Critique By:
Karen Sutherland (K:423)
1/16/2005 8:48:05 PM
Michele, it is the conflict between the turbine and the tree along with the arid landscape that drew me to this image. These huge turbines have intruded on many otherwise lovely landscapes and I reman unconvinced of their value at an alternative power generation system.
Photo By: Karen Sutherland
Critique By:
Michele Berti (K:14921)
1/16/2005 1:17:26 PM
nice. but there are two subject here which goes in conflict to me. u need to make a choise: the tree or the turbine? i think it would be better. hope this helps. take care.
Photo By: Karen Sutherland
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
1/16/2005 11:56:43 AM
Nice, Karen. It has a lonely look to it.
Photo By: Karen Sutherland
Critique By:
Maurizio Spadaccino (K:5132)
1/16/2005 9:58:24 AM
Stunning shot, it a fantastic composition; I love basically everything: the Turbine, the single tree, the clouds so dramatically over.... One of my favourites!
Photo By: Karen Sutherland
Critique By:
Tim Schumm (K:29196)
1/15/2005 11:20:36 PM
Good shot Karen, Welcome to Usefim....hope to see lots more images from you. this is a good start!
Photo By: Karen Sutherland
Critique By:
Karen Sutherland (K:423)
1/15/2005 10:18:14 PM
thank you, John, Lea and Hugo. This image was taken in the temperate rain forest of our Gipsland area. It is a truly beautiful area that I love spending time in. On the day I took this image, I was using my husbands camera becuase mine was in for cleaning. I was very pleased with the images I obtained. It was an interestign excercise given that I had to think a lot more about the shots I was takign due to being unfamilair with the camera.
Photo By: Karen Sutherland
Critique By:
Hugo de Wolf (K:185110)
1/14/2005 11:57:13 AM
Hi Karen, I like how the two lines of bridge and path converge; playful use of depth. Very nice shot, but looking at your website, I think you have much stronger photos than this one.... Still, it's a very well balanced composition, and the predominant green tones create a very lush atmosphere. Good shot.
Photo By: Karen Sutherland
Critique By:
Lea Mulqueen (K:7396)
1/11/2005 12:08:11 AM
This is beautiful! I love the lush greens and the path and bridge both lead the eye into the image. The people help give it a sense of scale. Good Work!
Photo By: Karen Sutherland
Critique By:
John Loreaux (K:86210)
1/10/2005 9:40:57 AM
Beautiful scene and very good perspective Karen! The dof is excellent! The colors are very nice also! Overall a real nice photo! My best..........JOHN
Photo By: Karen Sutherland