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Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
6/8/2005 9:51:32 PM

Veramente fantastica, non so dire esattamente il perché, ma é una delle tue foto che mi piacciono di più. Forse é per via dell'ottima inquadratura, il contrasto di forma e colore tra la catena e la barca lontana... mah... o forse é semplicemente per l'idea davvero geniale. Comunque, complimenti!
        Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz  (K:6724)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
6/7/2005 9:24:18 PM

Ottimo ritratto, mi piaciono le loro espressioni diverse, riesci a catturare veramente bene le emozioni della gente nelle tue foto.
        Photo By: Tore Bully  (K:1308)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
6/7/2005 9:12:58 PM

Un nome un pò insolito per un bambino italiano! Comunque é veramente bello, e hai fatto una grande foto! L'unica critica é che si vede un pò troppo il riflesso del flash. saluti, chris
        Photo By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
6/4/2005 10:00:34 PM

Che bella vista!
Hai fatto bene a fermare così bene questo momento. Le onde sono veramente splendide stasera...
        Photo By: Marco Milia  (K:33)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
5/20/2005 8:55:24 PM

It looked good from the thumbnail, but unfortunately the soft focus and very harsh lighting seem to ruin this picture for me.
        Photo By: helea pusta  (K:1660)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
5/19/2005 9:49:25 PM

Foto molto bella - l'inquadratura mi piace, e pure la scelta di colore.
        Photo By: Olga Shelego  (K:30)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
5/19/2005 9:35:57 PM

I think this is an interesting and very effective shot. I think the colour choice is good and it's nicely sharp and in focus. Furthermore, I like the off-centered composition, with the bottom finger trailing off into darkness.
It makes me wonder though.. whose hands are they??
        Photo By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
5/19/2005 9:23:36 PM

Really nice shot - captures the mood of the moment well I think. The subtle focus and high contrast seem to add to the shot in this case. Works well in black and white. Maybe a tighter shot could have cut out that white flower on the right?
        Photo By: Omar Rifaat  (K:10141)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
5/12/2005 6:58:09 PM

great stuff, I think you've nailed this shot. The water effect is amplified by the razor-clarity of the stones. To nitpick, ideally I'd have preferred a tree with dark rather than light leaves on the right hanging over the stream, but you can't really go around replacing trees.
        Photo By: Bryan Miller  (K:3395)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
5/2/2005 8:35:31 PM

Great shot, the idea works well and the colours of the trails blend nicely into the clouds. A dramatic sky enhances the effect.
        Photo By: Marco Milia  (K:33)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
4/7/2005 7:22:14 PM

nice idea, I like it.
        Photo By: Tore Bully  (K:1308)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
3/26/2005 10:35:14 PM

bella foto, piena di calore e tranquillità... composizione giusta, e funziona bene in bianco e nero, anche se per me c'é un po troppo contrasto.
saluti e buona pasqua
        Photo By: Orazio Minnella  (K:49417)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
3/26/2005 10:19:27 PM

very effective... good colour and contrast, also razor sharp. This shot has atmosphere..
        Photo By: m.c. lopez  (K:14766)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
3/26/2005 10:16:49 PM

bella composizione, purtroppo non c'é abbastanza contrasto tra i colori.
        Photo By: paolo marin  (K:4652)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
2/28/2005 5:55:45 PM

Per me, questa e davvero una foto fantastica!
Ottima idea, molto ben realizzata.
        Photo By: Tore Bully  (K:1308)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
2/28/2005 5:48:43 PM

I like the idea, though I think the image as a whole is too cluttered, maybe better to focus more on the people, and to include the woman's face.
        Photo By: Luca Azzoni  (K:435)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
2/20/2005 8:33:07 PM

bei colori ma purtroppo manca qualcosa di interessante
        Photo By: Alex Comaschi  (K:1457)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
2/7/2005 3:35:15 PM

Molto bella, mi piace l'atmosfera. Penso che funzioni molto bene il bianco e nero in questa occasione
        Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz  (K:6724)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
1/5/2005 7:11:03 PM

Using slower shutter speeds will always result in more blurred photos as the shutter will be open for longer and thus there will be more time for movement to be picked up by the film, which appears as blur. Ideally tou'd be using a tripod for this kind of shot, but when was the last time you saw someone walking into a train station and setting up a tripod... I think the shutter speed is ok as long as you are able to 'pan' the camera to follow the strain well whilst the shutter is open. From my experience it's a pretty hard technique to crack so I would advise starting with a faster shutter speed to begin with, the effect would still be there but the rest of the station would be more in focus.
        Photo By: Justin Boland  (K:32)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
1/5/2005 4:34:00 PM

Semplicemente fantastico! Mi piacerebbe scrivere ancora su questa foto ma purtroppo non c'è nulla di altro da dire! Composizione, colori, ecc sembra tutto perfetto.
Magari sarebbe bello vedere anche un'altro ritratto centrato sull'uomo e la sua ombra.
Comunque bella!
        Photo By: Roberta A.  (K:976)

Critique By: Chris Thomas  (K:244)  
1/5/2005 4:25:07 PM

wow I really have a weak spot for train station photos! I quite like this shot, but I think that perhaps you've overdone the blurred effect slightly and it does not seem to be totally straight, which is a bit offputting.
        Photo By: Justin Boland  (K:32)


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