Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/11/2006 5:20:01 PM
again and again like always  this is really an strong shot.....i love this texture and want to touch it in reality not from my monitor 
thank you for this proffessinal series from texture. have a wonderful weekend. Mary
Photo By: Robert Kocs
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/11/2006 5:19:20 PM
merci sara jan ...khoshhalam ke az yekishoon khoshet oomad )))
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/11/2006 5:16:05 PM
Thank you again for your always lovely comments  have a nice weekend.
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/10/2006 8:32:37 AM
what a tempting apple....wooow...a green appel...one of my favoriets..... I think you were luckey to have this lovely fruit... wish I was there too.... Color tone, composition and your background are really great. P.S : cangratulation for your 100th shots ))
Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/10/2006 7:45:24 AM
Great angle/perspective ... wonderful, warm light and colors and texture... keep on your god work 
Photo By: Faika Berat Pehlivan
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/10/2006 7:44:12 AM
...mmmmm....ehmmm...after 100 shots ... so after 100 shots you could fly over the highway and drive between lights 
)) Great play with lights and lines... Bravo Mohammad jan. and also congrats for your 101 shots 
Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/10/2006 7:43:44 AM
woooow....Giuliano I love the background of this shot....The people were sitting and listining to music.... also the imotion of the pianist is great...
ADD to my FAVorite 
Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/10/2006 7:43:28 AM
oh...Robert what an amayzing texture...I really like tiis sn old series....You are really talent to take this kind of shot  Bravooo and bravoooo and Bravooooo

Photo By: Robert Kocs
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/10/2006 6:36:53 AM
mamnoonam Tannaz jan... Hope to see you and talk in Y! messenger
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/7/2006 9:37:29 PM
Enjoy happiness .... dear Mohammad
works very well in B/W against the black background but I have some problems with some thing in backgroung...mmm...maybe some papers... a very nice shot in a very NICE day.... ))
this shot and the previous one show your good talent in this kind of project. Bravooooo........... keep up the good work and don't forget to take your camera with you to work 
Photo By: Mohammad Porooshani
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/7/2006 9:21:43 PM
Thank you dear Jasper...mmm...maybe you 're right...thank you for your suggestion.
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/7/2006 9:18:44 PM
merci Mohsen jan ))) vaghean azat mamnoonam ke baraye tamame aksaye in seri comment neveshti
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/7/2006 9:17:40 PM
thank you my dear simone
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/6/2006 9:20:31 PM
wooow.... just great....
Photo By: L.V. B
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 10:03:29 PM
dear VMT I come to see your shot....I really like some of them... this one is really wonderful with magic colors and light.
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 9:57:42 PM
wooow...look at this comment ...this is from my caro Paolo....thanks as always  grande bachio :P
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 9:57:24 PM
Thank you dear Fabio, I'm really glad to see you again...thanks.
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 9:57:17 PM
thank you my dear friend Rashed...
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 9:56:29 PM
grande bachio my dear Paolo ))) thank you sooooo much.
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 9:56:15 PM
no.....it's not all i also have two shots after these shots... this series includes six photos  but by this action she finished her life  ... I always glad to see you and your supportive and lovely comments )))) thank you.
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 9:55:42 PM
thank you again my dear friend. na man aslan nemikham khashen besham  chera in tore fekr kardi? in aks dar edameye akshaye digast.... dar edameye ravande dastan bayad in ettefagh mioftad.... va che ghadr khoshhal shodam ke to ehsasesh kardi ke khashene
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 9:54:59 PM
I want to show her feeling by this blurry ...maybe I couldn't...
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 9:54:30 PM
thank you Mohsen jan.... no these aren't self shots.... I took thses shots 4 or 5 years ago ...and last week I found them between my the others nagatives.... I have a good feeling and memories about them....

wooow it seems so intersting, you shown your selfshots in London? bravoo....
again and again thank you so much.
Photo By: mary karimi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 3:02:16 PM
I would like to congratulate you for your fantastic portfolio which I'm admiring right now. You have a very creative mind Sara with so simple camera.... bravo
Photo By: Sarah Zand Vakili
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 3:02:02 PM
hi dear Javid welcome to usefilm )
.... the grain, the choice of color and the composition! Unique. very Well done!
Photo By: Javid Tafazoli
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 3:00:16 PM
woooow Pooriya A lovely work of art,....! Composition is great. I like the angle and how you framed the model. Contrast and lighting are fantastic. Nothing I can say against. Everything seems to be perfect.
very great work 
Photo By: Pooriya Zarrabi
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 3:00:01 PM
Oh...Kamran jan I missed this great shot...I love everything about this image! civilian targets ... I've got nothing to add, really  Your composition is fantastic! The colors splendid, and I love this lovely feeling between these children.
Bravo dear Kamran.
Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 1:46:29 PM
just like a painting...I love this romantic colors....very well done.
Photo By: Andrzej Pradzynski
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/4/2006 1:45:44 PM
wooooow caro Simone what an amazing angle and composition....very very unusual .... bravo my dear friend 
Photo By: Simone Tagliaferri
Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
8/3/2006 1:36:06 PM
woooow...Maryam. really great shot.... bravo....
Photo By: Maryam Amiri