Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/14/2005 3:50:40 PM
very natural b/w composition ! I like it. In this case I must recommend a picture from a friend of mine, who took nearly the same object in b/w, look at http://www.usefilm.com/image/666256.html
well done. annie
Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/13/2005 5:27:15 PM
schöne stimmung. ruhe und bewegung. wundervolles licht. viele grüße. annie
Photo By: Paul Neubert
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/13/2005 5:02:42 PM
I'm really impressed by sharpness of contrast and brialliance of colours. Beautiful Strelizia, reminds me of a bird's head. annie
Photo By: Jorge Jacinto
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/13/2005 4:53:17 PM
Placticity is great. Colours are marvellous. Perfect shot. annie
Photo By: Dino Lupani
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/13/2005 4:48:54 PM
Beautiful blue. The title represents perfectly what's in. I especially like the duck ;-). Maybe I would have cropped the left side a bit, so that "the mysterious black thing" is not in the picture, but, anyway, it's really nice. annie
Photo By: Rodotheos Dovilus
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/13/2005 4:20:47 PM
Nice b-w picture, one really thinks of jungle and crocodiles while looking at it ;-) I would be interested in how it looks with colours ? Must be a very saturated green... I like it. Annie
Photo By: aa as
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/12/2005 6:42:12 PM
that looks really strange - is it a postmodern street lamp ? Maybe I wouldn't have cropped it that much, it takes one`s mind a little bit off the object itself. Cause the picture is interesting enough. I like it. Annie
Photo By: Horacio Castillo
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/12/2005 3:34:20 PM
Interesting composition. The flower is really good placed in this picture. I also use an olympus camedia - their real strength are the wonderful macro opportunities combined with its good catch for colours. I like it. Annie
Photo By: Gabriella Carta
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/12/2005 3:20:36 PM
Beautiful black-white-composition. And a nice play between textures: "peace" in the boy's clothes and lots of motion in all the corn and surroundings... I like it. Greetings from annie
Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/11/2005 11:39:41 PM
wunderschön, tolle farben, und gleich erkannt ;-) grüße von annie
Photo By: Paul Neubert
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/11/2005 2:12:14 PM
Hi Stephen, thanks for your comment. I'm really a newcomer at usefilm, the more I'm glad about all these nice comments in here. I had a look at your pictures, too: think we're both a bit flower-emphatic ;-) greetings from annie
Photo By: Annie Kuhlbars
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/10/2005 4:53:27 PM
Hi Kevin, thanks for your comment & the additional green for the bfly ! Of course, I like it. But in this case my intention (and probably the same for the bfly) was to hide itself in the flower so that the result is "camouflage". I like pictures, in which one can discover something. In general I try to "photoshop" my photos as little as possible, thou it's really getting harder to compete with all these extraordinary-colour pictures, you know what I mean ;-)... Thanks again. Annie
Photo By: Annie Kuhlbars
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/10/2005 4:40:51 PM
Hallo Andreas,
willkommen bei usefilm, schönes Foto, schöne Mm. quadrizeps... ;-).
Photo By: Andreas Werner
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/7/2005 11:08:46 PM
Hallo Paul, es gibt sie - die Blumen in Berlin... weiter so mit der Suche! Grüße von annie
Photo By: Paul Neubert
Critique By:
Annie Kuhlbars (K:105)
1/7/2005 6:43:37 PM
"microcosm" - if you know that movie - your picture can easily compete
Photo By: Mark Plonsky