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Critiques From Blair Prater


Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
4/23/2005 1:38:38 AM

Stunning. This picture is absolutely lovely. Congratulations on your awards, you definately deserve it.
        Photo By: John Lamb  (K:9687)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
2/4/2005 12:56:38 AM

I've always loved your sense of humor Josh, I also love the creative style in which you decided to get payback with.
        Photo By: Joshua Rainey  (K:5069)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
1/16/2005 8:23:30 PM

I'm guessing Rachael's hand. Y'know, it won't let me see if you updated any pictures on the thing on the top that says how many images have been uploaded by your friends. It's ticking me off. Anyway, I really like this picture an dhow the fingers are focused and the palm isn't.
        Photo By: Joshua Rainey  (K:5069)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
1/16/2005 8:17:47 PM

At first we said 'What is this?!?' But then we both went, 'Oh!' when we saw the stairs... we're a little braindead right now.~Blair & Shelley
        Photo By: Joshua Rainey  (K:5069)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
1/12/2005 1:19:42 AM

Hey Seth, I thinkt his is the first image of yours that I'm commenting on. I love the detail of the wall in the background. Though it is kinda' hard to see the person at first.
        Photo By: Seth Magee  (K:284)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
1/11/2005 5:26:53 AM

I love the way you can take a scene we can walk by every day and not give a moments notice to, and suddenly turn it thought provoking and interesting with a photograph. I think the little details like the puddles add some fun to it also.
        Photo By: Joshua Rainey  (K:5069)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
1/11/2005 5:23:08 AM

There's something about this picture I rwally like. I think it's all the vibrant colors of red and green. it's truely beautiful and looks almost is if it were a painted masterpeice. Keep up the good work Josh, I always love to log on and see updates from you.
        Photo By: Joshua Rainey  (K:5069)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
12/11/2004 1:08:12 AM

You're in trouble too Miles! You haven't updated since October, I'm sure I'm not the only one waiting for new pictures from you.
        Photo By: Miles Rouch  (K:410)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
11/23/2004 10:04:46 PM

Miles, I love the picture. Only downside is, that it reminds me of how those two feet managed to end up next to me on both Frontline bus rides.

P.S. Your feet really smell.
        Photo By: Miles Rouch  (K:410)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
11/20/2004 5:43:00 AM

Josh, this picture is great. It brings back so many memories of Frontline. I can just hear the lobby fountains running and people talking, mingled with the 'tings' of the elevators and the low hum of the escalators. I can almost see Jason standing just left of the fake tree that I remember someone knocking over, taking a picture with his cellphone of all the people that decided to wear black tee-shirts. I realize that this won't make any sense to anyone who wasn't at Frontline, but I could go on and on about how much this image brings back. And, is that Cory sitting in that chair?
        Photo By: Joshua Rainey  (K:5069)

Critique By: Blair Prater  (K:74)  
11/17/2004 4:26:24 AM

Josh, this picture is awesome! The blurred edges, glistening rocks, and movement of the water work well with each other.
        Photo By: Joshua Rainey  (K:5069)


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