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Critique By: Ali Naghizadeh  (K:19600)  
9/5/2005 1:12:02 AM

Hi Bill ...
so where are u ?! and ur pics .. I thought i was the only one absent ..
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Pelin Altinoz  (K:648)  
5/11/2005 1:24:18 AM

        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Mark Beltran  (K:32612)  
5/11/2005 12:35:26 AM

It was reverse treason. The red white and blue dolls, as innocent as they look, provide stinging commentary in many ways. I'm not exactly correct on this, but one incarcerated person was asked who he was allied with; the U.S. or Japan. And he answered by saying: "what if your mom & dad were fighting, would you want your mom to kill your dad, or your dad to kill your mom? Or would you rather they just stop fighting and make up?"
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Robert Stokes  (K:4509)  
5/10/2005 12:30:29 AM

Overall this is a good image, though not quite of the caliber you may see in Climbing or Rock & Ice magazines (not that I have ever taken anything that good myself, but here goes anyway). On the plus side, the exposure looks pretty good, the subject (you) is framed nicely by the dark pine trees on the sides and your position on the rock is nice and dynamic. I do tend to prefer these type of shots to feature the subject (again, you) in a more frame filling manner. In other words, get closer, and resist the natural instinct to include all of everything, as in the whole rock or the whole tree in the image. Anyone who can't figure out what's going on in a tighter composition won't really be interested anyway. Besides, it looks like you have some ink on your back that in my opinion would add to the vibe of the scene. But hey, I understand wanting to show-off that blue bird sky as well, and as I said I do think this is a pretty good image. The important thing is that you were there enjoying life and have the image to prove it.
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Bill Baer  (K:212)  
5/9/2005 6:47:01 PM

This is the cap to a fire hydrant.
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Reza Fakhrai  (K:3014)  
5/8/2005 11:36:18 PM

I agree whole-heartedly about the rotating issue. As for the levels, I think the sky makes this picture. I really love the characteristics of the building. Stellar catch.
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: N RG  (K:-805)  
5/7/2005 4:27:58 PM

Great abstract shot. You should add it to the photoproject #50 Alternative Perspective
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Reza Fakhrai  (K:3014)  
5/6/2005 8:14:19 PM feels like a fisheye shot but I know it's not. It could be a little crisper IMO.
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Billy Houck  (K:2725)  
5/5/2005 12:52:23 AM

nice capture.
there you are, inside the bottle.
I like the angle of the flourescent lights, too.
reflections arent easy.
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Reza Fakhrai  (K:3014)  
5/4/2005 7:11:04 PM

I'd love to see some expansion on this photo, as to its meaning and its title. Nice colors...they definately stand out!
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Reza Fakhrai  (K:3014)  
5/4/2005 7:10:13 PM

You have a uniquely modern portfolio and this is no exception. Good eye for detail.
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Saeed Al Shamsi  (K:47735) Donor  
5/4/2005 8:25:51 AM

Nicely arranged composition, Saeed

        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Keith Ruddell  (K:3570)  
5/4/2005 12:59:31 AM

nice comoposition... looks like my place
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Bill Baer  (K:212)  
5/2/2005 9:29:29 PM

Thanks P.J. Thats the kind of feedback I'm looking for. I was at ground level when I took the photo and thats why the top looks larger then the bottom.
Thanks for the example on how rotating it would work, your right it does look better. I did have one that was croped but freinds didn't enjoy it as much. please see attached.
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Stephen  Bowden  (K:64141)  
5/1/2005 9:47:54 AM

I would not want to be a cat walking across his garden !!!

Fine capture Bill, if my lad's soccer ball landed in your neighbo(u)rs garden I am pretty certain it would be left in there lol

Welcome to Usefilm also :-)

Best wishes,
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Ali Naghizadeh  (K:19600)  
5/1/2005 5:26:50 AM

Hi Bill .. nice shot here .. well done .. Good composition ..

        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Ali Naghizadeh  (K:19600)  
4/25/2005 7:38:06 PM

Nice shot Bill ...good depth of field ... I think the blue part in the right bottom corner is a bit distracting and i think it might have been better without it !! but it's just an idea and the shots great anyway
Well done ..

Best regards,
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Ali Naghizadeh  (K:19600)  
4/25/2005 5:59:31 AM

Hi Bill ... Scary shot You captured it just at the right time ... well done .. the composition is nice ... and the title fits the image 100%

My best regards,
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)

Critique By: Ali Naghizadeh  (K:19600)  
4/22/2005 9:37:55 AM

Nice shot Bill ... Great contrast and good composition .. Well done ..

Best regards,
        Photo By: Bill Baer  (K:212)


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