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Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/4/2006 3:02:02 PM

hi dear Javid
welcome to usefilm )

.... the grain, the choice of color and the composition! Unique.
very Well done!
        Photo By: Javid Tafazoli  (K:15)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/4/2006 3:00:16 PM

woooow Pooriya
A lovely work of art,....!
Composition is great. I like the angle and how you framed the model. Contrast and lighting are fantastic. Nothing I can say against. Everything seems to be perfect.

very great work

        Photo By: Pooriya Zarrabi  (K:3836)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/4/2006 3:00:01 PM

Oh...Kamran jan I missed this great shot...I love everything about this image!
civilian targets ... I've got nothing to add, really
Your composition is fantastic! The colors splendid, and I love this lovely feeling between these children.

Bravo dear Kamran.

        Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari  (K:24048)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/4/2006 1:46:29 PM

just like a painting...I love this romantic colors....very well done.

        Photo By: Andrzej Pradzynski  (K:22541)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/4/2006 1:45:44 PM

caro Simone
what an amazing angle and composition....very very unusual ....
bravo my dear friend

        Photo By: Simone Tagliaferri  (K:28180)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/3/2006 1:36:06 PM

really great shot....
        Photo By: Maryam Amiri  (K:754)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/3/2006 12:00:21 PM

mamnoonam Mohsen jan You're a constant visitor to my page, always having a wonderfull comment to make.Thank you very much for your devotion.
wooow called it a dreamy shot... I'm really so glad that you can feel it.
about my dress it 's just a white cloth that I wrapped it up myself
i really feel flattered by your comments
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/3/2006 11:59:45 AM

Thank you dear Avi , As always you are very encouraging and your comments and critic are highly appreciated.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/3/2006 11:49:20 AM

yes.... I were so sad about Syd Barret but after reading your comment I really feel fine, it gives me a lot of motivation.
wooow...Hope you have great time and enjoy in Roger Waters concert

        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/3/2006 10:29:16 AM

thanks my dear friend , Mohammad
sorry for my delay to reply your great comment ...
again , my heartfelt congratulations to you for your great desert shots in your exhibition, I am truly proud to be your friend.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/3/2006 10:29:11 AM

Mohsen jan,
thanks for always your nice comments and deep feelings.
sorry for my absence I was really so busy (
finally in this weekend I can find a little free time to answer your lovely comments.
bazam mamnoonam.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
8/3/2006 10:29:01 AM

thank you Mohsen jan ...with this lovely comment I really feel fine ...Thank you.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/26/2006 9:06:01 PM

mibini che rahat tare
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/25/2006 10:57:09 AM

        Photo By: Mahmoud Baha Sadri  (K:19634)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/20/2006 7:15:46 AM

I can touch the feeling in the image. Good composition and expression, light is great too. Well done dear ucmorlale

        Photo By: Faika Berat  Pehlivan  (K:2160)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/20/2006 7:15:40 AM

Batoor jan, Your idea looks very good actually...I agree with you about its more balanced...
mamnoon for your attentoin....where are your new shots?
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/20/2006 7:15:21 AM

mamnoonam Kamran jan for your always attentions.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/20/2006 7:15:16 AM

Yes...they finally find their way
Pan....I'll be expecting to see your new shots
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/20/2006 7:15:13 AM

Thanks a million for your kindness my dear Paolo
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/19/2006 6:16:49 PM

wooow..this is really great.
        Photo By: Debarshi Duttagupta  (K:26815)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/19/2006 6:34:26 AM

I'm glad you like it dear Marta,I really love your comments , it gives me a lot of motivation.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/19/2006 6:34:26 AM

OH...Mohsen jan,what a great comment... i LOVE reading it...
thanks so much as always I thouroughly enjoy your comments.....i appreciate your suggestion with that big rock on the left,I want to show the large spce of Kalut...I donno maybe it's a little distract
tanks again.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/19/2006 6:34:09 AM

yes.... they don't know
in my next shot you can seethem in one way...they close to each other.......
its title is "every body share the LOVE" in that shot you can see two person on the left side and one way
always I thouroughly enjoy your comments because they are very encouraging
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/19/2006 6:33:55 AM

Mohsen jan, you are the one of intellegent photographers in Usefilm who has got eagle eyes
as always your idea and thoughts are attractive for me.
Yes I agree with you I fall in love with some of my shots like this "taciturn series" ... Maybe because thses shot was taken in my darkroom from myself .... oh thank you for calling me an artist but I think I'm at the start of the road to be an artist ...I'm just a girl who like art
bazam azat mamnoonam.
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/19/2006 5:27:00 AM

merci Batoor jan.... you are really one of my best friend in usefilm
        Photo By: mary karimi  (K:10818)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/18/2006 1:55:55 PM

this is so wonderful work....
full of life and energy

        Photo By: Maryam Ashoori  (K:2186)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/18/2006 1:54:46 PM

hehehehehe.....this is so funny.....oh Maryam jan you give me a great smile on my face.... thank you
        Photo By: Maryam Ashoori  (K:2186)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/18/2006 8:24:09 AM

so she also has great mind like you ...congrats.
        Photo By: Bulent Ozturk  (K:6886)

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/18/2006 7:28:09 AM

we have two ways for escape...which one do you prefer?.... whit train or by stairs... we can escape together... escape to my desert Shots
bravo my dear Paolo .... you are really have great eyes to capture these professional shots.

        Photo By: Paolo Corradini  (K:59552) Donor

Critique By: mary karimi  (K:10818)  
7/18/2006 7:28:00 AM a sureal painting...bravo my dear have a very good mind to think....
Bravo and bravo...

        Photo By: Bulent Ozturk  (K:6886)

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