthy of an appearance on a sports advert. All the best to a great photographer! B)
        Photo By: Yusuf IPEKCI  (K:987)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/20/2005 5:54:47 PM

Hi Paul,
Great shot, especially the suspicious, testy looks from the guys on the LAPD. Perhaps they were frustrated trying to figure out how to spell Figueroa?
I love this photo, perfect timing, focus, composition and content. B)
        Photo By: Paul Lara  (K:88111) Donor

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/18/2005 11:48:16 PM

Hi Michele,
Spectacular architectural photo here. Great lead lines to carry the eyes from hand rails to the gorgeous building. Keep up the fine work! B)
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/18/2005 11:45:03 PM

Hi Michele,
Thanks so much for taking the time to view and comment on this photo! See you soon, B)
        Photo By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/17/2005 12:46:52 PM

Hi Melanie,
The first thing I thought of when I saw this photo was....a crawling, shell covered beetle.
Nice concept and good execution of the essentials that make it so interesting. B)
        Photo By: Melanie Schembri  (K:1531)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/17/2005 12:43:55 PM

Thank you Janet. I look forward to more of your images. B)
        Photo By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/15/2005 4:51:55 PM

Hi Michele,
Actually, this was over the Niagara River in downtown Buffalo. As you stand in this spot you are a couple hundred yards across the river from Canada.
Your gracious comments are as always, appreciated! B)
        Photo By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/15/2005 12:33:34 AM

Neal couldn't have said it better! B)
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/15/2005 12:31:05 AM

Crisp, excellent detail and wonderful textures. Well saturated colors and a nice choice of composition/cropping. Great work Michele. B;o)
        Photo By: Michele Carlsen  (K:146013)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/14/2005 8:41:13 PM

Very nice lighting, composition, cropping and a fresh faced, pleasant model. I hope she loves this photo as much as I do! B)
        Photo By: Vladimir Milata  (K:43)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/14/2005 8:35:40 PM

Hello Mohamed,

This is a spectacular photo! Fabulous composition and choice of location, time of day and decision to convert to black & white. Very serene, yet very powerful as a photo. B)
        Photo By: Mohamed Banna  (K:34237)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/14/2005 7:34:53 PM

Hello Andreas,
I really like this almost mono-chromatic macro photo. The focal point is right on as is the exposure and intelligent use of depth of field. The muted tones work well here, as they tend to send the center of attention directly to the droplet. Well done mt friend! B)
        Photo By: Andreas Jezek  (K:572)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/14/2005 7:13:25 PM

Hi Mustafa,

Interesting that we both submitted bird images within an hour of each other. I like your photo better than mine because of the true silhouettes and the gray gradient tone that you so cleverly used. Congratulations on a very fine photo! B)
        Photo By: mustafa suvar  (K:101)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/14/2005 7:05:20 PM

Hello Antonio,

A nice Edward Weston type photo! Fabulous color, composition and nice use of lighting to enhance texture and shape. Great portfolios too! All the best, B)
        Photo By: Antonio Trincone  (K:23167)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/14/2005 6:47:03 PM

Hello Tran,
Another very special photo from you. Outstanding composition, great exposure in spite of the difficult lighting conditions. I love the muted colors and the fact that the woman is looking at us through your fine photo! B)
        Photo By: Tran Linh  (K:816)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/14/2005 6:30:24 PM

Hi Tony,

Nice shadow image here. I like the strength that the angle helps to convey. I like the warm earth color and the elongated shadows. This might look even better if you cloned out the riding crop. Thanks for the treat! B;o)
        Photo By: Tony Smallman  (K:23858) Donor

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/14/2005 6:27:37 PM

Hello Mark,
I found it impossible to pass your photo without leaving a critique. I absolutely love this photo. It's alive with so much slow movement of the star/planet trails that it actually becomes dizzying to stare at for too long. No complaint about that though! I am so happy for you that you achieved these fine results! )
        Photo By: Mark Simon  (K:12)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/14/2005 6:24:19 PM

Hi Rob,
Thanks for the riot of colors! Nice concept and delivery of this simple yet well executed idea. Good composition, intensity and exposure control. B)
        Photo By: rob bishop  (K:561)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/13/2005 4:45:18 PM

Hello Jose,

This is indeed a very symbolic recording of the old ways, but it also shows us the hard ways of life that many people are fully satisfied to live with. They take what they have and make the best of it. B)
        Photo By: Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia  (K:96391)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/13/2005 4:42:40 PM

Gracias Jose!
I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on this photo. B)
        Photo By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/13/2005 4:39:28 PM

Hi Maria,

Hannibal Lechter in drag? (Teasing)
I like the atmosphere of your submission for the strength of focus you placed on the fish's head. The fishmonger's gloves and hands work well in leading the eye up to her face. Fish fry anyone? B)

        Photo By: Maria Weidner  (K:883)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/13/2005 4:36:24 PM

Hello David,
Thanks for sharing this cool photo. I don't know how many times I've walked past shops like this without even thinking of going inside. You've shown me how much vibrancy and color I've been missing. Next time, I enter and look around. Thanks for the eye-opener! B)
        Photo By: D W  (K:2560)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/13/2005 3:53:36 PM

Hi Amanda,
Stunningly beautiful photograph. Outstanding pose, composition, and expression. Great choice of location and lighting. Excellent conversion to black & white as well. B)
        Photo By: A K  (K:8499)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/13/2005 3:46:08 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome Paul. It's a pleasure to be among so many nice people! B)
        Photo By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)

Critique By: Brian Smistek  (K:1062)  
8/13/2005 3:40:41 PM

Hello Mohammad,
This is a very interesting photo. I'm intrigued by the magical coat with its brilliant colors and patterns. This looks like part of a magical show. B)
        Photo By: Mohammad Reza Shahrokhi Nejad  (K:7396)

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